Самостоятельные и контрольные работы по английскому языку, 5-9 классы
тест по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс)

Корсакова Виктория Игоревна

Самостоятельные и контрольные работы по английскому языку, 5-9 классы


Предварительный просмотр:



watch the video and do the tasks  

Form 5  

1. Check your understanding: gap fill.  Complete the gaps with the correct name.

Greta                    Sumi                                  Pablo

1. _______________ introduces Greta to Pablo.

2. _______________ is German.

3. _______________ is Argentinian.

2. Check your understanding: gap fill Write the words to fill the gaps.

Sumi:  Hi,Pablo. How are you?

Pablo: Hi,Sumi. __1_____________,thanks.

Sumi: Pablo, this is Greta.

Pablo: Hi,Greta.___2____________ Pablo.

Greta:  Hi. How are you?

Pablo: I’m fine, thanks. ________3_______ from,Greta?

Greta: I’m from Germany. Where are you from?

Pablo: I’m from Argentina. _______4________ meet you.

Greta:  Nice to meet you too

2) Form 5 house  http://www.insideout.net/blog/elessons/video-lesson-30-my-house watch the video and do the tasks


  1. Form 5 Family   I Read about Ben and Write these answers.  

1 What is Ben’s surname?

2 Who is Paul?

My pen-friend is called Ben Brown. He is twelve. His address is 3 Barton Road, England. His father, David, is a dentist, and his mother, Maria, is a secretary. His big sister is called Isabel. She is sixteen. His little brother, Paul ,is seven. His school is called The Manor. It is next to the Odeon cinema in Manchester. Ben is in class two. his English teacher is Miss Green. She is nice.

II Are these statements True or False?

1 Ben is seven.

2 His father is a secretary.

3 Isabel is his little sister.

4 His school is in Manchester.

5 His English teacher is nice.

III Answer the questions about Ben.

1 How old is he?

2 Is his father a teacher?

3 Who is a secretary?

4 What’s his little called?

5 Who is Miss Green?

4) iV Complete the form with the information about Ben.

About Ben:





About his family:



Sister-Name:…     Age:….

Brother-Name:…   Age:….

About his school:



English teacher:…

  1. Form 5 Family.  Read about Ken and Xristos.    

Ken is British. He is nine and he is in Class Two at school. His sister is called Judy. She’s eleven. Ken and Judy are from Kendal, a small town in the north of England. Their father is a teacher. His name is Harry. Their mother, Pam, is an artist.

Xristos is Greek. His big sister is called Katerina. They are from a village near Thessaloniki. Xristos is nine and Katerina  is fourteen. At school, he is in class Two and she is in class Six. Their father, Nikos, is a teacher and their mother is a housewife. His name is Thora.

Are these statements True or False?

1 Xristos and his family is from Greece.

2 Ken and Judy are from London.

3 Their home town is Kendal.

4 Kendal is a large city.

5 Nikos and Thora are from a village.

6Their village is in Greece.

7 Ken and Xristos are twelve.

8 Their sisters are nine.

Answer the questions with short answers.

1Is Ken British?   -Yes,he is.

2 Is his sister called Judy?...

3 Is Judy Greek?...

4Are Zristos and Katerina Greek?.....

5 Are ken and Xristos in Class Two in their school?...

6 Are Judy and Katerina their sisters?....

7 Are their fathers teachers?....

8 Are Pam and Thora teachers?...



1)Write using Possessive case.

E.g.  Tim, book – Tim’s book

1.  John, car _________

2.  Kate, cat _________

3.  Rita, doll_________

4.  Charlie, pen_______

5.  Dan, pet__________

2) Make questions with do/does. Put the words in the correct order.

1(where / live / your parents) Where do your parents live

2 (you / early / always / get up) Do you always get up early

3  (how often / TV / you / watch) 

4 (you / want / what / for dinner) 

5 (like / you / football) 

6 (your brother / like / football) 

7 (what / you / do / in your free time) 

8 (your sister / work / where) 

9  (what / mean / this word) 

10  (go / usually / to bed / what time / you) 

11  (how much / to phone New York / it / cost) 

12  (you / for breakfast / have / usually / what) 

3)Write short answers  form 5

1 Is Tony British? Yes, ----

2 Is Anna Polish? Yes, ---

3 Is your father from the USA? Yes,------

4 Are you a student? Yes, --------

5 Is Moscow in Russia? Yes,----

6 Is Ann from the UK? No, ------

7 Are you hungry? No,----

8 Is the pilot American? No,-----

9 Is this car Japanese? No,----

10 Is your mother in the shop? No, -----

11 Are you from France? Yes,----

12 Are you from Paris?No, ------

We’re from Oxford.

13 Is Oxford in the UK? Yes, ----

14Is it beautiful? Yes, ----

4) 5 form / to be/

Write the questions:

  1. … ?No, my name is not Simon.
  2. …  ? Yes, I am from London.
  3. …. ? Yes, he is 23.
  4. … ? No, she is not American.
  5. ….? Yes, my favourite school

                subject is English.

Write short answers:

1 Are you American? No, ….

2 Is Mr. Claydon a teacher? Yes, …

3 Are Mark and Pete at school? Yes, …

4 Is it an English book? No,…

5 Are your favourite subjects Sport and Music?

Choose the right variant

1 I am/is Terry/

2 What are/is your surname?

3 Is/are you at school?

4 I am/are a student.

5 How old is/are you?

5)Form 5 Read the short paragraph and correct the mistakes.

1  hello,

my name’s yuri and i’m ten.i’m in year 5 at school.i like english,art and p.e.my favourite lesson is music.i have music on mondays and saturdays.

What about you?



6)Solve the crosswords














По горизонтали:

По вертикали:

3. кроссовки

4. перчатки

5. велосипед

6. сумочка


12. часики

1. скейтборд

2. цифровой фотоаппарат

7. плюшевый мишка

8. кепка

10. мяч баскетбольный

11. шарф

13. шлем


















По горизонтали:

По вертикали:




8. этаж

9. ванна

10. раковина

15. дом

16. диван

1. окно

2. кресло

3. ковер

6. стол

7. плита кухонная

8. квартира

11. комната

12. раковина(на кухне)

13. книжный шкаф

14. ступеньки

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7) Form 5 module 6 Test














the shopping

on computer

to school

Speak about:

1What you usually do a) during the working day; b) at the weekend;

2 What you prefer to do when the weather is a) good; b) bad;

3 What your family members like to do when the weather is a) good; b) bad;

4 Give advice on what to do to make yourself feel better when the weather is bad;

Write short answers.

1 Is it raining? –

2 Are you watching TV?

3 Are you wearing a white sweater?

4  Is your mum talking on the phone?

5 Is your friend eating now?

6 Are your classmates swimming in the pool? –

Insert the correct preposition of time (in/on/at).

____ summer I play football ____ Sundays.

The train leaves Moscow ____ 4 p.m.

He likes playing tennis ____ weekends.

My sister’s birthday is ____ March.

We often eat in a restaurant ____ Fridays.

Noviy Urengoy is very cold ____ winter.

Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the list.

build         write        teach           wave goodbye         play       read             listen

Be quiet! They _______________________ a dictation!

What is your dad doing right now? – I think, he ___________________ children at school.

Where is Sue? – She ____________________ a book.

What are they doing? – They ___________________ a new school.

Look, your mum ______________________________ to her schoolchildren.

We ________________ computer games. Join in!

Don’t switch the radio off! I __________________ to it.


  1. Sovetskiy

Fill in :Street/many/capital/places/town/proud of/founded/beautiful/new/libraries.

I live in the… of  Sovetsky. It is not a … .It is a new town.  It  was … in 1962.

There are lots of … to visit in our town. There are ... shops, schools,…, museums,

stadiums, a park and a church in our town. There are many … streets there. I live in Lenina … .I like my town and I am … … it.

2) Ask questions with who, what, how, where, when or why

_______ is your name?

_______ do you spell your name?

_______ are you from?

_______ do you live?

_______ old are you?

_______ is your birthday?

_______ tall are you?

_______ kind of films do you like?

_______ is your favorite singer?

_______ is your favorite TV programme?

3)Complete the conversation.

-Hello.-----  --- your name?


-   ----  country are you from?

- ----‘m from the UK.

-  ----you British?

- No, ---- ---. I’m American.

- How old -----      ----?

-  I’m eleven.

- ----class ------you in?

-  I’m in class 5a.

4) Use have/has and make up sentences

        +                You/a skateboard  

                 -            She/a helmet

            ?                     We/a guitar


 He/a cap

       +                They/a digital camera

                       -                It/a scarf

            ?                        You/a basketball


    I/a watch

          -                 We/a handbag

               ?               They/gloves

               -              He/a teddy bear

                ?            She/trainers

          -                I/a bicycle

                     -                     You/toys

               -                 They/a flag

                -               You/stamps


5) Talk to complete the dialogue.

Mary: I have got a good friend.

Nick: What is … name?

Mary: … name is Kitty. She is a nice girl.

Nick: How old is …?

Mary: … is 10. Look! This is … brother.

Nick: What is … name?

Mary: … name is Peter. … is a student.

Nick: And where are … parents?

Mary: … are in London

6) 5 form module 6b


What do they do?

Where do they work?


Bake bread/ make cakes

At the bakery


Teach pupils

At school


Paint pictures

At art studio


Help sick people

At hospital


Serve foods and drinks

At the café/ restaurant


Repair  cars

In a garage


Drive a car/ bus/ taxi


Deliver letters/ newspapers to people’s houses

At the post office

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Задания для самостоятельной работы 7 класс



Listen to the story and put the sentences in order. /key/

 5 The other servants were very mean to Dick, so Dick decided to run away.

4 The businessman took the cat on his ship to catch rats.

 1 Dick decided to travel to London and become a rich man.

 6 A church bell seemed to say, ‘Turn back, Dick Whittington, Mayor of London!’

8 Dick started a very successful business of his own.

 3 Dick's cat caught all the rats that came into the house.

2 A rich businessman gave Dick a job cleaning the kitchen.

 7 The businessman gave Dick a reward and promoted him to his assistant.

2. Choose the answer! Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer.

 a. When Dick arrived in London there were no streets of . silver / gold / money

 b. Dick worked very hard and was . sad / rich / happy

 c. At night, rats ran around the and kept him awake. kitchen / bedroom / castle

 d. Dick found the fastest rat-catching in London. mouse / dog / cat

 e. Dick was very to see the cat go. sad / happy / excited

f. Dick’s cat had caught all the on the ship. cats / rats / sailors

g. Dick worked for the businessman. hard / slowly / badly

h. And, yes, he did become Mayor of ! Whittington / England / London


Read the text and answer the questions:

2C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\фото руслана\082.JPG

1What is Billy?

Where did Billy’s owner put him?

3 Who found Billy?

4 Why couldn’t Billy lift his head?

5 Who saved Billy?


1)Module 1    Should/Shouldn’t     Life is hard for Kevin. Give him some advice.

1. I’ve got spots.                                             Wash your face carefully/eat chocolates.

        You should wash your face carefully.                You shouldn’t eat chocolate.

2.I’m tired.                                                    Go to bed early/watch TV all night.

3. I’m unfit.                                                         Do more exercise/eat chips every day.

4.”Look,20 % for my English test.                            Study carefully/ sleep in the class.

5. I’ve got a terrible headache.                                Take some aspirins/ go out in sun.

6. My girlfriend won’t speak to me.                          Write her a note/ follow her all the time.

7. I’ve forgotten to bring my homework to school.    Explain to teacher/ try to invent to excuse.

8. I’m getting really fat.                                        Eat more fruit/ eat sweets.

9. I’m fed up. My friend’s gone away.                   Try to meet other people/stay at home.

10. I hate my bedroom- it’s really boring.                 Buy some posters/leave it in a mess.

2) Module 3 Прилагательные c -ING описывают предметы и ситуации, которые вызывают определенное состояние или эмоцию, а прилагательные с -ED описывают это вызванное состояние. Например, если я читаю книгу и она интересная (interesting), то, в результате этого я становлюсь заинтересованным (interested).

Choose the right variant and translate the sentences:

Jessica was ... because the film was ... . (boring – bored)

I was really ... with that ... idea. (interesting – interested)

The town was ... with that ... news. (horrifying – horrified)

The situation was ... and we were ... . (depressing – depressed)

Bob was ... with those ... insects. (annoying – annoyed)

The teacher asked a ... question and I got completely ... . (confusing – confused)

My trip was quite ... and I got home very ... . (tiring – tired)

Frank was ... because the results of the test were too ... . (disappointing – disappointed)

The weather is ... . It makes the children ... . (frightening – frightened)

Our flight was long and ... , so I got really ... . (exhausting – exhausted)

3) Module 2 Relative pronouns /adverbs      

 Fill in: when/ who/which/where/whose/why.

  1. John, ……brother is a clown, is throwing a costume party next Sunday.
  2. December 25th,…….Christmas takes place, is also my parents’ anniversary.
  3. Perugia, ----------the Euro chocolate Festival is held every year is a city in central Italy.
  4. Lyn is the girl------------is having the party on Friday.
  5. The costume-------Jim has chosen for the party is very funny.
  6. I’m talking about the girl ----------has long brown hair and green eyes.
  7. This is the skate park-------people come to skateboard.
  8. He tried to explain--------he did such  a thing.
  9. The girl------------hair is curly is my elder sister.

            10 2011 was the year --------we played in the chess contest.

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4) Past Simple


Past simple : questions 
Put the words in the right order and make questions

Then write true answers . 
1 get up / this / when / you / morning / did?:
2 breakfast / what / have / you / did / for ?
3 time / leave / did / what / you / home?
4 like / what / weather / the / was ?
5 your / what / lesson / did / first / start / time?

Предварительный просмотр:



Form  8        Describing a person        

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

1. Aurelia is asking about Hannah’s boyfriend / brother / friend .

2. Hannah’s brother, Jem, has long, brown hair / a girlfriend / a twin sister .

3. Hannah has one brother / two brothers / a brother and a sister .

4. Alex and Jem look different / look the same / have the same hair but different eyes .

2. Check your understanding: gap fill Complete the gaps with the correct word.

1. That? Er, that’s my____________________________, Jem.

2.And that’s his girlfriend, Lucy. The_______________ girl with the _________________________,


3. Alex and Jem are__________________________. They’re both __________________________.

4. They’re exactly the same! They’re both_____________________ and _____________________.

5.They’ve both got _________________, _________________hair, _________________eyes and


6. They’re not big. I think they’re _________________________!

7. And, has Alex got a __________________________?


1)Form 8    Module 2          Put these sentences in the correct order to make potato cakes.

1 Peel the potatoes and slice them

2 Fry the potato cakes in a frying pan until they are brown.

3Put the potatoes in a saucepan with some water and salt.

4 Make twelve cakes with the mixture.

5 Cover the cakes with grated cheese and keep them warm in the oven.

6 Mash the potatoes.

7 Boil the potatoes for twenty minutes.

8 Put the mashed potatoes, the flour and the butter into a bowl.

9 Serve the potato cakes with greens and sour cream.

10 Mix the mashed potatoes, the flour and the butter.

2) Form 8 p.110   Special schools. Answer the questions

1 What kind of school is the ICA?

2 Do the students pay for studying there?

3 What must be common for each students?

4 What classes do the students choose apart from their ordinary lessons?

5 What opportunity does the I C A give for students?


1) Form 8 Module 1 f                 I Choose the correct Present tense:

1. The concert is starting/starts at 9:00.

2.  Have you met/ Have you been meeting our neighbours yet?

3. We are going/ will go to the cinema tomorrow night. Why don’t you join us?

4. Nicole and her husband stay/are staying in a nice hotel in the centre of the city.5. My friends often are going /go to the park in summer.

II.  Choose Past Simple or Past Continuous:

 1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday.

 2 I (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday.

 3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me.

                4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday.

5. I (to do) my homework when mother came home.

III Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

1. My sister is  ______________( funny) and  ____________ (creative) person in the world.

2.Who is your  _________ (good) friend.

3.Sally is three years  _________(young) than me and she is  _____________(sensible) person I know.

4. John is  __________(selfish) in our family. Besides he is as  ___________(stubborn) as a mule.

5. I think that…  (little) he could do is to give her some money.

IY  Choose the correct particle (get over/get down/get over with/get on with/get down)

1 I’m afraid of injection so let’s get …… …… it as soon as possible.

2 How do you and John get ……?

3 I haven’t found a job yet and it is really getting me …….

4 I sometimes have problems getting my meaning ……  in English.

5 I had such a bad cold but I get …….

Y Match and make up the sentences

Be popular








Be nervous

future carrier.

Be jealous

the rain that falls upon your skin

Be fond

the results in sport.

Be keen


Be good

learning foreign languages.

Be proud

my parents’ success.

Be close


Be patient

all the classmates.

YI Form the adjectives:

use /magic/ optimism/self/ help/ friend/ fury/ success/tradition/romance/ style/ care/ generosity/ educate/ rain/ bore/ horror/ rely/ sense/ act

2) Form  8 module 2

1/ Form the correct form. Use dis/mis.

1I (like) strong coffee. It’s not my cup of tea.

2 Don’t trust him.He is (honest).

3 Some young people are rude and they (respect) ELDERS.

4 Sorry,I (understand) you.

5 I think I’ve (place) my glasses.I can’t find them.

2/ Choose the right variant:much/many;little/ a little;few/ a few

1 He has got very  little/few money.

2 We haven’t met many/much people.

3 We don’t have many/much free time.

4 I’d like a little/few sugar.

5 Only little/few  people know about it.

3/ Choose the correct preposition:

1 How can you go after/without food?

2  The dog went through/after the kitten.

3 This milk in the fridge  has gone up/off.

4 The price of the petrol has gone up/with again.

5This white blouse goes without/with my new  skirt.

4/ Fill in:out/in/by.

1 Can you pay …credit card?

2 Is it possible to pay …cheque?

3 These trousers are… great demand.

4 Such T-shirts are.. of stock now.

5 I’ll pay … cash, thank you.

3) Solve the crossword:




























По горизонтали:

По вертикали:

2. boiled

5. sauce

6. portion

8. undercooked

9. overcooked

11. poached

12. spicy

16. diet

18. crisp

19. steamed

21. mashed

22. fried

23. scrambled

27. grilled

1. roast

3. delicious

4. cource

7. frozen

10. sour

13. tasty

14. canteen

15. vinegar

17. pickled

18. creamy

20. dish

24. raw

25. meal

26. balanced

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Предварительный просмотр:

Задания для самостоятельной работы 9 класс

Auding:  http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice

Celebrations Form 9

1. Check your understanding:  matching Match the speaker with the celebration and write a –e next to the numbers 1 –5.

1……..Speaker A               a.  golden wedding anniversary

2……..Speaker B                 b. Notting Hill Carnival

3……..Speaker C                  c. end of term party at school

4……..Speaker D               d. Royal wedding

5……..Speaker E                  e. surprise birthday party

2. Check your understanding:  gap fill

Complete the gaps with the speaker.A (x2) B (x2) C (x 2)D (x2) E (x2)

1. Speaker_______________ will see people dressed in amazing costumes.

2.Speaker_______________ is going to decorate the venue with Chinese lanterns and projections

on the wall.

3. Speaker_______________ is worried about someone on Facebook spoiling the surprise.

4. Speaker_______________ is going to be careful of people stealing things.

5.Speaker_______________ is going to listen to old-fashioned music played on an old-fashioned


6. Speaker_______________ is in one of the bands that are playing.

7. Speaker _______________is going to taste food from all over the world.

8. Speaker _______________ is going to celebrate with the whole family.

9. Speaker _______________ is organising a party for her two best friends.

10. Speaker _______________ is going to make sure there is no traffic on her street,


1)Read the text “Pow WOW festival”(p.21) and answer the questions:

1When and where does Pow WOW festival take place?

2 Who comes to Pow WOW festival?

3 What is the main event of Pow WOW festival?

4 What is the main trader’s attraction for tourists?

5 Why do the Indians have Pow WOW festival?

2) Form 9 Module 2a.Live in Space.  

 Answer the questions.

1What is the distance between ISS and the Earth?

2 What’s it like living in zero gravity?

3 What do the astronauts use to have a shower? Why?

4 Do the residents of the ISS do sports?

5  How much time do they spend doing sports?

6 How do they fight against becoming their muscles soft?

7 Do they do household chores on the ISS?

8 Why do they have to do household chores every day?

9 What is the size of the whole station?

10 Is it difficult to have meals on the ISS?

11 What do they have to do to stop their meals floating away?

12 Do they do the washing up?

13 Is there a bedroom on the ISS?

14 Why do the astronauts strap themselves into a sleeping bag on the wall?

15 How often does the sun rise and set when they orbit the Earth?

16 Do they have free time?

17 What do they do in their free time?

Form 9 Module 2a.Live in Space. Finish the sentences.

1 The distance between the Earth and  the ISS

 is   …

2 The astronauts live in….

3 They have to use a vacuum ….

4 They have to post food packages …

5 The astronauts strap themselves into a sleeping bag …

6 There’s no escape ….

7 The astronauts clean the whole station …

8 The astronauts put the dirty dishes and …

9 The residents of the ISS often send …

10 The astronauts spend two hours …

11 But most of all they like …

3) Read the text and choose the right answer.

3D printing is becoming more and more popular. We are now able to print thingssuch as 

clothing, prosthetic limbs, musical instruments and prototype cars.People and businesses are able to create the things they need very quickly andeasily using 3D printers.

But can you imagine printing food? Some scientists are trying to revolutionise thedining experice by doing this. They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchenwill become as commonplace as the microwave or blender. Scientists say thatthey are easy to use: you simply have to select a recipe and put the raw food'inks' into the printer. You can also modify the instructions to make the foodexactly how you want it. This means that it would be very quick and easy tocreate tasty and nutritious meals.

Using 3D printers to create your meals would also be saving the environment.There would be less need for traditional growing, transporting and packagingprocesses as food production would be a lot more efficient. For example, alternative ingredients such as proteins from algae, beetroot 

leaves and insectscould be converted into tasty products!

Printing food could also help people who suffer from dysphasia (a swallowingdisorder). They could program the printer to print softer versions of theirfavourite foods so that they would not have trouble swallowing them.

However, some people think that the future of 3Dprinted food would be adisaster. It could take away many jobs, including those for growing, transportingand packaging food. Imagine a world where there was no need for farming orgrowing crops and the same tastes and textures could be printed from a raw"food ink". Likewise, traditional cafés and restaurants might lose business. Also, there are concerns about the nutritional value of printed food: is it really possibleto get the nutrients we need from food-based inks and gels?

What's more, cooking and eating together with family and friends has long beena traditional and enjoyable activity. It is hard to imagine a world where thepastime of cooking is dead and meals can be created at the touch of a button.

  1.  What can't we make using a 3D printer yet?  

 musical instruments



  1.  We will be able to create food with 3D printing by using  

 special powder?

 food inks?

 usual ingredients?

  1.  Would it be possible to modify recipes?  

 Yes, and that is why it makes it so versatile.

 No, and that is why it is easier.

 Yes, and that is why it would not be popular.

  1.  What are the benefits of the 3D food printing?  

 It's better for the environment.

 It's better for losing weight.

 It's cheaper.

  1.  Will food production be more efficient?  

 Yes, as there will be more alternative products used.

 No, as there will be less need for traditional growing.

 No, as it will cost more to create 3D meals.

4) Read the text  “10 Downing Street” p.37 and answer the questions:

1 What’s the address of the Prime Minister’s home?

2 Since what time has it been the home of British prime ministers?

3 Why is 10 Downing Street one of the most famous addresses?

4 Where do government ministers meet to discuss important issues?

5 Where is the prime minister’s private home?

5)Form 9 The Moscow Kremlin,p.8 Spotlight on Russia. Answer the questions:

1What does the word Kremlin mean?

2 In what part of Moscow is the Moscow Kremlin situated?

3What is the length of the wall?

