test for 7
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Самсонова Ирина Степановна

экспресс-тест для учащихся 7 класса по учебнику Ю. Ваулиной.


Файл экспресс-тест по грамматике.13.83 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


          For questions 1 – 8  choose the best alternative A, B, C or D.

1. You should _____ at the door before entering.

  1. Knocked
  2. To knock
  1. Knocking
  2. Knock

2. The men will have to wait all day ______ the doctor works faster.

  1. if
  2. whether
  1. unless
  2. that

3. Mr. Smith, there’s a man at the door ___ says he has news for you.

  1. who
  2. which
  1. where
  2. how

4. Hundreds of jobs ______ if the factory closes.

  1. lose
  2. will be lost
  1. are lost
  2. will lose

5. If this dictionary is not yours, _______can it be?

  1. what else
  2. who else
  1. which else's
  2. who else's

6. – Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? – Yes, I gave it to her__I saw her.

  1. the moment
  2. once
  1. suddenly
  2. once

7. I’ve won a holiday for two to Florida. I _______ my friend.

  1. take
  2. am taking
  1. have taken
  2. will have taken

8. – Why haven’t you bought any butter? – I _______to, but I forgot about it.

  1. liked
  2. wished
  1. meant
  2. expected

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