A concert (текст для отработки простого прошедшего времени)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс)

Воробьева Елена Николаевна (Зарина)

Текст -практическое задание для отработки неправильных глаголов.


Файл a_concert_past_simple.docx45.55 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

 A Concert  

Yesterday Sally went to the concert. She likes music and she wanted to go the concert very much. But she never was in  the big concert hall in the city centre.  Her mother bought tickets. She bought 3 tickets. Sally invited her friend Daniel to the concert. Daniel was happy. They met at 6 p.m.  and went to the concert hall.

The concert hall was really beautiful. The musicians were very famous. It was an orchestra. Sally and Daniel listened to the music. In the break Sally said:

-Now I know that I really like classical music! I want to come to the concert hall again!

-Me too! – said Daniel. I like all the instruments, especially trumpet and trombone! I want to play trumpet!

After the concert they went to the café. They drank tea and ate some muffins. They talked and laughed.

Then Sally and her mother said Good-bye to Daniel and went home. At home Sally said:

  • I want to play in our school orchestra. Tomorrow I ask our teacher what instrument I can play.


A Concert  

Yesterday Sally went to the concert. She likes music and she wanted to go the concert very much. But she never was in  the big concert hall in the city centre.  Her mother bought tickets. She bought 3 tickets. Sally invited her friend Daniel to the concert. Daniel was happy. They met at 6 p.m.  and went to the concert hall.

The concert hall was really beautiful. The musicians were very famous. It was an orchestra. Sally and Daniel listened to the music. In the break Sally said:

-Now I know that I really like classical music! I want to come to the concert hall again!

-Me too! – said Daniel. I like all the instruments, especially trumpet and trombone! I want to play trumpet!

After the concert they went to the café. They drank tea and ate some muffins. They talked and laughed.

Then Sally and her mother said Good-bye to Daniel and went home. At home Sally said:

  • I want to play in our school orchestra. Tomorrow I ask our teacher what instrument I can play.


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