4 How many towers are in the Moscow Kremlin?

5 What is the name of the main tower?

6 Why were the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square designated a UNESCO World Heritage?

6) Form 9 Green transport,p.102-103 S.B Fill in the table:







Grey bike

River taxis

7 )1 Harbour Bridge and Opera House form 9  p.101

1 Where is  Harbour Bridge and Opera House?

2 What is it famous for?

3 how long does it take to climb to the arch?

Form the word: excite- adj. + view = translate

8) Scenic seaplane flight   form 9  p.101

1 Who will help you throughout the flight?

2What island will you have a chance to take some photographs?

3Have you ever taken a seaplane flight?

Form the word :beauty-adj.+harbour=translate


9)Sydney cycling tour     form 9  p.101

1How many city attractions can you see on the cycling tour?

2 What animals can you see on a ferry ride?

3Have you ever gone on a cycling tour?

Form the word :Luck-adj.+ boy=translate

10)  Surfing lesson on Bondi Beach   form 9  p.101

1Where can you take a surfing lesson?

2How long does the lesson last?

 3Is it a group or single lesson?

Form the word :Fame-adj.+ beach=translate

11) Eco tour in the Blue mountains   form 9  p.101

1 Where are Blue mountains?

2 How long does the tour last?  

3What does the tour include?

Form the word :Wonder- adj.+ mountains= translate

12) Form 9 The Tretyakov Gallery,p.7 Spotlight on Russia. Answer the questions:

1 Who was the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery?

2When was the first collection presented to the public?

3In what buildings are displayed 130,000 works?

4What artists’ paintings can you see in the Tretyakov Gallery?

5What is the other name of the gallery on Krymskiy Val?

6When is the Tretyakov Gallery opened to the public?

7 Have you ever been in picture galleries?


  1.  Test module 1 form 9      Variant    A.
  1. Fill in with: strong, experience, change, street, make, cooking, fireworks.

  1. --------------- sure; 2. a -------------- of clothes; 3. ----------- tradition; 4. ------------ contest; 5 ----------life;

6 . colourful --------------parades; 7. -------------display.

B.Match the phrasal verbs to their definitions:

turn down                               arrive

turn into                               switch off

turn off                                 return

turn back                              refuse

turn up                                    become

C.Choose the correct word:

1 I met Luke by chance/luck/opportunity at the cinema the other day.

  1. Every time a float passes by, the audiences/spectators/crowd cheer excitedly.

  1. Biting your nails is a very bad custom/habit/tradition.

  1. Do your parents allow/let/make you stay out late on weekdays?

D.Fill in the gaps with the right preposition :

1 She is interested ------ playing chess.    2. The road was crowded ----------- cars and buses.

3.She is twenty but she is afraid -------- the dark. 4.Do you believe ----------superstitions?

5. We are pleased --------decorations.     6. Dubai shopping festival is famous ------low prices for goods.

E.Use  the correct relatives: whose, which, where, when to join the  sentences.

1.31st October is my favourite day of the year. Halloween takes place then.

2.Lucy Scott works at the local toy shop. Her daughter is my age.

3This is a central market square of the town. The parade is taking place there.

4 Alex has invited me to his party. He lives next door.

F.Match to form exchanges:

1 That’s a load of rubbish.                                            a)”Isn’t it great we’ve got a day off school tomorrow?”

2What a coincidence!                                                    b)”Don’t worry. It was just a black cat.”

3.That’s not the point!                                                   c)”I’ve won 100 000 rubles in the competition.”

4.You lucky thing!                                   d)”Oh, no! I broke a mirror. Now I’ll have 7 years bad luck!”

5. Lucky for us!                 e)”I found а 4 leaf clover and later I found money in the street.”

  1.   9 form module 2
  1. Form nouns from adverbs:- important/   kind/     secure/     different /      urgent/    arrogant/     gentle/ sane/    secret/    patient/   frequent/     sweet/    quit
  2. Put the right preposition: in/ to/ on/ at:

Be close …       /… the corner of the room       / … the corner of the street       / be … home     / be … a hurry    / … ruins/        Go … the direction of/       live … suburbs/      live … a field/      live … a farm/     be …school/    go … school

  1. Put the right verb: keep/     do/     make/     take/     mop/     wash/    hang out/   dust/     rake up/    dig/ gather/    shovel

--------the room tidy/                       ----------the washing up/               -----------the ironing/ ----------household chore              -------------- the beds/                            --------breakfast/

--------the rubbish out/      -----------the dog for a walk /          ----------the floor/

-----the dishes/                        ---------the clothes /                       -------------the washing    /

-------the furniture/               -------the leaves/                        ----------the ground/

-----the harvest/              --------snow off a path

  1. Phrasal verbs with make. Match :  1)see clearly   /  steal and run away with /    compensate for /  invent /think about 2) make up for   /make off with  / make out/ make of/ make of / make up

  1. Form 9      Module 3 Test  

I Match  the words                    II Choose the correct response.



A: Last night I dreamt that a huge spider was chasing me.

      B: a    That’s a thought!                  b  What do you think this means?





B: I woke up at 2:00 am and couldn’t get back to sleep.

      B: a    Poor you!                              b  That’s a relief!





C: Your dream might mean that you’ll meet someone new..

      B: a    That’s horrible!                     b  You can’t be serious!


III  Put the verbs into the correct past tense.

IV  Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition

1 She (talk) to her husband while he (clean)some fish.

2 Tom was angry because he (miss) the last train home.

3 By the time we got home, everyone (eat) dinner.

4The (cook) for over 3 hours before the guests arrived.

5 Harry (look)out of the window and (scream) loudly.

1 They didn’t succeed… locating the site.

2 Have you heard … Bigfoot?

3 Nick thought … a good idea to raise money.

4 I was nervous …  passing the exam.

5 Being a parent isn’t easy, as I know  experience.

V  Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

1   sightings         sights

a) Old castles are very popular …… in Britain.  b)Two fishermen reported …… of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday

2     extinct        mythical

People thought the Coelacanth was a(n) …… species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938.

Annie loves story books about dragons, giants and other …… creatures.

3   imagination        illusion

Jonathan’s vivid …… is what makes him able to write spine-chilling (ужасающий) ghost stories..

Did the magician (маг) really make the man disappear or was it just an optical  …… ?

         4         witnesses       investigators 

a)The ….are examining all the evidence.       b) His two partners defended him as …

5              sights     sightings

a)People have been reporting… of Nessie for years.    b )There are a lot of …. to see in London.

VI Fill in the gaps with the correct particle

1 A strange feeling came … me as I walked home.

2 Lee feels ill. He must  be coming … with the flu.

3 His new book has just come …

4 Ann came… with the great idea for a story.

5 Steve  came … a golden ring in his mother’s box.

  1.  Form 9 module 4|5 Word formation


















Понять-понять неправильно

Нравиться-не нравиться



Break out-

---------out of-




Run   through




  -------out of

Dependent preposition

Module 4/5

1 Написать  кому-то  о чем либо

2 Начинать с

3  Кроме

4 Сложный в теории

5 Надеяться на

6 Заботиться о

7 Мило с твоей стороны

8 Один из лучших

9 Популярен среди

10 На аукционе

11 Играет в фильме

12Известный свей картиной

13Добавлять ценность к фильму

  1. Form 9 Module 5 Test   I Choose the correct response.   II Form the correct word

1 Oleg Gazmanov’s new CD sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

The Jonas Brothers.

I absolutely love them.

1 I …agree with you

6 The meat is …grilled.

2 Are you and Ann coming to rock concert with us?

Sure, count us in.

2  You should … write your essay.

7 We …understood you.

3 What’s your favourite pop group?

It’s not a good idea. He prefers rock.

3 He …likes this book.

8 He … pronounced the English words.

4 Why don’t we buy Timur a jazz CD for his birthday?

Lots of different types.

4 She ..spells the word.

9 Somebody …appeared in ruins

5 Did you like the band we heard last night?

Actually, it’s not really my kind of thing.

5 The potato is …fried.

10 Directors often … make old films

6 What sort of music do you like?  Yeah.They were pretty good.

III Fill in the gaps with the correct particle

into/out of/through/away/over

IV  Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition

1 The actors ran … the scene once more.

2 I’ve run … of white paint. Can you give me?

3 I nearly ran … a dog on my way.

4 Ann ran … an old school friend in the park.

5 The boy ran …from home.

1 He is famous … his landscapes.

2 The young actor is very popular… the teens.

3 It was very nice … her to give me a lift.

4 What sort … music do you like?

5 Who stars … Harry Potter films?

6 The paintings  were sold …a lot of money … auction.

7 Mozart is one of the best composers …all time.

V  Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

1 set/ situated   a)The film is … in the 19th century. b)The town where they’ll shoot the film is … somewhere in the Russian countryside.

2 exhibits/exhibition  a) The gallery is planning to run a series of … with works by local artists. b)Most of the … in the gallery are paintings from the 20th century.

3 playing/starring a)The film is … in cinemas all around the country. b)The Dark Knight,… Christian Bale, is a fantastic film.

 4 presentation/performance a)A group of musicians gave a … of well-known classical pieces. b)The speaker gave a … about career opportunities in computer graphics.

 5 took /makes  a)Laura …some photos of the scenery. b)My sister sometimes … short films.

6 turn off/turn down a)Can you please,… your music … a bit? It’s very loud. b)Don’t worry. I’m going out now. So, I’ll … it … .

7 line/verse Do you remember the words of the 1st  a).. of the second b)… of that song?

8 tune/melody a)Brad’s been playing the theme … to The Pink Panther on his guitar all morning. b) I know. He says he loves the .. .

9 listen/hear a)… to that noise. b) Can you … anything?

10 singing/humming  a)Which song is Mark … at the concert? b) The one he’s been … for the last three days.

Speaking:   Use the table and tell about holidays:

The name of the holiday

The date of celebration

The kind of holiday

Beginning of celebration

The reason for celebration

What people do on holiday

The symbols of holiday

Independence Day

4th of July

Important public

1776, American colonies declared their ind.from Britain

Whole nation birthday

Parades, sport , speeches, picnics, fireworks

Flags, parade, picnic, fireworks

Thanksgiving Day

Fourth Thursday in November



To give thanks for different things, to honour the first settlers

Family get together, have big dinner, give thanks

Roast turkey, cranberry souse, pumpkin pie, Mayflower, Indians

St.Patrick’s Day

17th of March

Irish religious

First days of the nations

St.Patrick- patron saint of Ireland, many Irish arrive to America

Decorate houses, wear green, parade in New York

Shamrock, green color, Irish songs, parade

Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку 9 класс

Пояснительная записка

Автор: Балданова Жаргалма Жамьяновна, МБОУ «Улюкчиканская основная общеобразовательная школа»

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей (письменной и устной). На выполнение контрольной работы требуется 90 минут. 

В письменной  части работы предлагается выполнить задания, которые даны в следующей последовательности.

В разделе 1 (задания по аудированию)  предполагается прослушивание текста и выполнение заданий на понимание услышанного. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного раздела - 15 минут.

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) включает задания, которые позволят оценить понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий - 15 минут.

Раздел 3 содержит задания по лексике и грамматике. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела - 20 минут.

В разделе 4 (задание по письму) предусмотрено 1 задание, предлагающее написать личное письмо. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение - 20 минут.

Устная часть итоговой контрольной работы состоит из трех заданий: чтение текста, ответы на вопросы и  монологическое высказывание по заданной теме. - 20 минут.

Максимальное количество баллов за правильно выполненное задание по аудированию - 4 балла, по чтению - 7 баллов, по грамматике - 9 баллов, по лексике  - 5 баллов, по письму - 10 баллов, по чтению текста - 2 балла, ответы на вопросы – 6 баллов, по говорению - 7 баллов. Общее максимальное количество баллов  - 50.

Критерии оценивания данной контрольной работы:


0 – 39 %

40 – 59 %

60 - 79%

80 – 100%


отметка «2»

отметка «3»

отметка «4»

отметка «5»


0-19 баллов

20-29 баллов

30-39 баллов

40-50 баллов

письменная часть


0 – 39 %

40 – 59 %

60 - 79%

80 – 100%


отметка «2»

отметка «3»

отметка «4»

отметка «5»


0-13 баллов

14-20 баллов

21-27 баллов

  1. аллов

Final Test

Form 9

Part 1.Listening (4 points)

Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами A, B, C, D. Определите,   где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия 1-5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.

  1. In a café
  2. On a bus
  3. At a sport center
  4. In a TV studio
  5. In a car






Место действия

Part 2. READING (7 points)

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А-G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. International language

2. English was not for everyone

3. American English

4. Necessary for communication

5. Former British colonies

6. The Norman conquest of England

7. Efficient ways to learn English

8. English-speaking countries

A. The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow of information. The total knowledge of mankind is known to double every seven years. Foreign languages are needed as the main and the most efficient means of information exchange of the peoples.

B. Today English is the language of the world. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. As a second language it is used in the former British and US colonies.

C. English is not only the national or official language of some thirty states which represent different cultures, but it is also the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. It is the language of literature, education, modem music, international tourism.

D. What did the Norman Conquest do to England? It gave it French kings and nobles who brought with them the French language. After the Norman Conquest there were three languages in England. There was Latin, the language of the church in which all learned men wrote and spoke. Then there was French, the language which the kings and nobles spoke and wrote. Finally, there was the English language which remained the language of poor people who did not understand French or Latin but spoke only English.

E. So far there is no universal or ideal method of learning languages. Everybody has his own way. Sometimes it is boring to study grammar or to learn new words. But it is well known that reading original books in English, listening to the BBC news, communicating with the English speaking people will help a lot. When learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history of native speakers.

F. The conquest of England by the Normans began in 1066 with the battle of Hastings, where the English fought against the Normans. The conquest was complete in 1086. Who were these Normans who conquered England? They were Vikings or 'Norsemen', men from the North. Some 150 years before the conquest of England they came to a part of France, opposite England, a part which we now call Normandy.

G. The beginning of 1600th was the English colonization of North America and the creation of an American dialect. Some pronunciations and usages didn’t change when they reached the American shore. In certain respects, American English is closer to the English of Shakespeare than modem British English is. Some "Americanisms" are actually originally British expressions that were preserved in the colonies while lost at home (e.g., fall as a synonym for autumn, trash for rubbish, loan as a verb instead of lend).








Part 3.USE of ENGLISH (GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY) (14 points)

Task 1. Прочитайте предложения. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные в конце строк, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали предложению. Запишите слово.


  1. The teacher expected ____ to do homework. (he)
  2. He didn’t see the schoolboys bulling a disabled person. If he _____them, he would have stopped them. (see)
  3. I would prefer _____ at home and watch TV. (stay)
  4. The number of the seat _____ on your boarding pass. (to write)
  5. Your dress looks smart. Have you made it _____? (you)
  6. TV is one of _______ inventions and I don’t see any danger in it. (useful)
  7. _____you ever _______ to a youth or a student camp? (to be)
  8. ____ he usually ______ on well with his classmates? (to get)
  9. He will use five steps to resolve the conflict if he ____ a problem. (to have)

Task 2. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Запишите слова.

When people  1________ with each other, they may have conflicts.


Conflicts happen when people have different ideas or   2__________.


It isn’t always  3___________to prevent conflicts by peaceful  means.


We must try to resolve conflicts   4____________  because


they can lead to  5 ___________  or bad relations between people.


Part 4.WRITING  (10 points)

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Samuel.

... I ’ve just passed my school-leaving exams and now I ’m getting ready to enter the college. I want to study computing.Have you ever thought of your future profession yet? Do you think it is a right  profession nowadays? Why? Are you influenced by your parents or your friends in choosing a profession?...

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100 - 120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing


Task 1. You need to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.  (2 points)

In recent history, there have been some amazing inventions which have changed our lives. The airplane has made international travel faster and easier. The computer can store the contents of a library. And you probably know the names of some famous inventors like Henry Ford or Steve Jobs. But for every famous invention and inventor there are many everyday objects which we don’t notice and we don’t know who invented them. Take the inventor Nils Bohlin who invented the modern-day car seatbelt. His invention has saved millions of lives. There were other types of seatbelt, but he developed the first one which went across the chest and across the legs and then joined at the same place. Amazingly, this was a very simple idea which no one had tried before - and that’s probably true of so many great inventions.

Task 2. Take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question. (6 points)

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Happy Family Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people in our region feel about living in a big family. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

Electronic assistant: Do you come from a big family?


Electronic assistant: What do you usually do together as a family?


Electronic assistant: Who is your favourite family member? Why?


Electronic assistant: What are the advantages of  having a lot of siblings?


Electronic assistant: Why do you think some people prefer to be the only child in the family?


Electronic assistant: What makes a family friendly?


Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Task 3. Вариант 1. (7 points)

Give a talk about travelling.

Remember to say:

  • why most people like travelling;
  • where you would like to go on your holidays;
  • what means of transport is the best for travelling, why.

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.

Task 3. Вариант 2.

Give a talk about free time.

Remember to say:

  • what you enjoy doing in your free time;
  • whether you prefer spending your free time with your friends or alone, why;
  • what you would do if you had more free time.

You have to talk for 1.5–2 minutes. The examiner will listen until you have finished. Then he/she will ask you some questions.



























  1. him    
  2. had seen
  3. to stay
  4. is written
  5. yourself
  6. the most useful
  7. Have__ been?
  8. Does ___ get?
  9. has







Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку, 5 класс

Назначение итоговой работы

        Данная итоговая работа позволяет установить уровень освоения учащимися материала за 5 класс и степень готовности к продолжению изучения английского языка в 6 классе.

Структура и формат проведения итоговой работы

        Данная работа состоит из 4 частей: «Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письмо».  В работу включены задания с выбором ответа из 3-х предложенных, задания с кратким ответом, в том числе задания на установление  соответствия и задание открытого типа.

       Данная работа проводится в формате тестирования (кроме части «Письмо»).  На выполнение дается один урок (45 минут).

Проверяемые умения


Понимание основного содержания прослушанного текста


Стратегия ознакомительного чтения с целью понимания основного содержания текст

Стратегия поискового чтения с извлечением необходимой информации

Грамматика и лексика

Лексико-грамматические навыки (согласно кодификатору).


Письмо личного характера

Критерии оценивания

Аудирование, Чтение и Грамматика-Лексика

За каждый правильный ответ ученик получает 1 балл


Решение коммуникативной задачи     0-2  балла

Организация текста                               0-2 балла

Лексика                                                   0-2 балла

Грамматика                                             0-2 балла

Орфография/ Пунктуация                     0-2 балла

Кодификатор элементов содержания

Код блока


Элементы содержания, проверяемые в данной работе


Аудирование (длительность звучания 2-3 минуты).


Понимание на слух несложных звучащих текстов диалогического характера в рамках изучаемых тем.




Понимание основного содержания информационных, несложных текстов.


Выборочное понимание необходимой/интересующей информации из текста.


Грамматическая сторона речи




Коммуникативные типы предложений: утвердительные, вопросительные, отрицательные, побудительные и порядок слов в них.


Безличные предложения. Предложения с there is/thereare.




Употребление артиклей


Местоимения личные, притяжательные. Неопределённые местоимения.


Модальные глаголы ( must, can)


Образование и употребление глаголов в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple.


Наречия частоты.


Имена существительные во множественном числе.




Написание информационной  открытки.



Итоговая  контрольная работа по английскому языку  5 класс


Часть 1  Аудирование

Вы услышите четыре диалога. Установите соответствие мест А-D, где происходили данные диалоги, с номерами диалогов. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды. У вас есть 15 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с заданием.

         А Railway station      B Library     C Cinema     D Shop










Часть 2  Чтение

Прочитай открытку и выбери правильный ответ

Dear Donna,

 I`m writing to you from the Beach Hotel. I`m here with my parents and my          cousin Joe. We are having a great time here. The hotel isn`t new but very nice. All the bedrooms have got their own bathrooms.

The place is very nice.  The sea is warm. We go to the beach every day. I usually learn to water-ski  and Joe goes windsurfing . But he doesn`t do it very well. He often falls into the water.

Today it is raining .I hate this weather because we can`t go out. At the moment my mother and father are having lunch, Joe is writing invitations. We`ll have a little party for our new friends in the evening.

See you soon.



1              a)  The hotel is new.

b)  The hotel is old.

c)  The hotel isn`t nice.

2      a)  Donna is with her mother, father and cousin.

b)  Donna is with her parents and her brother Joe.

c)  Donna is with Joe`s parents.

3      a)  Joe  learns to water-ski every morning.

b)  Joe doesn’t go windsurfing.

c)   Joe isn`t good at windsurfing.

4      a)  It`s evening now.

b)  It`s afternoon now.

c)  It`s morning now.

5      a)  They will have a birthday party in the evening.

b)  They will invite a lot of friends.

c)  They will meet some people.


 Часть 3  Грамматика и Лексика

Задание 1

Выбери правильный вариант и впиши соответствующую букву ( а - с ) в пропуск.

1 . Every year, Sam gets_____electronic game for his birthday.

a)     a         b)  an           c)  the

2.  I don`t like_____ . I`m afraid of  spiders.

a)                              zoos     b)  caves    c)  theaters

3. We_____ run in the swimming pool.

a) can        b)  mustn`t       c)  must

4. I want_____milk.

a)  any          b)  some           c)  many

5. Mary_____ shopping every day.

a)  is going        b)  go           c)  goes

6. John is in his room. He_____ a film.

a)  is watching    b)  watches     c) watch

7. Tom`s a good boy. He`s_____.

a) thirsty         b) naughty         c)  clever

8. Polly and I are twins. _____birthday is on 6th May.

a) Our      b)  Us         c) We

 9. It`s half _____four.

a) past             b)  after       c)  before

 10. He will_____ tomorrow.

a)  comes       b)  coming         c)  come

 11.  _____Tom often go travelling?

a)  Does           b) do                 c)  is

 12. There are two_____ at the railway station.

 a) train’s          b)  train           c)  trains

 13. “Will he come with us?”  “No, he_____ .”

 a) doesn`t             b)  will             c)  won`t 

 14. They_____ visit their grandmother.

 a) now         b)  often        c)   every week

 15. I_____ do my homework every day.

 a)  have to        b)  can’t         c)  had to

Задание 2. Раскрой скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени.

1.  ______ David _______________   (wash) the car now?

2.  My sister_____________ (go) to the cinema yesterday.

3. It   ___________  (not  be) hot tomorrow.

4. They   _____________ (travel) to the sea every year.

5. Look! The birds ____________ (fly) high in the sky.

6. ______ his father ___________ (read) books every day?

7. In 1600 there ___________ (not be) any cars in the streets.


Часть 4  Письмо

Прочитай письмо Тома и напиши ответ. Используй информацию, данную в карточке и письмо Тома как образец.

Dear Kate,

We are having a good holiday. I’m staying at the Beach Hotel with my Mum, Dad and my brother, Sam. The weather is great! It is very hot and we go to the beach every day.

We are on the beach today. The sun is shining and it is very warm. I’m writing you a letter. Sam is swimming in the sea. My parents are drinking lemonade in a beach café. It’s very nice here!


Write soon!

Best wishes,








cloudy, warm


cook sandwiches





Текст аудиозаписи

Dialogue 1

A   Do  you  need  some  help  or  are  you  happy  just  browsing?

B   I’m  OK.  Thanks.

A   Just  let  me  know  if  you  want  to  try  anything  on.  We’ve  got  more  sizes  out  the  back  in  case  you  can’t  find  your  size  on  the  racks.

B   Thanks,  I’m  fine.

A   Right  you  are!

Dialogue 2

A   Good  morning.  Can  I  help you?

B   Good  morning.  Do  you  have  a  copy  of  George  Orwell’s  “Animal  Farm”?  It’s  a  set  text  for  an  exam  I’m  preparing  for.

A   We  do  normally  keep  that  one.  Let  me  just  look it  up  on  the  computer.  Yes,  according  to  this  we  have  three copies.  Look  at  those  shelves  near  the  window.

Dialogue 3

A   Oh,  good  evening,  I  made  an  appointment  to  see  Mr.  Adams  this  morning.  Can  I  see  him?

B   Yes,  but  first  I  need  you  to  fill  out  this  form  so  we  can  get  your  details.  Have  you  been  to  our  Medical  Centre  before?

