Презентация "Проблемы современного миграционного процесса"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Tatyana Polskaya

В данной презентации рассматриваются некоторые основные проблемы современного миграционного процесса.


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Слайд 1

Done by:Vasilevskaya angelina Revised by:Polskaya t.n Voronezh 2014 Problems of Modern Migration

Слайд 2

What migration is and types of migration Human migration is movement by humans from one place to another, sometimes over long distances or in large groups. People who migrate into a territory are called immigrants, while at the departure point they are called emigrants. Types of Migration : Internal Migration External Migration Emigration Immigration Population transfer Impelled Migration (also called "reluctant" or "imposed" migration) Step Migration Chain Migration Return Migration Seasonal Migration

Слайд 3

A list of countries by immigrant population Map of the world with countries coloured according to their immigrant population as a percentage of total population (as of 2005 ): more than 50% 20% to 50% 10% to 20% 4% to 10% 1% to 4% less than 1% no data

Слайд 4

The Reasons of Human Migration People move for a variety of reasons. They consider the advantages and disadvantages of staying versus moving, as well as factors such as distance, travel costs, travel time, modes of transportation, terrain, and cultural barriers . Push and pull factors are those factors which either forcefully push people into migration or attract them . Push Factors : Pull Factors : Not enough jobs Few opportunities “Primitive” conditions Desertification Education Political fear/persecution Poor medical care Loss of wealth Natural Disasters Death threats Slavery Pollution Poor housing Landlords Bullying Discrimination Poor chances of finding courtship Job opportunities Better living conditions Political and/or religious freedom Enjoyment Famine/drought Better medical care Security Family links Industry Better chances of finding courtship

Слайд 5

The History of Migration Historical migration of human populations begins with the movement of Homo erectus out of Africa across Eurasia about a million years ago. Homo sapiens appear to have occupied all of Africa about 150,000 years ago, moved out of Africa 70,000 years ago, and had spread across Australia, Asia and Europe by 40,000 years BC . Scheme of Indo-European migrations from ca . 4000 to 1000 BC according to the Kurgan hypothesis .

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The Problems of Modern Migration According to the International Organization for Migration's World Migration Report 2010, the number of international migrants was estimated at 214 million in 2010 . If this number continues to grow at the same pace as during the last 20 years, it could reach 405 million by 2050 . Some contemporary economic migration occurs even where the migrant becomes illegally resident in their destination country and therefore at major disadvantage in the employment market. Forced migration has been a means of social control under authoritarian regimes, yet free-initiative migration is a powerful factor in social adjustment and the growth of urban populations .

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The M igration to the UK Migration to and from the UK, 1991–2008 (Source : Office for National Statistics)

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The Migration to Germany

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The Migration to France Immigration to France exceeded 200,000 in recent years, as shown in table below . Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 % 2008 Africa 94 317 101 658 100 567 95 309 92 194 83 606 90 582 42,9 European Union 50 540 50 247 46 708 55 941 55 000 55 000 55000 21,6 Other European countries (including Turkey) 16 438 17 518 18 529 21 063 19 328 16 720 17 656 8,4 Asia 29 070 30 346 30 458 29 274 29 918 29 196 31 700 15,0 Americans 14 682 14 958 14 917 14 941 15 454 14 272 15 154 7,2 Others 660 642 684 756 826 864 963 0,5 All countries 205 707 215 396 211 863 217 284 212 720 199 658 211 055 100,0

Слайд 10

The Migration to Russia

Слайд 11

Migration occurs due to the large gap in economic, demographic, political development and security between the countries that send and receive migrants. But migration is the process that can close that gap. Thus sending and receiving countries should develop mutual solutions, that will allow these countries and migrants to benefit from such relations. From that standpoint Europe should develop a comprehensive migration policy to level the economic and humanitarian interests, including procedures for selection and admission of people who will be eligible to become temporary or permanent immigrants. Also it is necessary to improve integration policy and conditions to let migrants get access to social security systems, education and health care.

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