A   Oh,  no.  I don’t  think  so.

Dialogue 4

A   Next,  please!

B   Good morning,  I’d  like  to  play  off  my  overdraft  please.  I  think  I  owe  about  $50.

A   Right.  Do  you  have  your  account  here  at  this  branch?

B   Yes,  I  do.

Ответы к заданиям


 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C


1.b 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.c

Лексика и Грамматика

 1.b  2.b  3.b  4.b  5.c  6.a  7.c  8.a  9.a  10.c  11.a  12.c  13.c  14.b  15.a

2) 1.is washing  2.went  3.reads  4.will  be  5.travel

Предварительный просмотр:

 Контрольная работа по английскому языку  (7 класс)

Автор: Балданова Жаргалма Жамьяновна, МБОУ «Улюкчиканская оош»

Max. – 31 points                «5» - 29 рoints                       «4» - 23 points                   «3» - 16 points

 Вариант №1

1.      Закончите предложения, выбрав правильное слово:

1.      The girl could hard/hardly sleep last night.

2.      He got up late/lately  yesterday.

3.      Look! The bird is flying high/highly in the sky.

4.      Be careful/carefully! Don’t break the window.

5.      What’s the matter with you? – I feel bad/badly. 


 2.      Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1.      My elder brother… computer  very  often.

a)      use   b) uses  c) is using

2.      The mother… dinner at the moment.

a)      cook  b) cooks  c) is cooking

3.      Elizabeth’s parents… abroad a week ago.

a)      go  b) went  c) are going

4.      … you ever … part in any competition?

a)      Did…take  b) Will…take  c) Have…taken

5.      English … in many countries of the world.

a)      is spoken  b) spoken  c) speak

3.      Запишите вид спорта, о котором идёт речь (aerobics, windsurfing,walking, football, table tennis).

1.  A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of eleven players kick it. They are not allowed to handle the ball.

2. It’s the cheapest but very healthy form of sports. Nothing is needed. You get up in the morning and travel on foot enjoying the countryside.

3. You can play this game at home or in the gym. You need a partner, a table,a small ball, a net and two small bats.

4. It’s very popular with women. You can do it in a sports centre with music or just follow classes shown on TV.

5. It’s usually associated with Australian or California and, of course, Hawaii, with their sunny climate and ocean. But to do this sport you have to be strong,тbrave and patient.

 4.      Закончите диалог:(headache, medicine, feel bad, stay, temperature, all right, What’s the matter, runny,

take,  give up)

-   Doctor, I’m afraid I … .

-   … with you?

-  I’ve got a … and a … nose.

-  Have you taken your … ? What is it?

-  It’s 37.8. Poor me!

-   … it easy. Everything will be … . You should … in bed and take the … .… fast food. Good-bye  up.

-  Good-bye, doctor. Thanks  a lot.



Контрольная работа по английскому языку (7 класс)

Max. – 31 points                «5» - 29 рoints                       «4» - 23 points                   «3» - 16 points

Автор: Балданова Жаргалма Жамьяновна, МБОУ «Улюкчиканская оош»

Вариант №2

1.      Закончите предложения, выбрав правильное слово:

1. Tom came home late/lately last Monday.

2.      I near/nearly don’t know him.

3.      This forward can run very quick/quickly.

4.      He has worked hard/hardly to win the competition.

5.      I don’t feel good/well today.                                                                        

2.      Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1.      My father … newspapers every morning.

a)      buy      b) buys                           c) has bought

2.      Last night I….a wonderful dream.

a)       have           b) had              c) am having

3.      My parents…allow me to go out.

a)       doesn’t                b) don’t                 c) not to

4.      … you ever … the competition?

a)      Did … win                    b) Will … win              c) Have … won

5.      The poem … into Chinese last year.

a)      translates                   b) is translated                c) was translated

6.      I think we …  water polo game next week.

a)      will play                       b) have played                                c) plays

 3. Выберите правильную форму местоимения:

1.      They expect (she/her/hers) to arrange a party.

2.      Their friends would like (they/them/their) to stay out of trouble.

3.      My parents want (I/me/my) to think of my future.

4.      The teacher wants (he/his/him) to take part in the competition.

5.      Our father expects (we/us/our) to phone him in the evening.

4. Запишите вид спорта, о котором идёт речь (aerobics, windsurfing, walking, football, table tennis).

1.You can play this game at home or in the gym. You need a partner, a table, a small ball, a net and two small bats.

2.A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of eleven players kick it.They are not allowed to handle the ball.

3. It’s the cheapest but very healthy form of sports. Nothing is needed. You get up in the morning and travel on foot enjoying the countryside.

4. It’s usually associated with Australian or California and, of course, Hawaii, with their sunny climate and ocean. But to do this sport you have to be strong, brave and patient.

5.It’s very popular with women.You can do it in a sports centre with music or just follow classes shown on TV.


5.Закончите диалог: (sore, cheer, fell bad, cough, stay, flu, take, thanks,  the medicine,  worry)

- How do you feel?

- I … . I’ve got a … throat and a … .

- I think you’ve got … . You should … your temperature and take … .

- Can I go for a walk?

- Of course, no. You must … in bed for some days.

- Oh, no. Poor me!

- Don’t … . … up. You will be fine soon.

- … .


Предварительный просмотр:

Checkwork.Промежуточная контрольная работа. 5th Form.

I.Выберите лишнее слово:

1.apple, banana, onion, orange

2.sweets, chocolate, cake, butter

3.milk, juice, butter, cream

4.juice, water,  milk,  bread

II.Вставьте much, many,little, a little:

1.I  can’t buy  these  jeans.I have got….money.

2.We  have got….  money.  .We can  go to the  cinema  and  buy  ice-cream.

3.She  has got….apples. She  can  bake  an  apple cake.

4.We  have  got… little  milk. We  should  go  to the shop.

III.Переведи на русский язык:

1.I   like  to go shopping  with  my parents.

2.My friend  can never  choose  what  she  really wants.

3.He  never  knows  what  to buy.

4.When  I  get  my pocket money I  always  spend  it on books.

IV.Cобери предложение:

1.еvery day, I, to the supermarket, go.

2.don’t like, to the, we, to go, shop.

3.has got, fruits, vegetables, and,many, she.

VI.Исправь ошибки  в тексте:


Hi im tom.Im in oxford. Today is my birthday and iam twelve years old. Ive got a brother,his name is alex.Hes a student.Hes fifteen.We aregoing  tolondon next summer.

Checkwork. Входная  контрольная работа. 6th Form

I.Вычеркни лишнее слово:

1.a jumper, a pullover, a jacket, boots.

2.shorts, trousers, shoes, jeans.

3.a hat, a T-shirt, a shirt, a blouse.

II.Вставьте much, many,little, a little:

1.I  can’t buy  these  jeans. I have got….money.

2.We  have got….  money.  .We can  go to the  cinema  and  buy  ice-cream.

3.She  has got….apples. She  can  bake  an  apple cake.

4.We  have  got… little  milk. We  should  go  to the shop.

III. Выберите правильный вариант глагола:

1.I …football  every day.

a) play        b) played             c)  will  play

2.He  …a  poem  now.

a) reads           b) is  reading        c) will   read

3.She…me  this  book  tomorrow.

a) gives            b) will  give         c) gave

4.Where  did  you…  yesterday?

a) go               b)went        c)will  go

5.He… stamps  last  year.

a) collects        b) will  collect      c) collected

6.She  often…the  guitar.

a) is  playing    b) will  play          c) plays

7.He…coffee  now.

a) makes           b)is   making      c) will  make

IV.Поставь глагол в скобке в простом прошедшем времени (в  Past Simple):

1.Every  summer  we  (stay)  in the  village.

2.We (play) a lot  of  games.

3.We  (fish)  in the  river.

4.We  (swim)  in the  sea  and  (go) boating  there.

5.We ( buy ) gifts and  (bring)  home.

V. Переведи на русский язык:

1. The  giraffe  is  the  tallest  animal  in the world .

2. The  fox   is much  smarter  than  the  wolf.

3. The horse is  as strong  as  the  pig.

4.The eagle  is the  most dangerous  bird  in the zoo.

5.A leopard is a bit larger than a tiger.

VI. Заполни пропуски в тексте , выбрав  необходимое слово:

Enjoy, bring, different, like, going shopping, stay, travel.

I   (0)  enjoy  visiting   (1)   places.

I  often    (2 )  to  Italy  where  I   (3)   with  my  aunt  and  uncle.  It  is  fantastic!

 I   (4)  going  to  the  cinema  there  because  I  am  going  to be  an  actor.  I  like (5)   with  my  aunt.   I  always  buy  and   (6)    gifts  for   my  friends.

Checkwork. Проверочная работа. 7th Form.

1.Напиши   исчисляемые  существительные  в первый  столбик, а неисчисляемые -во второй:  school, grass,pupil,nature,gas,tree, energy,litter,tiger,pollution,pet,air.

II.Переведи на русский язык:

1.Recycling materials means using them again and making new things from the old ones.

2.People can reduce using electricity and water.

3.Every fifth tree is used to make paper.

4.If we don’t protect nature the climate will change soon.

5.We shouldn’t cut down the trees.We must plant the trees.

III. Переведи на английский  язык:

1.Maмa зacтавляет меня убираться в моей комнате каждую субботу.

2.Учителя просят учеников делать уроки каждый день.

3.Я хочу чтобы мой город отмечал День Цветов.

4.Мои родители разрешают мне смотреть телевизор два часа в день.

5.Мои друзья просят спонсоров внести деньги в благотворительную организацию.

IV.Заполните пропуски подходящими  по смыслу словами:

  bottles, put, boxes, countries, cartons, nature, throw, used.

Recycling  is  the process  of sorting  and  reusing  waste  products. It  is often ..1. in  industry. Recycling  is  very  economical. In  many  ..2. .people   think  positively about  sorting and  reusing   paper, plastic .3.and  other   waste  products. In  many  towns  and  villages, special..4..

placed  in  the  streets, in  which  people  can  ..5..all  those things  such  as: empty..6, paper  and  so  on, which  we  used to..7..away. Now  we  all  think  about  helping  the..8.. by  recycling

Checkwork. Проверочная работа. 7th Form.

1.Напиши   слова  правильно :  ach—ve,  ambi—ion,   --ampion,  aw-rd,

 pro-erly,  abi-ity,   re—ord.


II.Переведи на русский язык:

1.If you create a comfortable timetable at home, you will spend less time to do your  homework.

2.If you listen to your teachers carefully at school , you will pass your exams well.

3.If you write neatly , your copybook will  look  nice.

4.If  you turn off the TV while you are doing your homework, it will help you to do your homework properly.

5.If you read the words aloud , you will remember them more easily.

III.Поставь глагол в скобках  в Present Perfect или  в Past Simple (cмотри на образец:

  1. I have cooked dinner.  b)  I helped my mum yesterday.

1.I ( to ski ) since my childhood.

2.I  (to do) boxing  since I was ten years old.

3.He ( to give ) his concert  at  eleven.

4.My  friend ( to win) her  first  prize  in  2010.

5.We  (to start) playing  tennis  two  years  ago.

6.They ( to achieve) a lot in sport .

7.I ( to win ) a gold medal  in swimming  last  summer.

IV.Преобразуй предложения из прямой  речи  в косвенную :

1.The girl says : “My name  is Mary”.

2. The  boy says:”I am  in  the  seventh form.”

3.They  say: ”We  have  too  much  homework  to do.”

4.Linda says:” I have  trained  properly to be a top sportsman.”

5.My friend says:” I  think  I  am  happy  because  I work  really hard on this project.”

V. Поставь пропущенные слова в текст: boring, discover,  look forward,  a  waste  of  time,  miss, take part in, meet, activities. One word  is extra.

Some  children say that  school  is  (1) and  it is  (2) . But  I don’t  agree  with them. I like school  and  on holiday  I ( 3)  my friends  and  teachers  and  I  always  ( 4 ) to school. Our school  life  is interesting. We  have  a lot of  interesting  after –school  (5)  during  the  year. I  like going to school  because  I ( 6) with my friends  there  and ( 7 ) new  things  at  the  lessons.

Сheckwork.  8th Form.

I. Выберите лишнее слово и выпишите его:

1.jeans ,trousers,tights, a pinafore, flares.

2.clubwear,a dress,streetwear,sportswear,footwear.

3.trendy, fashionable, to go out of fashion, to be in fashion.

4.a kaftan,a polo-neck sweater,a pullower,trainers.

5. carrot, cabbage, onion, orange, garlic,pumkin.

II.Translate  into Russian:

1.If  you  ring  me up I  will  tell  you  a secret.

2.If  you  were  a  poet  you  would  write  beautiful poems.

3.If  I were a  famous singer I  would  get a lot  of  flowers  every day.

4.If  you  get  a “ five”  your   mother  will be  happy.

5.If  these  shoes  were not  too  big  for  me I would  buy  them.

III.Translate  into  English:

1.Я не ем нездоровую пищу.

2.Я мою мои волосы оливковым шампунем.

3.Мы ведем дневник уже четыре недели.

4.Моя мама пользуется медовым кондиционером в течение месяца.

5.Овощи и фрукты полезны для здоровья.

IV.Collect sentences:

1.Fashion, into, came, flares and bags, in the last century.

2.Popular, became, polo-neck sweaters, black.

3. Both, to wear, jeans, like, girls and boys.

4.Prefer, high-heeled shoes, woman, young, platform, to.

V.Постройте вопросительные предложения:

1.We  saw  an interesting  film yesterday.

2.She  has  won  three  gold  medals  at the  Olympic Games.

VI.Заполните  пропуски в тексте  необходимыми словами  :

Symbolize,  started, are , consists,  to take part,  began,  teams,  is written.

The  Olympic  movement  _1_long ago.  It _2_in Ancient  Greece. The  official  languages  of the  Olympic  Games _3_French  and  English . The  Olympic  flag _4_ of  five  rings of different  colours  which _5_five  continents. Countries  at war  aren’t  allowed _6_in the  Olympic Games . The  motto of the Olympic movements_7_ in  Latin.

Checkwork. Проверочная работа. 9th Form.

I.Synonyms.Match  the  words:

1.come                                  a.control

2.help                                    b.shout

3.check                                 c.think

4.climb                                 d.assist

5.continue                            e.arrive

6.get                                     f.wish

7.want                                  g.put on

8.believe                              h.go up

9.call                                    i.keep up

10.dress                               j.receive

II.Express the meaning in one word:

1.an answer expressing agreement:  y -  -  -

2.to have a desire: w-  -  h

3.very rude :v - - - - - t

4.a person who can make you  laugh is h - - - - - - s

5.a person who treats their guests well is h- - - - - - - le

III.Build up all kinds of questions:

1. The children  are  swimming in the  river. ( Alternative )

2.A beautiful white  cat  lay  on the  sofa.( General )

3.The work can be done in two weeks. ( To the  subject )

4.A new  bookshop  is being  built  in our  district.( Special )

5.There  will  be a new service-station  here. (Disjunctive )

IV. Collect  the   sentences:

1. Stormy, they , them, than, weather, came back,  expected, sooner, made.

2. She, want, you, didn’t,  music, to  listen to,  heavy, this.

3. musician, we, to  be, want, popular, her, a.

4.approve  of, new,my,don’t, hairstyle, they.

5.had, we, tennis,because of ,our , rainy, the, match, weather,to postpone.

V.Choose  the  correct  variant:

1.She said she lived in Green Street.

    а.Она сказала,что живет на улице Зеленая..

    б.Она сказала,что жила на улице Зеленая.

2.I  know  you  learnt  Spanish  at school.

    а.Я знаю,что ты изучал испанский в  школе.

    б.Я знаю, что ты  изучаешь испанский в школе.

3.Mother  said  she had received  letters  from her  brother  every month .

    a.Мама сказала,что получает письма от брата  каждый месяц.

    б.Мама сказала,что получала письма от брата каждый месяц.

VI.Change  it  into reported speech:

1.Тom said; “I’m sorry to ask you”.

2.He said:”Where is  Ann  going?”.

3.The teacher said:”Don’t  use  your  notes  at the exam.”

4.The  boy  said  to his mother:”Have you some more orange  juice?”.

5.Kate  said:”I  will  buy  this  book.”

VII. Complete the text with the words below. One word is extra.

                 The History of jeans.

The first jeans were designed by Levy Strauss (1829-1902) who was a German -1-moved  to the United  States. Strauss  arrived  in  San  Francisko  in  1850  just   after  gold  was -2- there.  Strauss  decided to  make   trousers  to sell to  -3-  miners.

The  first  pair  was  made  of  tent  canvas,  and  then  strong -4-  was  imported  from  France.We  call  it” denim”  nowadays.The  denim  was  dyed  blue  with indigo. In 1837 copper  rivets  were  added  to  the  jeans. Strauss  wanted  to  make -5-  stronger  because  the  -6- used  to  fill  them with  pieces  of  rock.

The  -7- still  makes  Levis  today.

The  first  Lee  Rider jeans  were -8- in  1924  and  the  first Wranglers  in  1947. Until the  1930s  jeans  were  rarely seen  east of  the Mississipi  river. Hollywood  westerns  made  jeans  popular.  Cowboys -9-  them  in  the  films, and  film stars  wore  them -10-  the  studios.

Pockets, company, outside, made, immigrant, gold, boots, miners, cotton, sprayed, discovered, wore.

Checkwork. Промежуточная контрольная работа.10-11th Forms.

I. I.Correct the mistakes:

 d..velop,   parl—ment,  us..ful, t…nager, compl…n, gover..ment, mach..n e, li..ence, invent..n.

II.Express the meaning of each phrase in one word.

1.to take the first step…  b - - - n                                          

2.a town where a seat of government is… c - - - - - l                        

3.the end of  life….    d - - -h                      

4.to come or come into…e - - - r                        

5.very well known … f - - - - s                            

6.the male ruler of the country …k - - g

7.to walk like a soldier …m - - -h

8.the dark part of  each  day …n - - - t

9.not  shut …o - - n

10.to put in the ground to grow…p - - - t

III.Build up all kinds of questions:

1.Suddenly she noticed  a boy on the  other side  of the  road  ( Alternative )

2.An old wolf-dog  lay  close  by  Alex’s  chair.( General )

3.Traffic  is no longer permitted  in this street. ( To the  subject )

4.A new  supermarket  is being  built  in our  district.( Special )

5.I  will  have  to borrow 10 pounds from Nick.( Disjunctive )

IV. Collect  the   sentences:

1. Earlier, we, rainy, us, than, weather, return,  wanted, made.

2. She, want, her, didn’t, you,  to  leave, house.

3. Friend, I, to  be, know,  very, him, real, a.

V.Choose  the  correct  variant:

1.She said she lived in Oxford Street.

    а.Она сказала,что живет на улице Оксфорд.

    б.Она сказала,что жила на улице Оксфорд.

2.I  know  you  learnt  French at school.

    а.Я знаю,что ты изучал французский в  школе.

    б.Я знаю, что ты  изучаешь французский в школе.

3.Mother  said  she had received  letters  from her son every week.

    a.Мама сказала,что получает письма от сына каждую неделю.

    б.Мама сказала,что получала письма от сына каждую неделю.

VI.Change  it  into reported speech:

1.John said; “I’m sorry to disturb you”.

2.He said:”Where is Kate going?”.

3.The lecturer said:”Don’t  use  your  notes  at the exam.”

4.The child said to his mother:”Have you some more ice-cream?”.

5.Sally said:”I  will  buy  it.”

VII.Read  the  text  and  answer  the questions:

One  night Mrs Boweles  was  driving  her car  from Winchester  to Chilcomb  with  a friend  of  the family, Mr  Ted Pratt.

Suddenly they saw an orange light  in the sky.The car started  to shake  and Mrs Boweles  couldn’t control it.Some unknown  power  lifted  it, then pushed  to the  left,then stopped  the engine and  switched  off  the lights.

It was then that we saw a cigar-shaped  object about  five  yards long.There  were three figures inside, said Mrs Boweles.The three figures were the crew of the UFO. Mrs Boweles said that she had never been so frightened  before.

At first, the alien crew looked  like  ordinary people.They were wearing silver clothes.

Then an alien came out of the UFO.He was quite tall and seemed to be about forty-five years old.He had long fair hair  and a short beard.He  put  his arm on the roof  of the car and  looked at the two frightened people  inside.He had clear ,white skin and pink eyes. Mrs Boweles was afraid  that  the alien would kill them, but he only looked  at the car’s instruments.Suddenly the lights switched on automatically and they shone  four times  brighter  than normal, Mrs Boweles wanted to say ‘ Thank you ‘ but before she opened her mouth the UFO and  its crew had already disappeared  into the night.

1.What  happened  to the car when they saw an orange  light  in the sky?

A.The  car started to shake.

B.The car was lifted  then pushed  to the left  by an unknown  power.

C.The engine  was stopped and the lights were switched off.

D.All variants are correct.

2.How many figures were  there  inside the  object?

A.more  than  one

B.less than five
C.Both A and B variants are correct.

3.What did the alien crew look like at  first?

A.like ordinary people

B.like foreigners

C.like strangers

4.What  was  unusual  in the alien?






5.Who|What did the  alien look at?

A.at Mrs Boweles

B.at Ted  Praff

C.at the car’s instruments

D.All  variants  are  correct.

Предварительный просмотр:

Промежуточная контрольная  работа

 по английскому языку в 8 классе (автор: Биболетова  М.З.)

Автор: Балданова Жаргалма Жамьяновна, МБОУ «Улюкчиканская оош»

 Цель: выявить уровень усвоения обучающимися познавательных, регулятивных, коммуникативных универсальных учебных действий.

Работа содержит тестовые задания по 3 видам речевой деятельности (аудирование, чтение,  письмо) и лексико-грамматическому материалу. Данный материал рассчитан на 45 мин.

Раздел «Аудирование».

Task 1. Listen to 2 teenagers talking about their jobs. Fill in the table.

Where dose he/she work?

How much is he/she paid?

What do they spend their money on?

Раздел   «Чтение».

Task 2:Read the text and do the task.

MIKE: I’m going on a camping holiday in Scotland. I like walking and climbing. At night I’ll camp. If it’s raining, I’ll stay in a Youth Hostel. They are cheap, but you must get up early and help with the breakfast.

JOHN: I’m going to a sailing school in the Lake District. I like yachting and canoeing. We’ll stay in a mountain chalet. We’ll have sailing lessons every day.

SALLY: I’m going on archaeological dig in Cornwall. I love history. We’re digging for Camelot at South Cadbury. Camelot was King Arthur’s castle. It’s hard work, but you meet a lot of people.

CHRISTINE: I’m going on a canal holiday. My father steers the boat. I’ll lie on the deck and sunbathe. I hope it doesn’t rain!

TOM: Now we have summer holidays to look forward to. Mark and I are planning to go off with a couple of friends on a bicycling holiday. I think I have persuaded Mum and Dad to let us go. We are planning to go to Ireland for a week. We’ll take the bikes and our camping gear but if it rains I expect we’ll have to stay in hostels. Apparently there are loads of hostels in the part of Ireland we’re planning to visit and they don’t cost a fortune. We’ll go across on the ferry from Wales – it takes all night. Then we will bicycle around the coast. We’ll probably do about 30 miles a day. Let’s hope it doesn’t pour with rain! It should be fun – I hope!

Fill in the table:

    Information about the teenagers

                     The names of the teenagers

  1. This person is fond of history

  1. This person will travel by bike

  1. This person enjoys sailing

  1. This person prefers camping

  1. This person likes sunbathing

Раздел « Лексика и Грамматика».

Task 3. Put in “the” where necessary.

1. We live on  ____(1)__ Earth.

2. Many people dream about traveling in ___(2)____ space.

 3. __(3)____Russia is situated in ___(4)____ Europe and ___(5)__ Asia.

 4. There are 50 states in ___(6)___ USA.

5. He is going to see ___(7)___ Alps.

 6. ____(8)__Volga flows into ___(9)__ Caspian Sea.

Task  4. Open the brackets using Past Continuous or Past Simple.

  1. When I (come) home, my mother (cook) dinner.    
  2. Yesterday at 2 o’clock I (prepare) for my English test.

Task 5. Open the brackets using Past Perfect or Past Simple.

  1. Helen (do) it by 10 o’clock yesterday.
  2. She (translate) the article before the film (begin).

Task 6: Continue the sentences. Use  Conditional II or III :

  1. If we cut down fewer forests, the air (be) clean.                                    
  2. If you ( give)  him the money, he would have spent all of them.                

Task 7: Write the sentences in reported speech:

  1. Tom said: “The book is worth reading.”
  2. Martin said: “We had a wonderful party yesterday.”
  3. Teacher asked: “Where do you live?”

Task 8: Fill in “to” if necessary:

  1. We want you … join our organization.
  2. She made her son … read the letter.

Task 9: Use an appropriate pronoun: some, any, much, many:

  1. I haven’t got some/any  milk.
  2. I met some/any interesting people last night.
  3. How many/much eggs do we need?
  4. How many/much salt do we put in?

Task 10:  Use Gerund or Infinitive:

  1. He enjoys (to watch/ watching) cartoons.
  2. We want (to eat/ eating).
  3. This book is worth (to read/ reading).

Раздел «Письмо».

Task 11.  Write a postcard to your pen friend  from the English-speaking country and send greetings to him /her on a holiday (New year, Christmas, birthday… )


Task 1.  Wendy:   at the baker’s shop;   5 ponds per hour (20 pounds per 4 hours); for a holiday in France

David: do a newspaper round; 30 pounds per week; for a new guitar

Task 2.   1.  Sally  2. Tom  3. John  4.  Mike  5. Christine

Task 3. 1. the  2. -  3. -  4. – 5. -  6. the 7. the 8. the 9. the

Task 4. 1 came, was cooking;      2  was preparing ;  

Task 5. 1 had done;   2 had translated, began ;  3 saw;   4 ha seen, happened.

Task 6. 1. Would be   2. Had given

Task 7: 1. Tom said the book was worth reading.   2. Martin said they had had a wonderful party the day before.  3. Teacher asked where they lived.

Task 8: 1. to  2. –

Task 9: 1. any  2. some   3. many  4. Much

Task 10: 1. watching    2. to eat    3. reading



D: Where do you earn your pocket money?

W: At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.

D: How much do you get?

W: Oh, not much. The owner pays me 5 pounds an hour. So if I work for 4 hours, I get 20 pounds.

D: Well, that’s not bad. I only get 30 pounds a week for working every morning.

W: I didn’t now you work too. What do you do?

D: I do a newspaper round.

W: Don’t you have to get up early before school, to do that?

D: Yes, I get up at half past 6 every morning.

W: That’s why you nearly fell asleep in Maths yesterday. Don’t you have to get up early on Sundays, too?

D: Yes, Sunday is the busiest day of all. Everyone has more papers on Sunday because they have more time to read them. But it’s worth it. I’ll be able to buy a new guitar in a month.

W: I’m trying to save for a holiday in France. We want to go there with my friend Jane who walks dogs to earn money.

Предварительный просмотр:

Промежуточная  контрольная работа по английскому языку

по английскому языку в 5  классе (автор: Кузовлев В.П.)

Автор: Балданова Жаргалма Жамьяновна, МБОУ «Улюкчиканская оош»

Контрольная работа состоит из 4 частей. На выполнение проверочной работы учащимся отводится 45 минут: Аудирование  (5 мин), Чтение (10 мин), Лексика и грамматика (20 мин), Письмо (10 мин)

        В проверочной работе используются следующие типы заданий:

  1. Задания на установление соответствий
  2. Задания с выбором ответа из нескольких вариантов.
  3. Задания с кратким ответом в виде одного слова на дополнение предложения или связного текста.
  4. Задания открытого типа, требующие записи развёрнутого ответа

        Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий –42  (36 + 6 за письмо)

Если ученик набрал менее 20 баллов – это низкий уровень работы – оценка «2»

От 21 до 28 баллов -  средний уровень  выполнения работы – оценка «3»

От 29 до 36 баллов – хороший уровень выполнения работы – оценка «4»

От 37до 42 баллов - высокий уровень выполнения работы - оценка «5»

 Текст для аудирования звучит для учащихся 1 и 2 вариантов один общий, далее задания выполняются по вариантам.



Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе

Вариант №1

Задание №1 Аудирование

(Прослушайте текст и отметьте утверждения как верные (T) или неверные F.)

   Mr.Smith is Kate and Sam’s teacher. He lives far from school. He gives them French lessons and he speaks French very well. When the children know their lessons well, Mr.Smith gives them good marks. Kate has got an A for his French dictation. That is the highest mark. Sam has got a D for the dictation. That’s the lowest mark. Sam always makes a lot of mistakes in his dictations. The dictation was very long. There were twenty-two lines in it. There were a lot of difficult words in the dictation. Kate is glad that she wrote it well. Sam isn’t very happy that he made so many mistakes.

1.Mr.Smith is an English teacher.

2.Mr.Smith always gives the children good marks.

3.Kim got the lowest mark for the dictation.

4.Sam didn’t get the highest mark for the dictation.

5.There were twenty-two words in the dictation.

6.The dictation was difficult.

7.Kate isn’t very happy about the dictation.

8.Sam never writes dictations well.

Задание №2 Чтение

(Прочитайте текст. Отметьте утверждения как верные (Т) или неверные (F).)

   Dear Carol,

          Thank you for your letter. We are having a fantastic holiday. Oakwood is a little village in the south of  England with a park, a castle and some lovely gardens. People here are really friendly. The lady we are staying with is about fifty-five but she is very energetic. She is really nice.

           I think we are lucky. This is our second holiday this year and we are doing just what we want to do: sleeping, eating and playing games. The sea is rather cold so we don’t swim often but we spend a lot of time on the beach. The food is lovely, too. We will be back on Tuesday, June, 21.

 Best wishes,

 Yours, Mary.

Задание к тексту:

9. Mary is in Oakwood now.

10. There is a park in Oakwood .

11. They aren’t staying at a hotel.

12. They don’t play games.

13. Oakwood is near the sea.

14. They swim a lot.

15. Mary doesn’t know when they return.

Задание №3 Лексика и Грамматика

Сhoose the correct form of the verbs. (Выберите правильную форму глаго-ла.)

I…(16)…in  the park and…(17)….my notes at the moment. It…(18)…hot. I…(19)…hot  weather.  I ... not …(20)… to sit here. But  Roger …(21)… tennis with his friend. They …(22)… and …(23)... . They…(24)… neither ice cream nor cold lemonade. They …(25)… fun. They …(26)… this weather

sit, write, be, hate, want, play, run, laugh,  need, have,  


Задание №4

Add the appropriate ending to create the tag-question. ( Добавьте нужное окончание, чтобы получился разделительный вопрос.)

It is a lovely evening,….

Her parents aren’t from Italy,….

You will go there again,….

My students don’t need any help,….

Ann knows my family,….

Задание №5   Choose the appropriate word. (Выберите подходящее по смыслу cлово.)

32. Our …. school would like to invite a group of foreign students.

      a) typical      b) social           c)sociable           d) local

33. The Tower Bridge is one of the famous ….in London.

     a) place of interest    b)building   c) bridges  d) museum

34. The Queen of Britain lives in …

     a) Westminster Abbey  b) Tower of London  c) Buckingham Palace

35. This political meeting takes …near the Houses of Parliament.

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off

36. Children like to take …… of their pets

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off


Задание №6 Письмо

Write a letter to your pen friend from Great Britain. Tell him/her about your family and hobbies, your school. Don’t forget about the rules of writing a letter.

(Напишите письмо своему другу по переписке в Великобританию. Расскажите ему о своей семье, своих увлечениях, школе. Не забудьте про правила написания письма).

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5  классе.

Вариант №2

Раздел 1 Аудирование

Listen to the text and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). (Прослу-шайте текст и отметьте утверждения как верные (T) или неверные F.)

     Mr.Smith is Kate and Sam’s teacher. He lives far from school. He gives them French lessons and he speaks French very well. When the children know their lessons well, Mr.Smith gives them good marks. Kate has got an A for his French dictation. That is the highest mark. Sam has got a D for the dictation. That’s the lowest mark. Sam always makes a lot of mistakes in his dictations. The dictation was very long. There were twenty-two lines in it. There were a lot of difficult words in the dictation. Kate is glad that she wrote it well. Sam isn’t very happy that he made so many mistakes.

1.Mr.Smith is an English teacher.

2.Mr.Smith always gives the children good marks.

3.Kim got the lowest mark for the dictation.

4.Sam didn’t get the highest mark for the dictation.

5.There were twenty-two words in the dictation.

6.The dictation was difficult.

7.Kate isn’t very happy about the dictation.

8.Sam never writes dictations well.


Раздел 2 Чтение

Read the text. Mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). (Прочитайте текст. Отметьте утверждения как верные (Т) или неверные (F).)

     Kate and Jack are members of an international camping club. Their club is called The Stars. It organizes different trips and excursions all over the world. Every member of the club must have a tent, a sleeping bag and a mountain bike. They also have special clothes because the weather is not always fine. During school holidays they usually go to a camp in Europe. At the moment Kate and Jack are in a camp in Spain. They are staying with a group of  twelve-year-old boys and girls. Kate and Jack are having a wonderful time in Spain.

    Задание к тексту:

 9. Jack is a member of a biking club.

10. They are having holidays now.

11. The weather is always fine in camps.

12. They like the camp in Spain.

13. Boys don’t live in camps in Spain.

14. Kate and Jack can ride a bike.

15. They usually go to camps in South America.

Раздел 3 Лексика и Грамматика

Сhoose the correct form of the verbs. (Выберите правильную форму глаго-ла.)

 Mike….(16)…TV at the moment. Julia usually…(17)….tennis on Saturdays.

 He…(18)…good marks every day.  I…(19)…a present for my friend last week.

 My mother .…(20)…dinner, when he…(21)…into the kitchen.

Where …(22)…Harry ? – He…(23)...in the garden. This boy’s pictures are great. He…(24)… a famous artist. Our teacher …(25)…when pupils come late. Nick….(27)….a letter yesterday from 5 till 6 o’clock.  

be, watch, like, come, get, buy, play, cook, be,

work, write

Add the appropriate ending to create the tag-question. ( Добавьте нужное окончание, чтобы получился разделительный вопрос.)

It is dark in the evening in winter,…(27).

Julia’s parents aren’t from Spain,…(28).

They will meet us at the airport,…(29).

She is singing a beautiful song,…(30).

He came to school too late yesterday,…(31).

Choose the appropriate word. (Выберите подходящее по смыслу cлово.)

32.What’s……subject for you in school?

      a) the most easy   b) easiest     c) the easyest    d) the easiest

33. The Tower Bridge is one of the famous ….in London.

     a) place of interest    b)building   c) bridges  d) museum

34. Mike needs five …..of…..for his party.

     a) boxes, potatoes     b) boxes, potato    c) boxes, potatoes     d) boxes, potatos

35. This concert takes …near the Red Square.

     a) place   b) care  c) part   d) off

36.People always ….famous persons in the streets.

     a) invite   b) offer  c) recognize   d) take


Раздел 4 Письмо

Write a letter to your pen friend from Great Britain. Tell him/her about your family and hobbies, your school. Don’t forget about the rules of writing a letter.

 (Напишите письмо своему другу по переписке в Великобританию. Расскажите ему о своей семье, своих увлечениях, школе. Не забудьте про правила написания письма)

Вариант №1


1. F

9. +

16. am sitting

27. isn’t it

2. F

10. +

17. writing

28. are they

3. F

11. +

18. is

29. won’t you

4. T

12. -

19. hate

30. do they

5. F

13. +

20. do not want

31. doesn’t she

6. T

14. -

21. is playing

32.  c

7. F

15. -

22. are running

33.  c

8. T

23. laughing

34.  b

24. need

35.  a

25. have

36.  d

26. like

37 – 43 личное письмо

Вариант №2


1. F

9. -

16. is watching

27. isn’t it

2. F

10. +

17. plays

28. are they

3. F

11. -

18. gets

29. won’t you

4. T

12. +

19. bought

30. isn’t she

5. F

13. -

20. was cooking

31. didn’t he

6. T

14. +

21. came

32.  d

7. F

15. -

22. is

33.  c

8. T

23. is working

34.  a

24. will be

35.  a

25. doesn’t like

36.  c

26. was writing

37 – 43 личное письмо

Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа состоит из двух частей:

Часть I(Reading) содержит задания по чтению.

Часть II(UseofEnglish) - задания по лексическому и грамматическому материалу.

При составлении и разработке заданий учитывались учебные возможности обучающихся.

Задания уровня«А» - задания базового уровня

Задания уровня «В» - повышенного

Задания уровня «С» - высокого

При выполнений данной работы необходимо дать краткий или полный ответ, или выбрать правильный вариант ответа.

На выполнение всей работы отводится 45 минут.

Каждое верно выполненное задание уровня А оценивается в 1 балл,

уровня В – 2 балла, уровня С – 3 балла.

Все контрольные работы имеют ключи.

Спецификация и материал контрольной работы для обучающихся 4 класса

Итоговая работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей. Часть I содержит задания по чтению. Часть II содержит задания по лексическому и грамматическому материалу, изученному в 4 классе.Два задания по содержанию текста (Reading) и пять лексико-грамматических заданий (UseofEnglish). Всего 7 заданий:

пять заданий с выбором ответа (ВО), одно задание с кратким ответом (КО) и одно задание с развернутым ответом (РО). Задания 1,2 части I и задания 1,2,3 части II – задания базового уровня (А). Задание 4 части II – задание повышенного уровня (В). Задание 5 части II – высокого уровня (С)

На выполнение всей работы отводится 45 минут.

Каждое верно выполненное задание уровня А оценивается в 1 балл,

уровня В – 2 балла, уровня С – 3 балла.

Максимальный балл за выполнение всей работы -35 баллов.

Уровень А-18 баллов

Уровень В – 8 баллов

Уровень С – 9 баллов

Критерии оценивания: 80-100% максимальной суммы баллов- оценка»5» (28-35 баллов)

60-79% - оценка «4» (21-27 баллов)

40-59% - оценка «3» (14-20 баллов)

0-39% - оценка «2» (0-13 баллов)

  1. Reading 1 вариант



OnedayMaryandBobwent shopping. They wanted to buy some ice cream. Then they saw a little man selling balloons. “Mister, we want a balloon”, said Mary to the man. “Here is our money”. “What balloon do you want?”, said the balloon man. Mary and Bob wanted a bright green balloon. So they gave the man some money. The little man began to blow the balloon. He blew and blew. He blew up a big green cat. It was beautiful. Mary and Bob were happy to have a green cat balloon. Nowtheydidn’twantanyicecream.

Задание 1.Прочитайтетекст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

1.One day Mary and Bob went to the park.

2.They saw a little man selling balloons.

3.They gave the man a big apple.


Задание2.Прочитайтетекст. Взаданияхвыберитеправильныйвариантответа. Choose the right variant.

5.Mary and Bob went shopping because:

a) they wanted some oranges; b) they wanted ice cream; c) they liked shopping.

6.The children wanted:

a) a red ball; b) a green balloon; c) a bright green balloon.

7.So they gave the man:

a) some sweets; b) some money; c) some oranges.

8.They didn’t want any ice cream because:

a) they had no money; b) they were happy to have balloon; c) it was cold.

  1. Use of English

Задание 1.Выбери правильную форму множественного числа существительных.

1.There are many……in our class a)child, b) children, c)childrens

2.I see ten…… on the farm a)horse, b)horses, c)horseses

3. Peter and Sam like fried ... very much a)potatos b)potates c) potatoes

Задание 2.Выбериправильныйвариантглагола.

1.My sister and I ….. got two cats and a rabbit.

a) have b) has c) had

2.The children … happy to go to the zoo.

a)was b)were c) been

3. They……. shopping tomorrow.

a) go b) went c) will go

4. Her eyes ….. blue.

a) is b) are с) am

Задание 3. Выбери правильное вопросительное слово

  1. …….. doyoulive?

a)where, b) when, c) who

2. …….. is your birthday?

a) when, b) why, c) who

3. …….. pets have you got?

a) how, b) how much, c) how many

Задание 4. Поставь прилагательные в нужной степени.

1. This book is ( interesting) than that book.

2. I saw (good) film in this year.

3. City is (large) than country.

4. He is a (good) student in the group

Задание 5.Составь предложения из слов.

1. Play, puzzles, didn`t, Becky, yesterday

2. My, tomorrow, I, ride, will, bike

3. got, grandma, My, two, letters, yesterday

  1. Reading 2 вариант



In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are five years old. Some boys and girls go to school till they are fifteen years old, others go up to sixteen or eighteen.

English schools are open five days a week. On Saturdays and Sundays there are no lessons. There are primary and secondary schools in Great Britain. English children begin to go to a secondary school when they are eleven or older. There are different kinds of secondary schools in Britain. Some secondary schools are only for boys, some are only for girls and some are for boys and girls. Some schools prepare pupils for work, others for the university.

The pupils of all schools have uniforms. The boys wear dark grey, dark green or dark blue uniforms. The girls in some schools wear blouses and skirts, in others they wear dresses.

1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

  1. In Great Britain boys and girls begin to go to school when they are six.
  2. English schools work five days a week.
  3. There no primary schools in Great Britain.
  4. Children go to primary schools till they are 12.

2. Прочитайте текст. В заданиях выберите правильный вариант ответа. Choose the right variant.

5. In Great Britain there are…

а)no primary schools b) primary and secondary schools c) only primary school.

6. In Britain there aren’t secondary schools…

a)only for boys b) only for girls c) only for grown ups

7.Some schools prepare pupils…

a)for sports and work b)for work and university c) for university

8. All schoolchildren wear…

a)dark grey uniforms b) blouses and skirts c) uniforms at schools.

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1.Выбериправильнуюформумножественногочисласуществительных.

1. We should be careful with our ... .a) wishes b) wishs c) wishesses

2. His long ... drive me crazy. a) soliloquies b) soliloquy c) soliloquyes

3. I had three ..., but now I'm single. a) wifes b) wives c) wifs

Задание 2.Выбери правильный вариант глагола.

1) …. beautiful flower.

a) It is b) They are с)he is

2 – My pen…. in my bag.

a) were b) are с) was

3. – Where …. jeans?

a) Was b) were с) is

4. We …. play with toys.

a) was b)will с) were

Задание 3. Выбери правильное вопросительное слово

1. …isyourname? a) how b) who c) what

2. …do you get up? a) which b) where c) when

3…. were you born? a)why b) when c)who

Задание 4. Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

  1. She is (good)…… teacher in the school.
  2. The jacket is (clean)…… than the coat.
  3. This book is (interesting)….. than that book.
  4. That is the (good)…. tree in the park

Задание 5. Составь предложения из слов.

1. Cleaned, Jane`s, mother, rooms, the.

2. Jane, her, mother, Did, help?

3. didn’t, like, She, work, to

I. Reading 3 вариант



A cat lives in a small house. In the kitchen of the cat’s house live little mice. The cat is very big and every day she eats one or two mice. But on her birthday the cat does not eat mice. Every year all the mice in her house come to the cat’s birthday party and give her birthday presents: cakes and interesting toys. The toys are made of paper and cotton. The cat likes the cakes and the toys too.Last year the mice came to the cat’s birthday party and said “Here is blue ribbon with a small bell for you”. The cat put the ribbon on, it was made of silk and said “Thank you. I like the ribbon with the bell very much. I am going to wear it all the time”. The mice were happy. When the mice heard the bell, they ran away from the kitchen.

1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

  1. A cat lives in a big house.
  2. The cat eats a lot of mice every day.
  3. The cat likes to get cakes and toys.
  4. The mice bring presents for the cat.

2. Прочитайте текст. В заданиях выберите правильный вариант ответа. Choose the right variant.

5.Every year … come to the cat’s birthday

a) one or two mice b) all the mice c) some mice

6.They give her parents

a) chocolates b)fish c) cakes and interesting toys.

7.Last year he cat got … as birthday present

a) a ribbon with a small bell b) a cathouse c)book with pictures

8.The mice were happy because

a)the cat was glad b)the ribbon was nice c)the cat was going to wear the ribbon with the bell

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1.Выбериправильнуюформумножественногочисласуществительных.

1. There are a lot of ... in the basement. a) mices b) mouses c) mice

2.There are five ... in our house. a)romes b)room c)rooms

3. These ... seem very suspicious. a) men b )man’s c)woman

Задание 2.Выбери правильный вариант глагола.

1. Where …. your hat?

a) are b) is с) am

2. We……. the film yesterday.

a) see, b)saw c) will see

3.They……. shopping tomorrow.

a) go b) went c) will go

4. I ……. my homework every day.

a)do b) did c) will do

Задание 3. Выбери правильное вопросительное слово

1…livesintheriver? a) whob) whatc) when

2. ..do you go to school? a) where b) when c) what

3…are there in the classroom? a) how many students b) how much c) how a lot of

Задание 4. Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

  1. This is (beautiful)…… dress in the shop.
  2. It is (bad)…… doll in the shop.
  3. This is (old)….. house in the street.
  4. That is the(good)… tree in the park

Задание 5. Составь предложения из слов.

1) in, can, I, winter, skate 

2) river, in, swim, the, I, summer, in

3) like, I, spring, autumn, and.

  1. Reading 4 вариант



Dear pen friend,

My name is Alice. I am ten. I am from the USA. I live with my mum and dad. My birthday is on the 7th of September, it’s my favorite holiday. What is your name? How old are you?

I have got a cat, a dog. My cat is grey. Its name is Kitty. Kitty likes fish, meat and milk. My dog is black and white. Its name is Jack. I like to play with my pets. Have you got a pet? Is it funny?

I can play basketball very well, it’s my favorite sport. I like to draw, read, listen to music and play computer games. I don’t like to watch TV. On Sundays I run in the park with my dad. In spring and autumn I like to ride a bike with my friends. In winter I like to ski and skate. In summer I like to swim in the river. What do you like to do?

Please write back.

Your pen friend,


Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

  1. Alice’sbirthdayis ……
  1. ontheseventeenthofSeptemberb)ontheseventhofSeptemberc)ontheseventeenthofOctober.
  1. Alice’s birthday is ……a) in spring b)in summer c)in autumn d)in winter
  2. Alice lives……
  1. with her grandmother and grandfather b) with her mother and father

c)with her mother and grandmother.

  1. Alice has got…..a)a cat, a dog and a bird b)a cat, a dog c) a cat, a dog and a fish.

Задание 2. Прочитайте текст. В заданиях выберите правильный вариант ответа. Choose the right variant.

5.Alice is …years old.

  1. ten b) eleven c) twelve

6.Alice lives in …

  1. America. b) Great Britain c) Russian

7.Alice likes to play...

  1. Football b) table tennis c) basketball

8.On Sundays Alice runs in the park with …

  1. her mother. b) her dad c) her uncle

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1.Выбериправильнуюформумножественногочисласуществительных.

1. There are many ... in our woods. a) wolf b) wolfs c) wolves

2. I see ten…… on the farm. a)horse, b)horses, c)horseses

3. Peter and Sam like fried ... very much. a) potatos b) potates c) potatoes

Задание 2.Выбери правильный вариант глагола.

1.The jeans … on the chair.

a) are b) is c) was

2. He often …. to the zoo.

a) go b) goes c) don’t go

3.I didn’t …. the clothes yesterday.

a) bought b) buy c) buys

4. They …. visit you next Sunday.

a) wonʹt b) aren’t c) don’t

Задание 3. Выбери правильное вопросительное слово


a) how b) when c) why

2. ..do you know about family?

a) when b) where c) what

3….did you spend your holiday?

a) how b) how much c) who

Задание 4. Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

1). Henry is not…. (strong) his elder brother Bob.

2). I met my….. (good) friend yesterday.

3). In the city rivers are (dirty)…than in the country

4. He is a (good)… student in the group

Задание 5. Составьпредложенияизслов.

1. go, Why, Jane`s, shopping, did, mother?

2. is, big, school, My, not.

3. got, four, every day, We, have, lessons

  1. Reading 5 вариант

Our classroom


This is our classroom. It is light, clean and large. The room is nice. Its ceiling and walls are white, its floor is brown. There is one door and three windows in it. When it is warm, they are open. When it is cold, they are shut. The door is always shut when we have our lessons.
There is a blackboard on the wall. We write on it. On the blackboard there are some words. They are English words. We read them: "We want to know English."
We sit on chairs in front of desks. The desks are nice and green.
The teacher's desk is near the blackboard. There are not many pupils in our class. There are only seventeen in it. Today fifteen pupils are present, two are absent.
We learn many subjects at school. They are: Russian, English, history, literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography and physical training

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

1. There is one door and two windows in the classroom.

2. On the blackboard they are English words

3. There are many pupils in our class.

4. Students learn many subjects at school.

Задание 2. Прочитайте текст. В заданиях выберите правильный вариант ответа. Choose the right variant.

5.Our classroom is …

a)light, clean and large b)light and dirty c)dark and clean

6.The door is always … when we have our lessons.

a)open b)shut c)dirty

7. We learn……subjects at school

a)many b) much c) a little

8.The teacher's desk is… the blackboard

a)at b)under c)near

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1.Выбериправильнуюформумножественногочисласуществительных.

1.There are five ... in our house. a)romes b)room c)rooms

2. There are many……in our class. a)child, b)children, c)childrens

3. These ... seem very suspicious.a) men b )man’s c) woman

Задание 2.Выбери правильный вариант глагола.

1. Where …… Mr Brown?

a) did you saw b) saw c) did you see

2. I …. my friend last Wednesday.

a) meet b) met c) will meet

3. I like the blouse. How much …?

a) is it b) are they c) are there

4. There …. a bird in the box.

a) are b) is с) were

Задание 3. Выбери правильное вопросительное слово


a) how b) when c) what

2. ..is your favorite sport?

a) when b) where c) what

3….did you celebrate your birthday?

a) how b) how much c) who

Задание 4. Раскрой скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужную форму.

1.In the city houses (tall)…are than in the country.

2. February is (cold)..than March.

3.Lake Baikal is (deep)..than this lake. 

4.That is the(good)… tree in the park.

Задание 5. Составь предложения из слов.

1. PE, lesson, is, favourite, my

2. Can, run, swim, I, and, well

3. you, school, like, your, Do?


1 вариант

I. Reading

Задание 1 1-F, 2-T, 3-F, 4-T.

Задание 2 1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b.

II.Use of English

Задание 1 1-b, 2-b,3-c.

Задание 2 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-b.

Задание 3 1-a, 2-a, 3-c.

Задание 4 1-more interesting 2- the best 3- larger  4- the best

Задание 5 1- Becky didn't play puzzles yesterday, 2- I will ride my bike tomorrow 3- My grandma got two letters yesterday

2 вариант

I. Reading

Задание 1 1-F, 2-T, 3-F, 4-T.

Задание 2 1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-c.

II.Use of English

Задание 1 1-a, 2-a,3-b.

Задание 2 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b.

Задание 3 1-c, 2-c, 3-b.

Задание 4 1the best 2- cleaner 3-more interesting  4- best

Задание 5 1- Jane's mother cleaned the rooms., 2- Did Jane help her mother?3- She didn't like to work. 

3 вариант

I. Reading

Задание 1 1-F, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T.

Задание 2 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c.

II.Use of English

Задание 1 1-c, 2-c,3-a.

Задание 2 1-b, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a.

Задание 3 1-a, 2-b, 3-a.

Задание 4 1- the most beautiful2- worst 3-the oldest4-best

Задание 5 1-I can skate in winter.., 2- I swim in the river in summer3-I like spring and autumn

4 вариант

I. Reading

Задание 1 1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b.

Задание 2 1-a, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b.

II.Use of English

Задание 1 1-c, 2-b,3-c.

Задание 2 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a.

Задание 3 1-a, 2-c, 3-a.

Задание 4 1Stronger 2- best 3-dirtier 4- the best

Задание 5 1- Why did Jane's mother go shopping?2- My school is not big 3.We have got four lessons every day

5 вариант

I. Reading

Задание 1 1-F, 2-T, 3-F, 4-T.

Задание 2 1-a, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c.

II.Use of English

Задание 1 1-c, 2-b,3-a.

Задание 2 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-b.

Задание 3 1-b, 2-c, 3-a.

Задание 4 1- taller 2 COLDER 3-deeper4- best

Задание 5 1-My favourite lesson is PE..., 2- I can run and swim very well 3-Do you like your school?

Спецификация и материал контрольной работы для обучающихся6 класса

Итоговая работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей. Часть I содержит задание по чтению. Часть II содержит задания по лексическому и грамматическому материалу, изученному в 6 классе.Одно задание по содержанию текста (Reading) и четыре лексико-грамматических заданий ( UseofEnglish) всего 5 заданий:

Три задания с выбором ответа (ВО), одно задание с кратким ответом (КО) и одно задание с развернутым ответом (РО). Задание1 части I и задания 1,2, части II – задания базового уровня (А). Задание 3 части II – задание повышенного уровня (В). Задание 4 части II – высокого уровня (С)

На выполнение всей работы отводится 45 минут

Каждое верно выполненное задание уровня А оценивается в 1 балл,

уровня В – 2 балла, уровня С – 3 балла.

Максимальный балл за выполнение всей работы -25 баллов

Уровень А-10 баллов

Уровень В – 6 баллов

Уровень С –9 баллов

Критерии оценивания:

80-100% максимальной суммы баллов- оценка»5» (20-25 баллов)

60-79% - оценка «4» (15-19 баллов)

40-59% - оценка «3» (10-14 баллов)

0-39% - оценка «2» (0-9 баллов)

I. Reading 1 вариант

Food from around the world

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

We eat a lot of different kinds of food today. Before the 16 th century, people in Europe didn't have a lot of the things that we can eat and drink every day.

At the end of the 15 th century, people from Europe started to travel to other parts of the world. They went to America, Africa and Asia. They brought back a lot of new kinds of food. Chocolate came from Mexico. The Aztecs there drank chocolate with pepper! The Spanish brought chocolate to Europe and they were first to put sugar in it. Until the 1870s, chocolate was only a drink. The Swiss made the first bar of chocolate in 1876.

Potatoes came from South America. Potatoes like cold, wet weather. They grew in the mountains of Peru. Coffee came from Africa. The Turks took it to Turkey and then to Europe. Tea came from China in the 17 th century. At first it was very expensive and only rich people drank it, but in the 19 th century the British started to grow tea in India. They produced a lot, so it was cheap and everybody could drink it.

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. People made the first bar of chocolate in…

a)Britain b) Switzerland c) Spain

2. The British started to grow tea in…

a)China b) Turkey c)India.

3. Coffee came to Turkey from…

a) Europe b) Africa c) India.

4.At first only rich people drank tea, because…

a) it was not very good b) it was cheap c) it was expensive


Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. When I was a child I … to be a doctor.

a) wanted b) want c) has wanted

2. She…. just …. to her teacher.

a) is speaking b) have spoken c) has spoken

3. Margaret … to school yesterday.

a) doesn’t go b) didn’t go c) won’t go

Задание 2. Составь предложения из следующих слов. Запишиих.

1) Football, we, play, always.

2) They, in, live, a, town, big.

3) June, is, nice, in, the, weather?

4) Rose, the, England, the, of, symbol, is.

Задание 3. Составь предложения, выбери правильный ответ

1. My dream is to sail round the….like the great explorers of the past

a) world b) countries c) continents

2. The Sahara … is the largest on the planet

a) valley b) desert, c) park

3. In big cities, lots of people are fond of…They usually run in the parks and along the streets

a) cycling b) hiking, c) jogging

Задание 4. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму. Запишитеэтипредложения.

1. We (to start) our hiking yesterday

2. Our friends (to meet) me two days ago

3. My friend (to live) in America

I. Reading 2 вариант

It Is Cold and Frosty Today

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

My name is Bess. Sometimes ago I have been in Great Britain for ten days. I`m had a good time at the International Explorers, Club. I went to the capital of Britain. In London, I went sightseeing and rode the London Eye. I visited London Zoo and had great fun watching the elephants, lions, tigers, monkeys and birds. I took lots of photos/. Now I live in Russia and I like winter very much. I like winter sports and I want to be a good skater. I have got skates and my brother Nick teaches me to play hockey. He can play it very well. He plays hockey with his friends on the pond. I go with him to the pond and play with the boys.

They are good hockey players and hockey is a nice sport game. But I want to dance on the ice. I can dance a little but I can’t dance on the pond. The boys play hockey there. Today it is cold and frosty and the boys don’t want to go to the pond. So I can dance there with my friend Lucy. It is fun to be on the ice on a frosty day!

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. Bess visited…in the capital of Britain

a) London Zoo and the London Eye. b) Tower Bridge c)British museum

2. Bess likes….

a) summer b) winter c) spring

3. Bess wants to …

a) be a hockey player b) play hockey with Lucy c) be a skater

4. In winter Nick and his friends go to…

a) the pond b) the stadium c) the swimming pool

II. Use of English

Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. My bother can't talk to you at the moment. He …...

a) works b) worked c) is working

2. When ... you …. to London?

a) did go b) have gone c) has gone

3. How often ... they …. TV?

a) do watch b) has watched c) does watch

Задание 2. Составь предложения из следующих слов. Запишиих.

1) Homework, she, my, help, with, me.

2) Thrilling, my friend, yesterday, I, saw, a film, and.

3) trip, Did, new, friends, during, their, last, they, make

4) connect, will, This, a lot of, students, website

Задание 3. Составь предложения, выбери правильный ответ

1. In big cities, lots of people are fond of…They usually run in the parks and along the streets

a) cycling b) hiking c) jogging

2. Each country has its own… of nature. For example, Russia is famous for its Lake Baikal.

a) works в) wonders c) surprises

3. I like to play the piano. My hobby is…

a) painting b) music c) reading

Задание 4. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму. Запишитеэтипредложения.

1. He (to travel) around the world at present.

2. Ann and Kate (to play) the piano together now.

3. They (to go) sightseeing next week.

I. Reading 3 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

Charles Spencer Chaplin

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. His father died when he was a child and the family didn’t have much money. Charlie first performed on the theatre stage at the age of five.

After he joined Frank Karno’s company, he went to the USA in 1914 and his first year there he acted in 35 of Hollywood’s early films. These were ‘silent films’, before the invention of cinema sound the actors couldn’t speak, but acted out their faces and movements. Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous actors in the world, and everyone knew and loved the role he played: a man with a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and unusual walk.

With other actors, Chaplin formed a film company and he started to direct his own films. Later, after sound arrived, he began to talk on screen and he wrote the music for one of his films, “Limelight”. Twenty-five years before his death in 1977, he moved away to live in Switzerland. Most people still like his films today.

Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. Charlie Chaplin was born more than 100 years ago.

a. True b. False

2. He lived in London before he moved to the USA.

a. False b. True

3. He was 35 when he got his first role.

a. True b. False

4. He never spoke in his films.

a. False b. True

II Use of English

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. John ----a dollar yesterday.

a) found b) have found c)has found

2. Mr. Todd knows Rome quite well. He…there many times.

a) was b) has been c) have been

3. Mary----a new coat last week.

a) have bought b) has bought c) bought

Задание 2. Составьпредложения из следующих слов. Запишиих.

1. all, for, collected, the necessary, We, things, camping

2. took, for, My, a, fishing, father, boat,

3. sister, hiking, My, best, likes, of, all

4. I, being, countryside, love, in, the

Задание 3. Составь предложения, выбери правильный ответ

1. He likes to draw pictures. His hobby is…

a)collection coins b) collection computer games c) drawing

2. We like to collect coins. Our hobby is

a) painting a) music c) collection coins

3. This famous …is always on TV in the evening programs.

a) chemist b) showman c) explorer

Задание 4. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму. Запишитеэтипредложения.

1. He (to take) part in the conference last week.

2. He has already (to leave) for London.

3. My sisterand I are (to play) together now.

I. Reading 4 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.


London is the capital of Great Britain. London is a very old town. London is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a beautiful city with large squares and parks. The city of London is the business centre. East End includes the poor districts. West of London is the West End where rich people live.

Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. In the centre of Trafalgar Square there is the column made of granite. On the top of the column there is a 17-feet-tall statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1809. The total high of the monument is 184 feet (44 meters).On the pedestal is a bronze relief cast from a captured French cannon, representing Nelson’s victory.

On the North side of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery.

The National Gallery has one of the finest collections of pictures in the world.

Trafalgar Square is one of the busiest place in London, where people go to and from the work, it is hard to cross the street.

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. London is a new town.

a) True b) False

2. London is on the Thames.

a) True b) False

3. The West End of London is a place where rich people live.

a) True b) False

4. In London there aren’t a lot of squares and parks.

a) True b) False

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. What….you doing?

a) are b) have c) is

2. Kate -----up at seven o’ clock.

a) got b) get c) gets

3. Listen! Somebody … .

a) is singing b) have sung c) sing

Задание 2. Составьпредложенияизследующихслов. Запишиих.

1. This, a, beautiful, river, into, lake, runs.

2. cross-country, summer, classmates, My, a, trip, last, arranged.

3. We, went, the seaside, to.

4. I, was, football, on, playing, the beach.

Задание 3. Составь предложения, выбери правильный ответ

1. I like to play the piano. My hobby is…

a) painting b) music c) reading

2) My brother is a good… he`s had several concerts already

a) pianist b) artist c) scientist

3. Who is the most famous British …? – William Shakespeare I think

a) writer b) sportsman c) driver

Задание 4. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму. Запишитеэтипредложения.

1. They (to give) us a piece of advice yesterday.

2. He has already (to leave) for London.

3. My sisterand I are (to play) together now.

I. Reading 5 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

Sherlock Holmes

Everyone has read stories about Sherlock Holmes, who was a famous detective. He was the most famous detective of all time.

The author of all the stories was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Once Sir Arthur arrived in Paris. He took a taxi and asked the taxi driver to take him to a big hotel, where he was going to spend the night. The taxi driver brought him to the hotel. When he received his fare he said, "Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle." Sir Arthur was surprised, "How do you know who I am?" he asked. "Well, sir, I read in the newspapers yesterday that you were coming to Paris from the South of France. The train, by which you arrived, came from the South of France. Your hat and your clothes told me that you were English. I put all together and guessed at once that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."

"That is wonderful," said Sir Arthur. "With so few facts you were really able to know me." "Of course," said the taxi- driver, "your name was on both of your travelling bags. Thatallsohelped."

The taxi driver played a joke on Conan Doyle.

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. Sherlock Holmes is a famous writer of detective stories.

a) True b) False

2. Once Sir Arthur Conan Doyle came to Paris.

a) True b) False

3. The taxi driver have known him at once

a) True b) False

4. Taxi driver knew that his passenger was a famous writer because he had seen him before.

a) True b) False

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. I…-a dictionary yet.

a) have bought b) have not bought c) didn’t buy

2. I … him for a year.

a) didn’t see b) don’t see c) have not seen

3. Look at the clouds. It’s…to rain.

a) raining b)going c)can

Задание 2. Составь предложения из следующих слов. Запишиих.

1. is, visit, Clara, in, to, London, going, September

2 in, Scotland, I, to, visit, am, July, going

3.by, a story, reading, am, I, Arthur Conan Doyle

4. work, will, study, they, and, there, play

Задание 3. Составь предложения, выбери правильный ответ

1. My dream is to sail round the….like the great explorers of the past

a) world b) countries c) continents

2. Who is the most famous British …? – William Shakespeare I think

a) writer b) sportsman c) driver

3. We like to collect coins. Our hobby is

a) painting a) music c) collection coins

Задание 4. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму. Запишитеэтипредложения.

1. He ( to travel) around the world at present.

2. Ann and Kate (to play) the piano together now.

3. They (to go) sightseeing next week.


1 вариант

I. Reading.Задание 1. 1-b, 2-c, 3-b, 4-c.

II.Use of English

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-c,3-b.

Задание 2. 1- We always play football. 2-They live in a big town. 3- Is the weather in June nice? 4- The Symbol of England is the Rose.( Rose is the Symbol of England.)

Задание 3.1-a, 2-b, 3-c.

Задание 4. 1- started. 2- met. 3- lives.

2 вариант

I. Reading. Задание 1.1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a.

II.Use of English

Задание 1. 1-c, 2-a,3-a.

Задание 2. 1- She helps me with my homework. 2-Yesterday I and my friend saw a thrilling film. (I and my friend saw a thrilling film yesterday).3-Did they make new friends during their last trip? 4- This website will connect a lot of students.

Задание 3.1-c, 2-b, 3-b.

Задание 4. 1- is travelling. 2- are playing. 3- will go.

3 вариант

I. Reading. Задание 1.1-a, 2-b, 3-a, 4-a.

II.Use of English

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-b,3-c.

Задание 2. 1We collected all necessary things for the camping. 2-My father took a boat for fishing .3-My sister likes hiking best of all 4- I love being in the countryside.

Задание 3.1-c, 2-c, 3-b.

Задание 4. 1- took. 2- left. 3- are playing.

4 вариант

I. Reading. Задание 1.1-b, 2-a, 3-a, 4-b.

II.Use of English

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-c,3-a.

Задание 2. 1This beautiful river runs into a lake. 2-My classmates arranged a cross-country trip last summer.3-We went to the seaside 4- I was playing football on the beach.

Задание 3. 1-b, 2-a, 3-a.

Задание 4. 1- gave. 2- left. 3- are playing.

5 вариант

I. Reading. Задание 1.1-a, 2-a, 3-a, 4-b.

II.Use of English

Задание 1. 1-b, 2-c,3-b.

Задание 2.1.Clara is going to visit London in September. 2-I am going to visit Scotland in July.3-I am reading a story by Arthur Conan Doyle 4-They will work, play and study there (work, play,study –влюбомпорядке).

Задание 3. 1-a, 2-a, 3-c.

Задание 4. 1- is travelling. 2- are playing. 3- will go.

Спецификация и материал контрольной работы для обучающихся7 класса

Итоговая работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей. Часть I содержит задание по чтению. Часть II содержит задания по лексическому и грамматическому материалу, изученному в 7 классе.Два задания по содержанию текста (Reading) и три лексико-грамматических задания (UseofEnglish) всего 5 заданий:

Четыре задания с выбором ответа (ВО),) и одно задание с развернутым ответом (РО).

Задание1,2 части I и задания 1, части II – задания базового уровня (А). Задание 2 части II – задание повышенного уровня (В). Задание 3 части II – высокого уровня (С)

На выполнение всей работы отводится 45 минут

Каждое верно выполненное задание уровня А оценивается в 1 балл,

уровня В – 2 балла, уровня С – 3 балла.

Максимальный балл за выполнение всей работы -24 балла

Уровень А-9 баллов

Уровень В – 6 баллов

Уровень С –9 баллов

Критерии оценивания: 80-100% максимальной суммы баллов- оценка»5» (19-24 баллов)

60-79% - оценка «4» (14-18 баллов)

40-59% - оценка «3» (9-13 баллов)

0-39% - оценка «2» (0-8 баллов)

  1. Reading 1вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a more important role in the life of people than in other countries. They say British people are very conservative . They are proud of their traditions  and carefully keep them up. But when we speak about British traditions we always remember that there are four parts in Britain — England,  Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Traditions are different in these parts of the country.

We hope you remember St. Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Hallowe'en which have also become traditional American holidays. Here are some more facts about old English traditions.

    One of the old English legends  says that London can be the capital of the country, rich and great until twelve black ravens live in the Tower of London. Each has got its name and the keepers carefully look after them. If one of the birds dies, another younger raven takes its place. Londoners believe this legend and always bring some food to give to the birds when they come to the Tower. The keepers cut the birds' wings a bit as they are afraid that they may fly away.

Another old English tradition is Guy Fawkes Day. Children go out into the streets on the 5th of November with figures  like scarecrows. They stand in the streets and squares asking for the usual "Penny for the Guy". Then with the money they have collected they buy fireworks and burn the guy (the figure like a scarecrow) on their bonfire.

People watch fireworks and some people go to parties in the evening.

People all over the world know about the popular holidays- Easter, Christmas and New Year.

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1.Every country has its own traditions and customs.

a) True b) False

2.There are some common holidays in  England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

a) True b) False

3.English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day on the 5th of November.

a) True b) False

Задание 2. Выбериправильныйзаголовоктекста.

   1. British are just traditions crazy

   2. About British traditions

   3. Guy Fawkes Day

II Use of English

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

  1. An old friend of …phoned yesterday

a) us b) our c) ours

  1. Is that picture on the wall (your, yours, you)?

a) your b) yours c) you

  1. .holiday will start in the week

a) They b) their c) theirs

Задание 2. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. During World War II many cities … by the German army.

a) were occupied     b) occupied     c) will be occupied

2. If you stay here a little longer, you … (see) him.

a) visit           b) will visit         c) visited

3. My younger brother … to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.

a) went           b) go            c) goed

Задание3. Напишитепредложениявстрадательномзалогев Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive Tenses

1. Pupils will wear the school uniform next year.

2. The old man punished the naughty boy last week.

3. Students usually use computers at their lessons.

  1. Reading 2 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

What is the best-known symbol of London? Big Ben?St Paul's Cathedral? Can it be the big red London double-decker bus?

It certainly can be. Every day, thousands of Londoners use the big red buses to move around the town. Every tourist knows that a one-day London bus pass can be used on all bus routes. London bus can offer a wonderful way to see the sights of Britain's capital city.

Since 1911 the big red motor bus has been London's 'king of the road'. The idea of the 'double-decker' is much older than the motor bus. Until the 1930s the 'double-decker' bus had no roof. Some passengers sat inside, and the rest travelled on the roof. It was too bad if it was raining! But then all new buses became equipped with roofs over the upper deck.

Today the only open-topped buses are the special tourist buses.

The most popular buses are those from the 'Routemasters' which date from the 1950s and 60s. It is popular because it has an open platform at the back end and passengers can climb on and off when they want, even if the bus is moving (though this is not recommended!). These buses were designed specially for London, by people who knew what London needed. They have served their purpose well!

Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1.Since 1911 the red motor bus has been London's 'king of the road'.

a) True b) False

2. Thousands of Londoners use the big red buses to move to other countries.

a) True b) False

3.New buses were equipped with floors.

a) True b) False

Задание 2. Выбери правильный заголовок текста.

 1. Britain'scapitalcity.

 2. Thousands of Londoners

 3. Big Red London Buses


Задание 1.Выбериправильныйответ

1. CanIborrow … pen?

a) your b) you c) yours

2. Bob is one of … best pupils.

a) our b) ours c) us

3.She has no mistakes in ….test.

a) her b) hers c) she

Задание 2.Выбериправильныйответ

1. During World War II many cities … by the German army.

a) were occupied     b) occupied     c) will be occupied

2. If you stay here a little longer, you … (see) him.

a) visit           b) will visit         c) visited

3. My younger brother … to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.

a) went           b) go            c) goed

Задание 3. Напишитепредложениявстрадательномзалогев Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive Tenses

1. They will find him in a few days.

2. Someone often help her with the homework.

3. The teacher explained the rules to the students.

  1. Reading 3 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

London is the capital of Great Britain. It’s political, economic and cultural centre. It is more than twenty centuries old. The population of London is more than nine million people. London is one of the biggest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Itis situated on the banks of the River Thames.

London includes several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.

The City is a financial and business center.. It is an ancient part of London. One of the greatest English churches – St. Paul’s Cathedral – is here. It was designed and built by the outstanding English architect Christopher Wren in 1710. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the second largest church in Europe. Admiral Nelson is buried here.

Westminster is an administrative centre of London. The Houses of Parliament are situated here. It is the seat of the British Government. The building is very beautiful with its two towers and a big clock called Big Ben. Westminster Abbey where kings and queens are crowned is near Big Ben. It was built in the 11th century. Many famous people are buried here: Newton, Darwin, Dickens and Kipling.

The West End is a part of London where rich people live. Fine houses, wide streets, wonderful parks are situated here. There are the best cinemas, theatres, concert halls, famous shops, comfortable hotels, restaurants, museums. Also, there is the main square of London – Trafalgar Square. In the middle of the square you can see Admiral Nelson’s Column.

London is a very exciting place to visit.

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. London is less than twenty centuries old.

a) True b) False

2. Christopher Wren was buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral.

a) True b) False

3. Westminster is a administrative and business centre.

a) True b) False

Задание 2. Выбери правильный заголовок текста.

 1. City.

 2. London

 3. Westminster Abbey

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа

  1. .hands are cold

a) my b) mine c) me

2.This is… beautiful house. I live here with my family

a) my b) her c) his

3. Have you seen…watch? She cannot find it

a) his b) her c) mine

Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа

1. Ieattoomuchchocolate. I really … stop.

a) should      b) have to      c) must

2. Hockey … in winter.

a) was played     b) are played     c) is played

3. My brother … his face every morning.

a) washed       b) wash        c) washes

Задание 3. Напишитепредложениявстрадательномзалогев Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive Tenses

1. Some often children attend private school.

2. Helen will learn some extra subjects at school next year.

3. The police phoned to Terry’s dad.

  1. Reading 4 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

A typical airline breakfast is a cheese omelet, croissant and bacon. That’s at least 900 calories, which is more than many people eat in a day and about twice as much as most people eat for breakfast. Other typical meals include buttered vegetables, fried foods, and meats served with gravy. Although travelers complain about airline food, most of them eat everything that is put in front of them. What can you do to avoid unhealthy foods on an airplane? First, ask the airline what special meal they serve. Many serve vegetarian, kosher, and other types of special meals if you give them advanced notice. Second, bring your own snack on board! Some fruit or a bag of popcorn purchased at the airport is much lower in fat and calories than the peanuts they give you. Third, if you have a choice between meat and seafood, choose the seafood. And finally, drink milk, juice, or club soda instead of an alcoholic beverage. You’ll feel much better when you get off the plane!

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. Standard airplane meals are high in calories and fat.

a) True b) False

2. Roast beef with gravy is a healthier choice for a meal than seafood.

a) True b) False

3. You can order special meals from airlines.

a) True b) False

Задание 2. Выбериправильныйзаголовоктекста.

 1. The worst place for a meal

 2. A typical airline breakfast

 3. 900 calories


Задание 1.Выбериправильныйвариантответа

1.I don`t like these jeans. …. are much better

a) yours b) mine c) our

2. That`s your dictionary on the desk. …is in his bag

a) his b) her c) my

3.This is… beautiful house. I live here with my family

a) my b) her c) his

Задание 2. Выбериправильныйвариантответа

1. You … consultadoctor.

a) must     b) have to    c) should

2. In many countries, men … do military service.

a) should       b) must            c) have to

3. Alex … to Moscow next week.

a) will be sent      b) was sent     c) is sent

Задание 3. Напишитепредложениявстрадательномзалогев Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive Tenses

1. Students usually arrange the party.

2. The teacher gave us a lot of homework

3. Many people in Russia speak English well

  1. Reading 5 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

People began to speak many centuries ago, and since then they have been speaking different languages. Peoples created their own alphabets and rules, but they always wanted to communicate with each other, to understand and to know more about each other.

Languages help people to solve different economic and political problems. There are more than 2,700 languages in the world.

Today English is a global language of travel, business, pop culture, sport and science.

Over one billion people speak English. Over 250 million people are learning English.

Now English has become the world's most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. It is spoken as a mother tongue in Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Besides, a lot of people speak English in Japan, India, China, Africa and many other countries. English is one of the official languages of the United Nation Organization. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology.

Speaking a foreign language one can not only read the papers, magazines and original books by outstanding writers, but as well watch satellite programmers, travel easily to different parts of the world. Besides, understanding and speaking a foreign language became necessary while applying for a good and well-paid job.

The world is getting smaller and international connections tighter. A lot of foreign delegations keep coming to our country, hundreds of joint ventures have appeared in every city of our country recently. So without doubt you can't do without learning this beautiful language.

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. People began to speak English a few years ago.

a) True b) False

3. English is an global language.

a) True b) False

4. English isn’t one of the official languages of the United Nation Organization.

a) True b) False

Задание 2. Выбериправильныйзаголовоктекста.

 1. The worst place for a meal

 2. Foreign languages

3. English language in the modern world

II Use of English

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

  1. An old friend of …phoned yesterday

a) us b) our c) ours

  1. Is that picture on the wall…?

a) your b) yours c) you

  1. .holiday will start in the week

a) They b) their c) theirs

Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа

1. You … consultadoctor.

a) must     b) have to    c) should

2. If you stay here a little longer, you … him.

a) will see           b) saw         c) seen

3. My younger brother … to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.

a) went           b) go            c) goed

Задание 3. Напишитепредложениявстрадательномзалогев Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive, Future Simple Passive Tenses

1. Students usually arrange the party.

2. The teacher gave us a lot of homework

3. Someone often help her with the homework.


Вариант 1

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-a, 3-a.

Задание 2. 2

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-b, 3-b

Задание 2.1-a, 2-b, 3-a

Задание 3. 1-The school uniform will be worn by pupils next year. 2- The naughty boy was punished by the old man last week. 3- Computers usually are used by students at their lessons


I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-b, 3-b.

Задание 2.3

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-a, 3-a

Задание 2.1-a, 2-b, 3-a

Задание 3. 1-He will be found by them in a few days. 2- She is often helped with the homework by someone. 3- The rules were explained to the students by the teacher.


I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-b, 2-b, 3-a.

Задание 2. 2

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-a, 3-b

Задание 2.1-b, 2-c, 3-c

Задание 3. 1-Private school is often attended by some children. 2-Some extra subjects will be learnt at school by Helen next year. 3- It was phoned to Terry`s dad by the police.


I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-b, 3-a.

Задание 2. 1

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-a, 3-a

Задание 2.1-c, 2-b, 3-a

Задание 3. 1-The party is usually arranged by students. 2-A lot of homework was given to us by the teacher. 3- English is spoken well in Russia by many people.


I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-b, 2-a, 3-b.

Задание 2. 3

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-b, 3-b

Задание 2.1-c, 2-a, 3-a

Задание 3. 1-The party is usually arranged by students. 2-A lot of homework was given to us by the teacher. 3- Sheisoftenhelpedwiththehomeworkbysomeone.

Спецификация и материал контрольной работы для обучающихся8 класса

Итоговая работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей. Часть I содержит задание по чтению. Часть II содержит задания по лексическому и грамматическому материалу, изученному в 8 классе.Одно задание по содержанию текста (Reading) и три лексико-грамматических задания (UseofEnglish) всего 4 задания:

Три задания с выбором ответа (ВО),)Одно задание с кратким ответом(КО) и одно задание с развернутым ответом (РО).

Задание 1, части I и задания 1, части II – задания базового уровня (А). Задание 2 части II – задание повышенного уровня (В). Задание 3 части II – высокого уровня (С)

На выполнение всей работы отводится 45 минут

Каждое верно выполненное задание уровня А оценивается в 1 балл,

уровня В – 2 балла, уровня С – 3 балла.

Максимальный балл за выполнение всей работы -35 баллов

Уровень А-10 баллов

Уровень В – 10 баллов

Уровень С –15 баллов

Критерии оценивания: 80-100% максимальной суммы баллов- оценка»5» (28-35 баллов)

60-79% - оценка «4» (21-27 баллов)

40-59% - оценка «3» (14-20 баллов)

0-39% - оценка «2» (0-13 баллов)

I. Reading 1вариант



We get wet through when we are caught in a rainstorm without a coat. Sometimes we put on a sweater and then find that the weather has become hot. We do not always know what weather to expect. It is more serious when farmers lose their harvest because of rain, or a sailor gets into trouble when the wind rises. On TV and radio there are daily weather forecasts. Sometimes, the forecast is not quite right as the weather is not an easy thing to forecast.All day and night, weathermen are collecting information from ships, planes weather stations, and space stations. With the help of this information, they can understand what the weather will be like during the next few days.

Although no two days will have exactly the same weather, some types of weather people can forecast.

When a barometer shows high pressure, the weather will be calm. In winter it will be cold and frosty. In summer it usually means misty mornings and hot sunny days. When the barometer shows low pressure, look out for rain and strong winds.

As a result of the weathermen`s work we learn about the weather. This is one of the forecasts made by the BBC.

“ Good evening, and here is the weather forecast for tomorrow.

Scotland will be cold with snow in the mountains. In the north of England it will be a wet day with heavy showers that will move to Northern Wales during the afternoon. The Midlands will be dry but cloudy. In the south of England the day will be bright and clear with a lot of sunshine but it may be windy in the evening”

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

  1. Weathermen collect information from universities, colleges and offices.

a) True b) False

  1. If the barometer shows low pressure, the weather is rainy and windy.

a) True b) False

  1. We never know what weather to expect and there`s nothing that can help us.

a) True b) False

  1. For some people it`s very important to know the weather forecast.

a) True b) False

  1. When the weather is cold and frosty in winter, the barometer shows high pressure.

a) True b) False

II Use of English

Задание 1.

Fill in the appropriate words: environmental, damage, predictions, natural,, fruitless,

1. Air, water pollution and huge landfill sites are the most important _____ problems.

2. Droughts have turned this oasis into a _______ desert.

3. Thanks to modern technologies hurricanes can’t do much ______ to these buildings.

4. Alarming ______ of this famous scientist made everyone shiver.

5. In the USA tornadoes are the most widespread ______ disasters.

Задание 2. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. We (not / have) a holiday last year.

didn't have Вhaven'thadСhadn't have

2. - Tim has broken his leg and stays at home.

- Sorry to hear that. I (visit) him tomorrow

will visit

Вam going to visit

3. Do you know Kate's phone number?

- I've bad memory for phone numbers, but I (look) for it in mynote-book.

will look

Вam going to look

4. Tomorrow (be) Friday.

will be В is

5. Don't worry about your letter, I (send) it the day before yesterday.

sendedВhave sent С sent

Задание 3. Напишите правильный вариант условных предложений

1) IfI …………. (know) his number, I would phone him.

2) I .................. (not / buy) that computer if I were you.

3) If the weather is fine, we ……… (have) a picnic tomorrow.

4) We would need a car if we .................. (live) in the country.

5) I'm not tired. If I .....................( be) tired, I would go home now.

I.Reading 2 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

Tony Redford was a journalist. He wrote articles for a magazine called Business News. He was a young man, of medium height. He had rather long, dark brown hair and a small moustache. There was always a very serious look on his face. He looked even more serious that morning. He was in his boss's office. His boss was called Liz Davis and she was the editor of Business News.

«Well, Tony. Your first article about the electronics industry is going to the printer's this afternoon. It's very interesting. But what about your second article? Are you sure you can write two articles about the electronics industry? I mean, isn't one enough? » she asked. «Listen, Liz, I tell you that the second article is going to be more interesting than the first! Far more interesting! »

«I am going to get some information this evening about a small company called Shandor Electronics. The director is probably one of the best electronics engineers in the world. But nobody knows very much about him. Not even where he comes from. He lives on a yacht. He never visits his factory in Southampton. Someone goes to the yacht from the factory every morning in a helicopter. Now... I know an engineer who works at that factory. His name is Presley, and Presley tells me that Shandor has plans for a new kind of electronic brain. It's much smaller but far better than any other electronic brains on the market today. I'm going to meet Presley in Southampton this evening. I am going to use the information I get from him in my second article. Presley says Shandor is going to make some new kind of robot, too. But he doesn't know very much about that. It's one of the company's biggest secrets! »

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

  1. Tony Redford was a journalist who wrote articles for a magazine called Moscow News.

a) True b) False

2. Liz wasn't sure that they needed two articles on the same topic.

a) True b) False

3. The director of the Shandor Electronics company went to his factory by helicopter.

a) True b) False

4. Tony was going to get some important information from one of the factory's employees.

a) True b) False

5. Presley is going to make some new kind of robot, too.

a) True b) False

II Use of English

Задание 1.

Fill in the appropriate words: ecological, homeless misty weather cold

1. The more trees we cut down, the more animals and birds stay ______

2. _______ ) education should become a part of a school programme.

3.I looked through the window and saw that it was a grey … morning.

4.There was an awful … yesterday. It rained hard and a strong wind was blowing.

5.The weather forecast says there will be … weather.

Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. The match (finish) at half past nine, so Iwillbe at home by ten o'clock;

will finish Вfinishes Сis finishing

2. My parents (be) to the USA many times.

have been Вwere Сhave being

3Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I (meet) Thomas, an old friend of mine.

met B- was meeting C-meet

4. When Jill (finish) school?

When had Jill finished ВWhen has Jill finished СWhen did Jill finish

While my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.


Вwas waiting

Задание 3. Напишитеправильныйвариантусловныхпредложений

1) If I get a good education, I …….. find a good job.

2) I wasn't tired last night. If I ............ (be) tired, I would have gone home earlier.

3) If I were you, I ............. (not /wait).

4) The view was wonderful. If I (have) a camera with me, I (take) some photographs.

5) We would need a car if we ............. (live) in the country.

I Reading 3 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

   Litter is garbage – like food, paper and cans – on the ground or in the street. Where many people live together, litter is a problem. People don’t always put their garbage in the bins. It’s easier to drop a paper than to find a bin for it. But litter is ugly. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view.

        The wind blows papers far away. Often they are difficult to catch. When they blow against a fence, they stay there. This fence is a wall of garbage.

          Litter is a health problem, too. Food and garbage attract animals, which sometimes carry disease.

         Some people want to control litter. They never throw litter themselves, and sometimes they work together in groups to clean up the city. In most places litter is against the law. The law punishes people who throw garbage in the streets. They usually pay a fine, and occasionally they go to jail.

         Two famous sayings in the United States are: “Don’t be a litterbug!” and “Every litter bit hurts!”

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

1) Litter is a problem among people.

             a) true              b) false        

2) Garbage makes our cities look awful.

             a) true              b) false        

3) There are special bins for different garbage in the streets.

            a) true              b) false        

4)  Papers are easy to catch.

            a) true              b) false        

5) Garbage attracts sick animals.

           a) true              b) false        

II Use of English

Задание 1.

Fill in the appropriate words: Mild, rainstorm, changeable, climate, hottest

  1. Weathermen collect information about ...
  2. The weather in April is always … : it may be rainy in the morning and warm and sunny in the afternoon.
  3. What do you know about the … of Moscow and other parts of Russia ?
  4. Why do you think most people prefer to live in places with … climate ?
  5. There is season a most …. in Russia

Задание 2. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. My elder sister (finish) school in June.

will finish Вfinishes Сis finishing

2.I (buy) a new dress last week, but I (not / wear) it yet.

A have bought ,haven't worn

B boughthaven't worn

3.I can't find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) by mistake.

a) took b) takes c) has taken

4. Our next lesson (be) on Monday.

A is going to be Вwill be С is

5. When I was a child, I (always / be) late for school.

have always been Вwas always late Сhad always been

Задание 3. Напишите правильный вариант условных предложений

1. If people ______ (can) predict natural disasters, there wouldn’t be so many victims.

2. The Dead Sea _____ (not dry out) if people hadn’t used the water for getting necessary minerals.

3. If you ______ (follow) the school rules, you wouldn’t have been expelled.

4. I … (visit) Sarah yesterday if I … (know) that she was ill.

5. If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) achampion.

I. Reading 4 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

The Mill-Boy and Painted Shoes

In one of the museums of Holland you can see a pair of wooden shoes withfunny ducks, chickens and pigs drawn o them. Those shoes helped to discover the great artist Rembrandt. This is the story. One day Rembrandt was not attentive at his lesson. He was discovered drawing chickens, ducks and pigs on his cousin's wooden shoes. She was delighted with them, but the teacher was very angry with Rembrandt. He sent a note to his uncle about the matter. The next morning the boy hid at the top of the stairs. He was dreaming of the time when he would see the great wide world himself. Suddenly he saw his uncle coming toward their house. When his uncle asked to see Rembrandt's mother alone, the boy felt that the trouble was coming. He thought, " I shall be punished for the wooden shoes." His uncle and his mother went to the mill to see his father. Then his father called him and he had to obey. There stood his uncle with one of shoes in his hand, and all eyes were turned to Rembrandt. To his surprise his mother said in a kind voice, " Would you really to be a painter? " Little Rembrandt could not believe his ears and he was very happy. His father said, " Your teacher thinks that you are a talented boy. He is struck by masterly drawings and he advises us to send you to Leydan to study painting. " Some years later Rembrandt became a great painter. His name was famous all over the world. He painted wonderful pictures, which can be seen in many art museum of the world.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

1.The next morning Rembrandt hid at the top of the stairs.

             a) true              b) false        

2. He saw his father coming toward their house.

             a) true              b) false        

3. His father and his mother went to the mill to see him

             a) true              b) false        

4. There stood his uncle and all eyes were turned on the teacher

             a) true              b) false        

5. Rembrandt became a great painter.

             a) true              b) false        

II Use of English

Задание 1.

Fill in the appropriate words : tradition, turkey, known, presents, Message

Christmas dinner consists traditionally of a roast (6) goose or chicken with stuffing and roast potatoes. Another Christmas (7) in the afternoon is the Queen’s Christmas (8) to the nation, broadcast on radio and television.

The day after Christmas in Britain is (9) as a Boxing Day. People on this day give (10) to milkmen, dustmen, postmen and other callers of good service at Christmas time

Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. Do you know Kate's phone number?

- I've bad memory for phone numbers, but I (look) for it in mynote-book.

will look

Вam going to look

2.- Jack didn't pass his exam yesterday. -Oh, what he (do)?

will he do

Вis he going to do

3. When Jill (finish) school?

When had Jill finished ВWhen has Jill finished СWhen did Jill finish

While my son (wait) for my call, somebody knocked at the door.


Вwas waiting

5. Liz's elder brother said that he (go) to enter Leeds University.


Вwas going

Задание 3. Напишите правильный вариант условных предложений

1.Ifyoudrivesofast, you………(crash).

2.If I had had more time, I………(help) you.

3.If I had a yacht, I………often………(go) sailing.

4. I would travel a lot if I …………(have) a lot of money.

5.Maria will help you, if she __________ (get) more pocket money.

IReading 5 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

Captain Joshua Slocum was the first man to sail around the world alone. He went to visit a friend in Boston in 1892. One day Joshua found a boat called The Spray and decided to sail it round the world. He has been rebuilding the boat for three years and went fishing to test it at sea.

By 1895, Joshua was ready and started his journey from Boston on 26 April. The first weeks crossing the Atlantic went by peacefully. On 4 August the Spray reached the coast of Spain. In order to avoid pirates in the Suez Canal and the Red Sea Slocum changed his route and went south round Cape Horn at the tip of South America.

But once he was followed by pirates. They sailed their boat up next to the Spray and one of the men climbed up. It was Black Pedro, a criminal who was wanted by the police. But the pirates couldn’t attack the ship and sailed away. Joshua was happy.

On 5 October the traveler reached Brazil, on 26 January, 1896, he was in Uruguay. For three days and nights the boat was pushed by a huge storm near Cape Horn. After that Slocum visited the Kingdom of Samoa, Australia, the Pacific and Indian Oceans. And at last the end of the journey came on 27 June 1898 in New Port , Rhode Island, the United States. It was a cruise of more than 46,000 miles around the world, which took him three years, two months and two days.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

  1. Captain Slocum traveled with his friends.

a) true              b) false        

2. He has been rebuilding the boat for three years

a) true              b) false        

  1. Joshua started his journey on 26 April in 1895

a) true              b) false        

  1. He changed his route to avoid pirates.

a) true              b) false        

  1. Black Pedro was his friend

a) true              b) false        

  1. The pirates attacked the boat.

a) true              b) false        

II Use of English


Fill in the appropriate wordsattend, holiday, eve memory, opening,

Christmas is the most popular (1) in Britain. It is celebrated on the 25th of December in the (2) of Jesus Christ’s birth. All churches in the country hold Christmas services on Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas. On this day carols – religious songs – are sung by grown-ups and children to their neighbours. On Christmas (3) children also hang their stockings on the fireplace or at the foot of their beds for Santa Claus (named also Father Christmas) to fill.

Christmas Day sees the (4) of presents and many families (5)

Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. It's Julia's birthday today. She's bought much food. She (cook) a lot.

will cook

Вis going to cook

2. My elder sister (finish) school in June.

will finish Вfinishes Сis finishing

3. Have you got any money?

- Yes, I (borrow) it from my brother.

borrowed Вhave borrowed Сdid borrow

4. We (not / have) a holiday last year.

didn't have Вhaven'thadСhadn't have

5. My parents (be) to the USA many times.

have been Вwere Сhave being

Задание 3. Напишите правильный вариант условных предложений

1. If you (tell) ___________ me about the situation, I would have helped you.

2. If I __________ (be) at home, I will learn my new words.

3. He __________ (wash) it, if you give him some soap.

4. If I have some money I __________ (buy) a new computer.

5. I will travel to the Germany if I __________ (have) enough money.


Вариант 1

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-b, 2-a, 3-b.4-a , 5-a

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-envirinmental, 2-fruitless, 3-damage, 4-predictions ,5-natural

Задание 2.1-a, 2-a, 3-a, 4-a, 5-c

Задание 3. 1-knew , 2- wouldn`t buy , 3-will have , 4-lived , 5- were tired

Вариант 2

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-b, 2-a, 3-b.4-a , 5-b

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-homeless, 2-ecological, 3-misty, 4-weather ,5-cold

Задание 2.1-b, 2-b, 3-a, 4-c , 5-b

Задание 3. 1-will final , 2-had been tired , 3-wouldn`t walk , 4-had, wouldn`t take , 5-lived

Вариант 3

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-a, 3-b.4-b , 5-a

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-rainstorm, 2-changeable, 3-climate, 4-mild ,5-hottest

Задание 2.1-a, 2-b, 3-a, 4-b , 5-b

Задание 3. 1-could , 2- wouldn't have dried out, 3- had followed , 4-would have visited, I had know , 5- practices will become

Вариант 4

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-a, 2-b, 3-b.4-b , 5-a

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-turkey, 2-tradition, 3-massage, 4-known ,5- presents

Задание 2.1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-b , 5-b

Задание 3. 1-will , 2-would have helped , 3- would go , 4-had , 5- gets

Вариант 5

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-b, 2-a, 3-a.4-a , 5-b

II. UseofEnglish

Задание 1. 1-holiday, 2-memory, 3-eve, 4- opening ,5-attend

Задание 2.1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-a , 5-b

Задание 3. 1-told , 2-am , 3-will wash , 4-will buy , 5- have

Спецификация и материал контрольной работы для обучающихся 9 класса

Итоговая работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей. Часть I содержит задание по чтению. Часть II содержит задания по лексическому и грамматическому материалу, изученному в 9 классе одно задание по содержанию текста (Reading) и три лексико-грамматических задания (UseofEnglish) всего 4 задания:

Два задания с выбором ответа (ВО),)Одно задание с кратким ответом(КО) и одно задание с развернутым ответом (РО).

Задание1, части I и задания 1, части II – задания базового уровня (А). Задание 2 части II – задание повышенного уровня (В). Задание 3 части II – высокого уровня (С)

На выполнение всей работы отводится 45 минут Каждое верно выполненное задание уровня А оценивается в 1 балл,

уровня В – 2 балла, уровня С – 3 балла.

Максимальный балл за выполнение всей работы -37 баллов

Уровень А-12 баллов

Уровень В – 10 баллов

Уровень С –15 баллов

Критерии оценивания: 80-100% максимальной суммы баллов- оценка»5»

(29-37 баллов)

60-79% - оценка «4» (22-28 баллов)

40-59% - оценка «3» (14-21 баллов)

0-39% - оценка «2» (0-13 баллов)

  1. Reading 1вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

What pets do Russians have?

Most people in Russia love animals. A lot of them have got one or more, even in big cities. .

One survey shows that 45% of Russians have cats at home. People like cats – in Moscow there is the famous Cat Theatre and it is always full. Dogs are popular too – 36% of Russians have dogs and there are dogs show all over the country. The shows have prizes for different types of dogs. There is also a dog show programme on TV. Wild bird were once very common pets in Russia. Many people had wild birds from the forest in their homes. They feed the birds in March and April every year to celebrate spring. Now only 12% have birds as pets – there are mostly budgies. Goldfish are less popular now, too - only 4% of Russians have them as pets. And 10% of animal lovers have other pets. Some of these are small, friendly animals such as rabbits. Others are dangerous or rare pets like the spider you can see here.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

1. The most popular pets are cats.

a) True b) False

2. 45% of people in cities have got cats.

a) True b) False

3. Dogs can win prizes at dog shows.

a) True b) False

4. Wild birds were popular pets some centuries ago.

a) True b) False

5. People freed their birds in spring.

a) True b) False

6. Goldfish are not very popular pets.

a) True b) False

7. A lot of people have rare pets.

a) True b) False

II Use of English

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. Ilike ________ TV.

  1. watch
  2. watching
  3. watches

2 . _______ come to our party on Tuesday?

  1. Can you to
  2. Can you
  3. Do you can

3. We_____in the sea last year.

  1. did swam
  2. swim
  3. swam

4. Lisa is _____than Ann.

  1. tallest
  2. tall
  3. taller

5. I ____to France.

  1. has never been
  2. never was
  3. have never been

Задание 2. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-5 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

1.Edmund and Lucy. This story happened to __________________ when they had to leave their home city, London, during the war. THEY

2. They __________________ to the house of an old Professor who lived in the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station. SEND

3. He __________________ a wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper. NOT/HAVE

4. He himself was a very old man with white hair which grew over most of his face as well as on his head. The children liked him almost at once. Only Lucy, who was the __________________ of them, felt a little afraid of him. YOUNG

5. On their __________________ evening, after dinner, they said good night to the Professor and went upstairs. It was the largest house they had ever seen, so Peter suggested exploring it in the morning. ONE

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму.

1. Alotofboys (tolike) football.

2. My father (to read) newspapers to get information about political life.

3. What (she/usually/to do) in the morning?

4. It (not/often/to rain) in this part of the country.

5. It (to rain) cats and dogs. Takeyourumbrella.

I Reading 2 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

The University of Cambridge was founded in the twelfth century. It was formed on the model of European continental universities, in particular that of Paris. Until the fifteenth century the history of Cambridge was not as significant as that of Oxford. But by the end of the seventeenth century the University was the home of Isaac Newton - professor of mathematics from 1669 till 1702 whose influence was deep and permanent. At that time serious tests were offered to the candidates for degrees. During the early part of the nineteenth century examinations were greatly improved and written examinations were more often used than oral ones.

In the 19th century there were built a number of laboratories for natural sciences, among them the Cavendish Laboratory opened in 1871, which was organized by the well-known Scottish mathematician and physicist James Clerk Maxwell. It was named after the English scientist of the 18th century Henry Cavendish.Today it is one of the greatest physical laboratories known throughout the world. The Laboratory is widening its contacts with the leading research centres in other countries.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

1. The University of Cambridge was founded according to the model of European continental universities.

a) True b) False

2. In the 19th century the candidates for degrees more often had to take oral examinations.

a) True b) False

3. The Cavendish Laboratory is known throughout the world because James Clerk Maxwell and Henry Cavendish worked there.

a) True b) False

4. Cambridge University was as significant as Oxford from the very beginning of its foundation.

a) True b) False

5. The Cavendish Laboratory was named after the English scientist of the 18th century Henry Cavendish.

a) True b) False

6. In the 19th century a lot of laboratories for natural sciences were opened.

a) True b) False

7. By the end of the eighteenth century the influence of Isaac Newton - professor of mathematics - was deep and permanent.

a) True b) False

II Use of English

Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1 . If I _____ shopping today, I will buy some apple juice for you.

  1. go
  2. will go
  3. went

2. If I ____ more time, I would build another website.

  1. would had
  2. have
  3. had

3. She said she _____ his new car.

  1. can to like
  2. like
  3. liked

4. Don’t listen ____ what he says.

  1. at
  2. to
  3. -

5. They looked ______ him in surprise.

  1. with
  2. for
  3. at

Задание 2. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-5 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

1. People travel a lot nowadays. Planes are considered to be the most __________________ means of transport but for some people airports can be a nightmare. COMFORT

2. There are __________________ queues when you check in and you waste lots of time if your flight is delayed. END

3. However, there are some airports where you can __________________ enjoy yourself. ACTUAL

4. For example, you’ll never be bored at Hong Kong’s international airport. There are thousands of people from __________________ countries here but the passengers never experience any problems because everything is well organized. DIFFER

5.There are attendants in red coats, who help you to get from one place to another. It’s very good for people with no sense of __________________. DIRECT

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму.

1. –Why (you/to walk) so fast today? You usually (to walk) slowly, don’t you?                                                                            

2. Your English (to get) better and better.

3. I (not/to see) Tom this week.

4. Mike still (not/to find) his keys.

5.  What time the film (to begin)?

I.Reading 3 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

Everybody has heard stories about vampires. The word vampire is of Slavic origin, as the legend originated centuries ago in south-eastern Europe, in Transylvania and Serbia. In the Middle Ages, there were many folk legends about vampires, but places like Transylvania and Serbia seemed like the end of the world to the people of Western Europe at that time. Since the inhabitants of Germany , France and England did not know about these distant lands , they listened with fear and amazement to the strange tales told by merchants and travelers.

With time, literature started to play an important role in popularizing vampires. Many romantic authors in the early nineteenth century wrote novels about foggy mountains, terrifying creatures, distant castles and their mysterious inhabitants. In 1897 , Bram Stoker wrote a book about Dracula the most famous vampire of all time. He based his story on the life of a fifteenth- century Valachian ruler, Vlad IV Dracula, who was known for exceptional cruelty and criminal actions. Stoker’s tale was set in Transylvania, in Count Dracula’s castle, and in 19th- century London. However, Dracula was not a historical novel. It’s a romance, a story about an unhappy vampire who fell in love with Mina, a beautiful girl who reminded Dracula of the wife he had lost years ago. Later, vampires became part of mass culture. In the 20th century, Stoker’s book was the source of inspiration for film makers who started to make new versions of the story.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

1. The word vampire is of Slavic origin

a) True b) False

2. Merchants and travelers used to tell stories about vampires to inhabitants of Serbia and Transylvania.

a) True b) False

3. The 19th-century novels about strange people and places made vampires very popular.

a) True b) False

4. Bram Stoker based his book on the life of a real person.

a) True b) False

5. Stoker’s book told a love story set in the 15th century

a) True b) False

6. Mina was the name of Count Dracula’s civil wife.

a) True b) False

7. In the 20th century, Stoker’s book was the source of inspiration for film makers

a) True b) False

II Use of English

Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. Tobacco ______ to Russia by Peter the Great.

  1. brought
  2. was brought
  3. was bringed

2. My ______ is very cozy. I like to sleep there.

  1. sitting-room
  2. living-room
  3. bedroom

3. My favourite clothes in summer are______ and jeans.

  1. T-shirt
  2. P-shirt
  3. D-shirt

4. She likes _______ to parties.

  1. go
  2. going
  3. to going

5._______ have a sandwich?

  1. Can I to
  2. Am I
  3. Can I

Задание 2. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 10-14 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.


Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму.

1. The police (to stop) me on my way home last night.

2. Now my brother (to smoke) a lot, but he (not/to smoke) before.

3. – You often (to see) Tom? – Not often, but I (to see) him at the party the other day.

4. Ann (to read) the newspaper at 11 o’clock yesterday.

5. The phone (to ring) when I (to have) a shower.

I.Reading 4 вариант

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.

The end of school is the start of our independent life and the beginning of the most serious examination we have passed. In order to do well at this examination it is necessary to choose the right road in life which will help us best to live and work for own good and for the benefit of our country.Everybody will have a chance to develop and use knowledge and education received during the school years.

There are a lot of different trades and professions, and each one must choose the occupation in which he or she can best develop one's own talent and abilities. Our society needs well-educated people. Nowadays the profession of an economist has become one the most useful, modern and interesting. That is because our country is moving towards market economy and different forms of property are being established. There is a place for an economist at every plant and factory. An economist exercises different functions. He or she can determine the structure of an enterprise and calculate costs as well as probable profits. An economist analyses the condition of the market and prospects for its development in the future. His or her practical use of electronic computers is a must. The activities of an economist at an enterprise range from bookkeeper control the financial state of an enterprise and perform a lot of useful calculations. A manager is an actual administrator. Having a good command of the economic situation in the region and the demands of the market a person with an economist's diploma may establish his own business, or he may become a partner of a joint venture. It is very important for an economist to know a foreign language, especially English.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

1.The end of school is the finish of student`s independent life.

a) True b) False

2. It is important for young people to choose the right road in their life

a) True b) False

3.There are many of different trades and professions

a) True b) False

4.The profession of an economist is one of the difficult and rare in the world

a) True b) False

5 An economist can determine the structureof an enterpriseandanalyses the condition of the market

a) True b) False

6. A person with an economist's diploma may establish his own business

a) True b) False

7.It is very needful for economist to know a foreign language, especially English.

a) True b) False

II Use of English

Задание 1. Выбериправильныйвариантответа.

1. They _____ basketball yesterday.

  1. did played
  2. play
  3. played

2. She is _____ than she looks.

  1. older
  2. oldest
  3. more old

3. I ___ to the USA.

  1. was never
  2. has never been
  3. have never been

4. If I _____ my friend, I will be very glad.

  1. see
  2. will see
  3. saw

5. If I _____ in Sochi, I would bathe every day.

  1. live
  2. will live
  3. lived

Задание 2. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 10-14 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.


Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму.

1. We (to talk) about him when he suddenly (to come) in.

2. I promise I (to phone) you as soon as I (to arrive).

3. Julia (to finish) all the housework by three o’clock and we’ll go for a walk.

4. I am not sure I’ll recognize Eve. I haven’t seen her for ages. – She (to wear) a red coat.

5. He (to work) at his report all day.

I.Reading 5 вариант


An Englishman who was in France wanted to go back to England by sea. But he had very little money. He had so little money that he could pay only for the ticket. As he knew that the trip would last only two days, he decided not to eat during these days.

As he took a ticket and got on the ship the next morning, he tried not to hear the bell for breakfast. When dinner time came, he was very hungry; but he didn’t go to the dining-room. In the evening he was still more hungry, but when the waiter came to invite him to have supper, the Englishman said that he was ill.

The next day the Englishman was half-dead and couldn’t stand the hunger any longer. “I shall go and eat even if they kick me out into the sea”, said he to himself. So he went to the ship dining-room and had his dinner. In the evening he had supper but was very much afraid of his future because he didn’t pay for the meals. At last he addressed the waiter and said: “Bring me the bill, please”. – “What bill?” asked the waiter. – “For the supper and dinner I had in your dining-room”. – “Don’t trouble, Sir. You paid for your meals when you bought the ticket”.

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (True) какие не соответствуют (False)

  1. The Englishman had very little money.

a) True b) False

  1. The Englishman wasn’t hungry during the journey.

a) True b) False

  1. The next day the Englishman went to the dining-room to have dinner.

a) True b) False

  1. The Englishman had to pay for the meals.

a) True b) False

5. The trip would last only three days

a) True b) False

6. The next day the Englishman was not hungry

a) True b) False

7. The Englishmanpaid for his meals when he bought the ticket

a) True b) False

II Use of English

Задание 1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1. He said that he _____a new computer.

  1. bought
  2. buy
  3. will buy

2. I'm looking ____ a job.

  1. with
  2. at
  3. for

3. Are you interested ___ gardening?

  1. of
  2. at
  3. in

4. Tobacco ______ to Russia by Peter the Great.

  1. were brought
  2. was brought
  3. brought

5. Mother spends a lot of time in the ____.

  1. kitchen
  2. living-room
  3. study

Задание 2. Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-5 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

1. Everyone knows how important water is.

Life on the planet would be __________________ without it. POSSIBLE

2. Whatever your __________________ drink is, you can’t make

it without water. FAVOUR

3.We need water for __________________ things: cooking,

washing and producing goods. DIFFER

4.My uncle, who is a __________________, says that he waters

the vegetables, beans and other crops a lot in dry weather. FARM

5.__________________, fresh water resources on the Earth are

Задание 3. Раскройтескобки, поставивглаголывправильнуюформу.

1. The Prime Minister just (to announce) that voting is postponed till tomorrow.

2. We (to paint) our room for a week.

3. When I (to get) home yesterday, my sister (to make) a pie already.

4. He (to work) as a journalist for several years before he (to begin) writing novels.

5. Imagine! Next year my Grandpa (to give) lectures at the University for 40 years already.


Вариант 1

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1- a, 2-a , 3-a ,4-a ,5-a 6-a , 7- b

II. Use of English

Задание 1. 1-b , 2-b , 3-c ,4-c ,5-c

Задание 2. 1-them , 2- were sent , 3- did not have ,4-yungest ,5-first

Задание 3. 1-like , 2-reads , 3-does…do ,4-does not rain ,5-is raining.

Вариант 2

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1- a , 2-b , 3-a ,4-b ,5-a 6-a , 7-b

II. Use of English

Задание 1. 1-a , 2-c , 3-c ,4- b,5-c

Задание 2. 1-comfortable , 2- endless , 3- actually ,4- different ,5-direction

Задание 3. 1-do you walk, walk , 2- gets, 3-have not seen ,4-still did not find his keys ,5- does… begin.

Вариант 3

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-a , 2-b , 3-a ,4-a ,5-a 6-b , 7-a

II. Use of English

Задание 1. 1-b , 2-c , 3-a ,4-b ,5-c

Задание 2. 1-stranger , 2-usually , 3-unknown ,4-imagination ,5-different

Задание 3. 1-stoped , 2-smokes, did not smoke , 3- do you often see, saw ,4- was reading ,5- rang, was having.

Вариант 4

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-b , 2-a , 3-a ,4-b ,5-a 6-a , 7-a

II. Use of English

Задание 1. 1-c , 2-a , 3-c ,4-a ,5-a

Задание 2. 1-childhood , 2-traditional , 3-funny ,4-collection ,5-frequently

Задание 3. 1-were talking, came in , 2- I will phone I arrive , 3-will have finished ,4-is wearing.5- Have been working

Вариант 5

I. Reading

Задание 1. 1-a , 2-b , 3-a ,4-b ,5-b 6-b , 7-a

II. Use of English

Задание 1. 1-a , 2-c , 3-c ,4b- ,5-a

Задание 2. 1-impossible , 2-favorite , 3- different ,4-farmer ,5-unfortunately

Задание 3. 1-has just announced , 2-had been painting , 3- got, had already made ,4-had been working, began ,5- will have been giving.

Предварительный просмотр:


Самостоятельная работа над учебным материалом состоит из следующих элементов:

  1. Изучение материала по учебнику.
  2. Выполнение еженедельных домашних заданий.
  3. Выполнение внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы (ВСР).

В сборнике Вам предлагается перечень внеаудиторных самостоятельных работ, которые вы должны выполнить в течение учебного года.

При выполнении (ВСР) учащийся может обращаться к преподавателю для получения консультации.

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа учащихся – планируемая учебная, учебно-исследовательская, научно-исследовательская, проектная работа, выполняемая за рамками расписания учебных занятий по заданию и при методическом руководстве преподавателя, но без его непосредственного участия и является обязательной для каждого студента.

Целью самостоятельной работы учащихся является:

  • обеспечение профессиональной подготовки выпускника в соответствии с ГОС НПО;
  • формирование и развитие общих компетенций, определённых в и ГОС НПО;
  • формирование и развитие профессиональных компетенций, соответствующих основным видам профессиональной деятельности.

Задачами, реализуемые в ходе проведения внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы учащихся, в образовательной среде колледжа являются:

  • систематизация, закрепление, углубление и расширение полученных теоретических знаний и практических умений студентов;
  • развитие познавательных способностей и активности студентов: творческой инициативы, самостоятельности, ответственности и организованности;
  • формирование самостоятельности мышления: способности к саморазвитию, самосовершенствованию и самореализации;
  • овладение практическими навыками применения информационно-коммуникационных технологий в профессиональной деятельности;
  • развитие исследовательских умений.

Объем времени, отведенный на внеаудиторную самостоятельную работу, находит свое отражение:

  • в рабочем учебном плане – в целом по циклам основной профессиональной образовательной программы, отдельно по каждому из учебных циклов, по каждой дисциплине, междисциплинарному курсу и профессиональному модулю;
  • в рабочих программах учебных дисциплин и профессиональных модулей с ориентировочным распределением по разделам и темам.

Контроль результатов самостоятельной работы учащихся может осуществляться в пределах времени, отведенного на обязательные учебные занятия и самостоятельную работу по дисциплине математика и может проходить в письменной, устной или смешанной форме с предоставлением изделия или продукта творческой деятельности.

Критериями оценки результатов внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы учащегося являются:

  • уровень освоения учебного материала;
  • умение использовать теоретические знания и умения при выполнении практических задач;
  • уровень сформированности общих и профессиональных компетенций.

Выполнение ВСР способствует формированию общих компетенций:

ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК 2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, исходя из цели и способов ее достижения, определенных руководителем.

ОК 3. Анализировать рабочую ситуацию, осуществлять текущий и итоговый контроль, оценку и коррекцию собственной деятельности, нести ответственность за результаты своей работы.

ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач.

ОК 5. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 6. Работать в команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, клиентами.

Указания к выполнению ВСР

  1. ВСР нужно выполнять в отдельной тетради в клетку, чернилами черного или синего цвета. Необходимо оставлять поля шириной 5 клеточек для замечаний преподавателя.
  2. Решения задач следует излагать подробно и аккуратно, объясняя и мотивируя все действия по ходу решения и делая необходимые чертежи.
  3. Оформление решения задачи следует завершать словом «Ответ».
  4. После получения проверенной преподавателем работы студент должен в этой же тетради исправить все отмеченные ошибки и недочеты. Вносить исправления в сам текст работы после ее проверки запрещается.
  5. Оценивание индивидуальных образовательных достижений по результатам выполнения ВСР производится в соответствии с универсальной шкалой (таблица).

Процент результативности (правильных ответов)

Качественная оценка индивидуальных образовательных достижений

балл (отметка)

вербальный аналог

90 ÷ 100



80 ÷ 89



70 ÷ 79



менее 70



Самостоятельная работа № 1 на тему: О себе.

  1. Напишите несколько предложений о себе.
  2. Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–6. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. The speaker explains why he/she likes the city life.

2. The speaker talks about a local tourist attraction.

3. The speaker talks about unusual houses.

4. The speaker describes the area where he/she lives.

5. The speaker explains how to get to the city centre.

6. The speaker describes his/her room.










Speaker A

I live in the country but I’ve always wanted to move to a big city. I think that there are more career opportunities there, more jobs, people can get a better education and better medical services there. There is more entertainment in the city, too. You

can go to theatres, cinemas and clubs, there are lots of people everywhere – you’ll never get bored. I’ll move to the city as soon as I get an opportunity to do so.

Speaker B

I live in a big city, in a new fast-developing area. Most of the buildings were built not long ago, so the area has a modern look and is comfortable to live in. There are shops, cinemas, schools, hospitals, sports centres and parks within easy reach of

my house. Right in front of my house there’s a bus stop, so I have no problem getting to the centre or any other part of the city.

Speaker C

We’ve just moved house and now I live in a new modern building in the centre of the city. My window has a view of a busy street but the interior creates a nice and peaceful atmosphere. The walls are painted light green and the furniture is in warm

brown and creamy colours. There’s a plasma TV and a portable audio centre. I like drawing and there are several of my pictures on the walls. I think they look nice there.

Speaker D

Everybody wants their home to be a safe, nice and comfortable place but their ideas of comfort and beauty are very different. In hot climates people sometimes make their homes underground. Living underground, however, doesn’t mean living

in dark, dirty and damp caves. Modern underground homes are light. They are beautifully designed, nicely furnished and very comfortable to live in.

Speaker E

When we were walking along the main street, the guide pointed to an ordinary looking house and said that the place had a history. During the war a famous doctor lived there. He arranged a hospital in his own home and saved lots of people. Now nobody lives in the house, there’s a museum of science and medicine there. The museum has very interesting exhibits on the history of medical science.

Самостоятельная работа № 2 на тему: Моя семья.

I вариант

1.Перевести слова: mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandfather.

2. Напишите 3 формы глагола:






3. Поставьте прилагательное в сравнительную и превосходную степень:





4. Выберите правильный вариант глагола:

1) … she in the park yesterday? (were, is was)

2) Mike and Nick … at 3 o’clock tomorrow. (are, were, will be)

3) Did you … English last week? (has, have, had)

4) They … 5 lessons tomorrow. (had, have, will have)

5) The teacher … us at the next lesson. (asked, asks, will ask)

6) Usually our lesson … at 8.30. (will begin, begins, begin)

7) He … this book when he was a child. (has, have, had)

5. Поставьте существительное во множественное число:






II вариант

1.Перевести слова: mother, father, sister, parents, aunt, uncle, grandmother.

2. Поставьте существительное во множественное число:






3. Напишите 3 формы глагола:






4. Поставьте прилагательное в сравнительную и превосходную степень:





5. Выберите правильный вариант глагола:

1) We … not in the fourth last summer. (was, were, will be)

2) Where … they now? (are, am, were)

3) … he got a car? (will have, has, have)

4) We … a new flat next year. (have, will have, had)

5) They … to the radio yesterday morning. (listening, listened, listen)

6) I … tennis tomorrow. (will play, played, play)

Самостоятельная работа № 3 на тему: Мой лучший друг.

I вариант

1. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary.

... I’m so impressed! Last weekend our class visited the Museum of the Moving Image. We learnt about the history and magic of cinema and TV. We could even try to draw our own cartoon film! I enjoyed it very much! We also met characters from the past and asked them different questions.

What was the last museum you visited? Did you enjoy it?

With love, Mary.

Write her a letter and answer the questions.

2. Употребить глагол to be в правильной форме.

  1. My father ... a teacher.
  1. Не ... a pupil twenty years ago.
  1. I ... a doctor when I grow up.
  1. My sister ... not... at home tomorrow.
  2. They ... in Moscow last year.

3. Употребите глагол to have в правильной форме.

  1. I ... an interesting book about Repin.
  1. My sister ... two little children.
  2. ... you ... some time in she evening to discuss this question?
  3. I ... a lot of work yesterday.
  4. Who ... any questions now?

4. Употребите оборот there is/are нужном времени.

  1. How many rooms ... there in your flat?
  1. There ... 30 pupils in our class last year.
  2. There ... no school near our house 5 years ago.
  3. How many people ... there ... at the party next Sunday?
  4. There .. .a new cinema near my house now.

5. Напишите указанные существительные во множественном числе.

Class, ox, baby, leaf, sheep, advice, shoe, hero, roof, factory.

II вариант

1.You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Andrew.

...Last weekend my father and I went fishing. It was great. How did you spend your last weekend? Does your leisure depend on the season of the year? Do you prefer to spend your weekends with your parents or with your friends? Why?...

Write him a letter and answer the questions.

2. Употребить глагол to be в правильной форме.

1) … your father at work yesterday?

2) My sisters … ill last week.

3) They … not ill now.

4) Where … your mother now? – She … in the kitchen.

5) Where … you yesterday? – I … at the cinema.

3. Употребите глагол to have в правильной форме.

1) We … no garden now.

2) He … a new flat in the center of the town.

3) They … no lessons tomorrow.

4) What kind of car … he got?

5) When do you … your breakfast?

4. Употребите оборот there is/are в нужном времени.

1) There … 30 pupils in our class now.

2) There … a new school near our house next year.

3) Look, there … some flowers on the table.

4) How many students … there at the lesson yesterday?

5) There … only one room in his flat now.

5. Напишите указанные существительные во множественном числе.

Dress, news, army, safe, sugar, child, exercise, man, photo, opportunity.

Самостоятельная работа № 4 на тему: Спорт в моей жизни.

I вариант

  1. Какие вы знаете виды спорта?
  2. Перевести слова на русский язык( tennis, basketball, swimming).

3. Выберите правильный вариант глагола:

1) … she in the park yesterday? (were, is, was)

2) Mike and Nick … at 3 o’clock tomorrow. (are, were, will be)

3) Did you … English last week? (has, have, had)

4) They … 5 lessons tomorrow. (had, have, will have)

5) The teacher … us at the next lesson. (asked, asks, will ask)

6) Usually our lesson … at 8.30. (will begin, begins, begin)

7) He … this book when he was a child. (has, have, had)

4. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Наша квартира большая.

2. У нас три комнаты и кухня.

3. Мой брат живет на фабрике.

II вариант

1. Какие вы знаете виды спорта?

2.Перевести слова на русский язык(jogging, boxing, volleyball )

3. Выберите правильный вариант глагола:

1) We … not in the fourth last summer. (was, were, will be)

2) Where … they now? (are, am, were)

3) … he got a car? (will have, has, have)

4) We … a new flat next year. (have, will have, had)

5) They … to the radio yesterday morning. (listening, listened, listen)

6) I … tennis tomorrow. (will play, played, play)

4. Поставьте существительное во множественное число:






Самостоятельная работа № 5 на тему: Город моей мечты.

I вариант

I. What is your favourite town? Why?

II. Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

1. I never take part in any … .

2. Sometimes I … the competition.

3. If you don't believe in your … , you can miss a very good chance.

4. I'm afraid he has already … his chance.

5. Every leaf … a lucky month in the next year.

6. What gave a new beginning to the history of long distance … .

7. Does she … his travelling by air?

8. Is she going to … playing tennis?

9. I hope to win the Round-the-World … .

10. I think computers are … because children become nervous, angry and tired.

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

  1. Example: FRIEND
  2. Her family is close and … . – Her family is close and friendly.
  3. 1. CLASSIC
  4. I prefer to listen to … music.
  5. 2. WONDER
  6. What a … day!
  7. 3. RUSSIA
  8. I like … winters very much.
  9. 4. DANGER
  10. My sister hates … kinds of sport.
  11. 5. FANTASY
  12. H. Wells wrote … stories.

IV. Complete the sentences using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect,

Past Simple or Future Simple tense.

1. We (go) on a tramp last Sunday.

2. Granny (not cook) dinner now.

3. My sister (wash) the dishes every morning.

4. His parents … already (get) up.

5. You (not eat) ice-cream tomorrow.

6. What … your brother (do) yesterday?

7. … you (play) computers on weekends?

V. Choose the right form of the verb.

1. I would like … shopping this afternoon.

a) go b) to go c) going

2. Mark enjoys … to pop music.

a) listen b) to listen c) listening

3. Of course, you can … a friend.

a) bring b) to bring c) bringing

4. Do you mind … me with my homework?

a) help b) to help c) helping

5. I want … it to the car wash.

a) take b) to take c) taking

II вариант

I. What is your favourite town? Why?

II. Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

1. Last year I tried to take part in a sports … in our school.

2. It's not very important if I win or … .

3. Catch falling leaves in autumn and you'll have good … .

4. Have you taken part in the competition? – Yes, I … my chance two weeks ago.

5. The British … that on Halloween's the souls of the dead return to place where they live.

6. These means of long distance … were used for centuries.

7. Do you … my opening the window?

8. I'm afraid he'll … studying English.

9. It was a dangerous … .

10. - We've won the International Teenagers' Competition. What luck!

- That's great! It was … . There were so many participants.

III. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: FRIEND

Her family is close and … . – Her family is close and friendly.


2.What … events can you find in the novel?

  1. I think A. Sakharov is a … person.
  2. I have never seen an … before.
  3. FUN
  4. He likes jokes and … stories.
  6. Next year I'm going to realize my … project.

IV. Complete the sentences using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple or Future Simple tense.

1. Tomorrow Nick (not go) to school.

2. Look! My friend (play) football.

3. Kate (not write) letters every month.

4. We (see) a very good film last Sunday.

5. You … just (clean) your room . Let's have a rest.

6. … your classmates (walk) yesterday in the park?

7. What … your mum (do) now?

V. Choose the right form of the verb.

1. Let’s stop … something.

a) eat b) to eat c) eating

2. I can only … everything is well.

a) hope b) to hope c) hoping

3. My sister would like … a taxi home.

a) take b) to take c) taking

4. Do you want … me any present?

a) give b) to give c) giving

5. I hate …, but would you do the cleaning?

a) ask b) to ask c) asking

Самостоятельная работа № 6 на тему: Настоящее неопределенное и настоящее продолженное время.

I вариант

I. Употребите правильную форму глагола.

1. It is 12 o’clock. The family (has / is having ) tea.

2. In the morning my mother ( cooks / is cooking) breakfast for us.

3.In the evening we (watch / are watching ) TV.

4. Look at Mike. He ( does / is doing ) his lessons.

5. My friend ( lives / is living ) in London.

II. Вставьте do или does.

1….you sleep well? Yes, I…

2….your sister wash the plates? Yes, she….

3.What your teacher read to you?

4….. Mr. Snowdon speak Russian? No, he….not.

5.Where…. you take books from?

III. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям.

1.Michael works on a farm. Where….?

2.Brenda lives in London. Does…?

3.Kevin goes out with friends in the evening. When…?

4.Luc likes tea with lemon. What…?

II вариант

I. Употребите правильную форму глагола.

1.Look at Mike. He ( does / is doing ) his lessons.

2.The weather is fine. The sun ( shines / is shining ) and it ( doesn’t rain / isn’t raining).

3.It often ( rains / is raining ) in autumn.

4.Her aunt ( lives / is living ) in New York.

5. Usually he ( goes / is going) to his office by bus.

II. Вставьте do или does.

1.Pamela…not drive a car.

2.David…not like getting up early.

3.How long…it take you to get to school?

4…..she play tennis well? No, she… not.

5.What languages….John speak?

III. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям.

1.Mary works at a bookshop. Where…?

2.Mr. Johnson lives in the country. Who…?

3.We have six lessons on Monday. When…?

4.Her sister plays chess quite well. How…?

Самостоятельная работа № 7 на тему: Предлоги места, движения, времени.

I вариант

I.Вставьте вместо точек предлоги времени.

..Monday ….weekend ….six o’clock

..midnight …..September …..first of March

..half past two …..winter …..afternoon

II.Напишите время словами.

1.14.30 12.00 07 р.м. 3.15 а.m.

17.45 4.10 р.м. 6.20 а.m. 8.05 р.m.

III.Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единственно правильный.

1. Could you close … window, please.

a) a

b) the

c) an

d) –

2. We are going for a walk. You can go with … .

a) we

b) us

c) our

d) ours

3. It was a through train so we … change trains.

a) mustn’t

b) hadn’t

c) didn’t have to

d) had not to

4. If I want to buy a jacket I always … .

a) try it on

b) try on it

c) try it

d) it try on

5. We have been warned … the danger of smoking here.

a) about

b) against

c) at

d) from

6. You’d better … out alone at night.

a) not to go

b) don’t go

c) not go

d) didn’t go

7. A vegetarian is someone … doesn’t eat meat.

a) whom

b) who

c) which

d) whose

8. When Tom was a child he … ice-cream, but he doesn’t like it now.

a) use to eat

b) used eat

c) use eat

d) used to eat

II вариант

I.Вставьте вместо точек предлоги времени.

1…..Christmas …..6.15 ……night

.Tuesday …..the evening ….spring

October ….ten o’clock ….Saturday night

II.Напишите время словами.

2.30 p.m. 15.45 2.00 a.m. 3.05 p.m.

12.15 p.m. 22.30 14.15 8.55 a.m.

III.Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единственно правильный.

1. This morning I had … apple and some toasts for breakfast.

a) a

b) the

c) an

d) –

2. Nick wants the money. Please give … to him.

a) they

b) those

c) them

d) it

3. Why … go to the police station yesterday?

a) must she

b) had she to

c) did she have to

d) she had to

4. The child is asleep. Don’t … .

a) wake him

b) wake him up

c) wake up him

d) woke him up

5. This village reminds me … the one I lived in when I was a child.

a) of

b) about

c) at

d) from

6. You ought … the weather before starting off.

a) check

b) to check

c) checked

d) checking

7. That is the horse … won the race.

a) who

b) whose

c) which

d) whom

8. I know she doesn’t play the piano now but … play?

a) used she to

b) did she use

c) did she used to

d) did she use to

Самостоятельная работа № 8 на тему: Распорядок дня.

I вариант

I . a) Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

foreign; is spread; is washed by; capital; island; is situated; powerful;

languages; occupies; population

1 India … in Asia.

2 There are 15 official … in India and thousands of different dialects.

3 Great Britain is an … where England, Scotland, and Wales are located.

4 What city is the … of Japan? – Tokyo is.

5 The UK … the Atlantic Ocean in the north.

6 Success in … language learning is not connected with a person's natural talent.

7 The … of the Russian Federation is about 112 thousand of people.

8 Australia … a whole continent.

9 The USA are considered to be one of the most … countries in the world.

10. English language … all over the world.

b) Fill in blanks with suitable words.

The United States of America 1)… in the central part of North America. Its western coast 2)… by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast – by the Atlantic Ocean. The total 3) … of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. The 4)… of the USA is about 250 million people; most of them live in towns and cities. The USA is a very large 5)… . The 6)… of the USA is Washington. The largest 7)… of this country are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and others.

II. Put in: who or which.

1. She returned me the book … I gave her yesterday.

2. Do you know the student … has won the first prize in the competition?

3. The mother tongue is a language … a child learns naturally, in his/ her family.

4. I knew a lady … played tennis every day.

5. Kate found a bag … she liked.

III. These sentences are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your questions with “How”.

Example: It takes him 20 minutes to get to school. – How long does it take him to get to school?

1. Sir John Bouring could speak 28 languages.

2. The Thames is 334 kilometres long.

3. This nice dress is only 25 dollars.

4. My mother is thirty-five years old.

5. I would like little sugar.

IV. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: IMPRESS

Her dance made a great … on my friends. - Her dance made a great impression on my friends.


There were 1,000 lollipop ladies in the streets of London standing at zebra … with their

Lollipop signs”.


80 % of all … in the world’s computers is in English.


Alexander Popov is a Russian … who was known all over the world.


The … of the English language rapidly increases.


His … are considered impossible.

II вариант

I.a) Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

motto; is washed; name; area; population; capital;

was called; is situated; languages; country

Canada is the second largest 1)… in the world. It 2)… in the northern part of the North American continent. Its total 3)… is 9,975,000 square kilometers. Canada 4)… by three oceans – the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. Canada's 5)… comes from an Indian word kanata, which means "village". When the area came under the British rule in 1897, the new country 6)… the Dominion of Canada, or simply Canada. This country has a small 7)…, only about 27,300,000 people. There are two official 8)… in the country: English and French. The 9)… of Canada is Ottawa. Canada's 10)… "From Sea to Sea" is appropriate because it's surrounded by three oceans.

b) Fill in blanks with suitable words.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1)… on the British Isles. The British Isles 2)… two islands, Great Britain and Ireland. The western coast of Great Britain 3)… by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Their total 4)… is over 244 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is one of the world's smaller 5) … . Its 6)… is over 57 million people. London is the 7)… of the United Kingdom.

II. Put in: who or which.

1. I want to go to the party … will be at our school.

2. Do you know people … can speak more than four languages.

3. The official language is the language … is spoken on radio, TV and by official people.

4. Look at the man … saved my life.

5. There was nothing on the table … the friends sat around.

III. These sentences are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your questions with “How”.

Example: It takes him 20 minutes to get to school. – How long does it take him to get to school?

1. Our scientist M. Lomonosov could speak more than 3 foreign languages.

2. Everest is 8848 metres high. It’s the highest mountain in the world.

3. They have 6 lessons on Monday.

4. My father is forty-four years old.

5. Travelling by boat is safe this time.

IV. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: IMPRESS

Her dance made a great … on my friends. - Her dance made a great impression on my friends.


One thing that American teachers are very concerned about is the … of our children.


The International Library of Poetry has just announced an International Poetry … .


A sea voyage is the most romantic way of … .


Which American … was from California?


On the 4th, July the Americans celebrate their main holiday – the … Day.

Самостоятельная работа № 9 на тему: Мое хобби.

I вариант

I.What is your hobby? (Some sentences).

II. Complete the sentences.

Example: If Mike … (do) his best at school, his parents would be happy with his marks. –

If Mike did his best at school, his parents would be happy with his mark

1. If my friend … (be) at home, he would tell us what to do.

2. If you did your morning exercises every day, your health … (be) much better.

3. If they … (not go) to Moscow next year, they would hear that famous musician.

4. You … (not feel) so bad if you … (not smoke) too much.

5. If you … (speak) English every day, you …(improve) your language skills.

III. Choose the correct pronoun.

1.The teacher doesn't want … to speak Russian in class.

a) we b) us c) they

2. I'd like … to help Peter.

a) you b) your c) yours

3. He expects … to come on Sunday.

a) I b) my c) me

4. Our mum would like … to take care of our cat.

a) them b) us c) we

5. Do you want … to meet him at the airport?

a) they b) their c) them

IV. Complete the sentences using one or ones .

  1. Did he write novels? – Yes, he wrote a lot of interesting … .
  2. Does he have a sister? – Yes, he has got a little … .
  3. Did she buy any socks? – Yes, she bought some red … .
  4. Was there a toy in the box? – Yes, there was a funny … in it.
  5. Have you learnt any poems? – Yes, I've learnt some … .

II вариант

I.What is your hobby ? (Some sentences).

II. Complete the sentences.

Example: If Mike … (do) his best at school, his parents would be happy with his marks. –

If Mike did his best at school, his parents would be happy with his marks.

  1. If it (be) too cold, I would put on my coat.
  2. If you really loved music, you (go) to the Philarmonic much more often.
  3. If he (not read) so much, he would not be so clever.
  4. You (not understand) the rule if you (not listen) to the teacher.
  5. If you (give) me your dictionary for a couple of days, I (translate) this text.

III. Choose the correct pronoun.

  1. Granny would like … to help her.

a) I b) she c) us

2. I don't want … to tell him about it.

a) you b)your c) yours

3. What do you want … to do now?

a) I b) me c) my

4. Our parents expect … to discuss our problems.

a) them b) we c)us

5. Would she like … to listen to the song?

a) they b) their c) them

IV. Complete the sentences using one or ones .

  1. Have you got a bike? – Yes, I have got a new … .
  2. Are you going to buy a house? – Yes, we are going to buy a big … .
  3. Are there any apples in the fridge? – Yes, there are four green … in the fridge.
  4. Is she making a blouse ? - Yes, she is making a nice … .
  5. Did they have any computer games? – Yes, they had some good … .

Самостоятельная работа № 10 на тему: Мой любимый праздник.

I вариант

I.What is your favourite holiday? ( Some sentences).

II.Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

Ill healthy competition support necessary injury

mascot  keep fit sore  luck practice

1. Jason should take part in the swimming … .

2. I … my skills every day in the garden or down in the fields.

3. And I feel bad, I’ve got a … throat.

4. Becky always looks really … .She must get lots of exercises.

5. That’s why I try to do my best not to get … - I take vitamins, in spring and autumn especially, and do sports to keep fit.

6. The choice of a … for the 1st World Youth Games in Moscow was a very difficult problem.

7. Vitamin C is … for building bones and teeth.

8. We did our best but lost it. We were out of … .

9. About 20 million people fill the stadiums every year to … their favourite players.

10. People of all ages and types do exercises at home to improve their health and to … .

III. Complete the sentences.

Example: Can she run …? (quick / quickly)

Can she run quickly?

1. James can speak German quite … (fluent / fluently), and his language is … (correct / correctly).

2. He returned again to his … (day / daily) routine on the farm.

3. “Why are you speaking very … (loud / loudly)?” – “Because how beautiful is here!”

4. When I was 22 years old, I came home from work, put a leash on my dog and went for my … (usual / usually) walk.

5. My mother opened the door … (careful / carefully), and she loaded the laundry into the machine.

6. We stop for a … (quick / quickly) commercial break, and then we come back to the traditional systems.

IV. Complete the sentences.

1. Tim came home very … (late / lately) yesterday. His parents worried about him a lot.

2. They … (hard / hardly) ever make mistakes.

3. In South Korea and Indonesia women own … (near / nearly) half a million firms.

4. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables. It’s … (high / highly) useful for you.

5. You haven’t been to the gym … (late / lately). Are you all right?

V. Complete the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.

Example: He works … at English than his friend. (hard)

He works harder at English than his friend.

1. This is … (short) way to the station.

2. Mr Smith is not so … (talented) as Mr Jack’s son.

3. I can’t hear you. Could you speak a little … (loud), please.

4. Everyone in the race ran fast, but John ran … (fast) of all.

5. Could you explain the point … (clear)?

6. Please hang the picture … (high).

7. Tom’s dictation was good. But mine was … (bad) in the class.

VI. Answer the questions.

1. Do you go in for sports?

2. What do you do / should you do to keep fit?

3. Why do people need vitamins?

4. Have you ever visited a doctor? What problem(s) did you have?

5. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games? What does this symbol mean?

II вариант

I.What is your favourite holiday? ( Some sentences).

II. Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

Injury supported health medicine necessary sick

Luck train compete motto shape

1. I hate staying in bed and taking … .

2. The … of the 1st World Youth Games was “Moscow, the Wide World of Youth”.

3. Vitamin E is … for skin and body.

4. I … hard twice a week and on Sundays.

5. That’s why I don’t feel depressed when I get …, but try to get well as soon as possible.

6. Ben couldn’t play football for two months because of an … .

7. It was an exciting game and the fans … their teams.

8. I don’t do sports at my college now. And I’m getting out of … .

9. The best athletes … in running.

10. If you care for your …, eat more natural products.

III. Complete the sentences.

Example: Can she run …? (quick / quickly)

Can she run quickly?

1. It was a bit different from what you … (usual / usually) did.

2. How about fitness? That makes me feel very …(good / well) as a doctor.

3. My … (week / weekly) audience at that time was over 300 thousand people.

4. You can use the buttons Ctrl + J to open the Downloads page … (quick / quickly).

5. Just be … (careful / carefully) when crossing the street.

6. They allowed the game to become … (slow / slowly) and uninteresting, and I decided to move faster.

IV. Complete the sentences.

1. He hasn’t been very industrious at school … (late / lately). He … (hard / hardly) does anything at all, to tell you the truth.

2. There is a tennis court … (near / nearly) our school.

3. We specialize in … (high / highly) quality facial animation for video games and films.

4. Speak a bit louder, please. I can … (hard / hardly) hear you.

5. It’s too … (late / lately) to go to the swimming pool. It is already closed.

V. Complete the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.

Example: He works … at English than his friend. (hard)

He works harder at English than his friend.

1. Tom is … (lazy) pupil in our class.

2. Go … (fast)! We should be there earlier than Nick.

3. English suits are … (good) suits in the world.

4. I expected her to respond … (soon).

5. Have you heard … (late) events?

6. Please speak… (slow). It’s too difficult to understand anything.

7. Mr Brown is as … (talkative) as Mrs Brown.

VI. Answer the questions.

1. Do you go in for sports?

2. What do you do / should you do to keep fit?

3. Why do people need vitamins?

4. Have you ever visited a doctor? What problem(s) did you have?

5. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games? What does this symbol mean?

Самостоятельная работа № 11 на тему : Местоимение.

I вариант

I.Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1)Look at…! She is a singer.

a)hers, b)she, c)her

2)Paul is…brother.

a)their’s, b)their, c)them

3)These are stars in…sky.

II. Употребить глагол to be в правильной форме.

---My father ... a teacher.

---Не ... a pupil twenty years ago.

----I ... a doctor when I grow up.

---My sister ... not... at home tomorrow.

  1. They ... in Moscow last year.

III. Употребите глагол to have в правильной форме.

---I ... an interesting book about Repin.

---My sister ... two little children.

---... you ... some time in she evening to discuss this question?

---I ... a lot of work yesterday.

---Who ... any questions now?

IV. Употребите оборот there is/are нужном времени.

---How many rooms ... there in your flat?

---There ... 30 pupils in our class last year.

---There ... no school near our house 5 years ago.

---How many people ... there ... at the party next Sunday?

---There .. .a new cinema near my house now.

V. Напишите указанные существительные во множественном числе.

Class, ox, baby, leaf, sheep, advice, shoe, hero, roof, factory

VI. Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

Tall, big, grey, angry, carefull, narrow, expensive, cold, clever, difficult, bad.

VII. Вставьте some, any или no.

1.Do you want... milk in your coffee?

2.There is ... snow in the street because it is warm.

3.I can see ... children in the yard. They are playing.

4.There were not... flowers on the table.

VIII. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени.

  1. My friend (to work) at the factory.
  1. This group (to go) to the theatre next month.
  2. We (to get) books from the library last week.
  3. I (to come ) home later than usual yesterday.

5.This student (to answer ) well at the last lesson

II вариант

I.Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1)This is…teacher.

a)we, b)our, c)ours

2)These are …pencils.

a)of,Ann’s,b)Anns’, c)Ann’s

3)Those shoes are…brother’s.

a)mine, b)my, c)me

II.Употребить глагол to be в правильной форме.

1) … your father at work yesterday?

2) My sisters … ill last week.

3) They … not ill now.

4) Where … your mother now? – She … in the kitchen.

5) Where … you yesterday? – I … at the cinema.

III. Употребите глагол to have в правильной форме.

1) We … no garden now.

2) He … a new flat in the center of the town.

3) They … no lessons tomorrow.

4) What kind of car … he got?

5) When do you … your breakfast?

IV. Употребите оборот there is/are в нужном времени.

1) There … 30 pupils in our class now.

2) There … a new school near our house next year.

3) Look, there … some flowers on the table.

4) How many students … there at the lesson yesterday?

5) There … only one room in his flat now.

V. Напишите указанные существительные во множественном числе.

Dress, news, army, safe, sugar, child, exercise, man, photo, opportunity

VI. Напишите степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

Yellow, strange, attentive, fat, cheap, pretty, experienced, dry, fast, little, serious

VII. Вставьте some, any или no.

1) There is … bread for dinner. Go and buy it.

2) They brought … books from the library.

3) There wasn’t … water in the glass.

4) Have you got … time to talk to me?

VIII. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени.

1) They (to translate) text two tomorrow.

2) He (to read) the book about Robinson Crusoe in his childhood.

3) We want (to live) in peace.

4) Schoolchildren (to have) the longest holidays in summer.

5) He (to help) me in my work tomorrow.

Самостоятельная работа № 12 на тему: Прошедшее неопределенное время.

I вариант

I.Напишите три формы глагола.

Ring, clean, take, go, come, wash, make, drive, get.

II.Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

John work up at a quarter to seven.

She went to the library yesterday.

He was in France last year.

III.Составьте вопросительные предложения в прошедшем времени.

How long? Where? What?

IV.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем времени.

a)Last week we ( to be ) at the library.

b)They ( to play ) games till evening.

c)He ( to give ) me his pen.

II вариант

I.Напишите три формы глагола.

Say, speak, teach, know, close, buy, follow, keep, put.

II.Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.

He took his children to the Zoo.

Mary was a good student.

They saw a new film on Monday.

III.Составьте вопросительные предложения в прошедшем времени.

How? When? Why?

IV.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем времени.

a)I ( to meet) my friend on the way to school.

b)She ( to live ) in the country last summer.

c)He ( to buy ) bread and milk for breakfast.

Самостоятельная работа № 13 на тему: Мои обычные покупки.

I вариант

I.Do you like to go shopping? Why? (some sentences).

II.Translate the words: cheese, cream, bread, meat, vegetables, eggs, to buy, to sell.

III.a) Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

foreign; is spread; is washed by; capital; island; is situated; powerful;

languages; occupies; population

1 India … in Asia.

2 There are 15 official … in India and thousands of different dialects.

3 Great Britain is an … where England, Scotland, and Wales are located.

4 What city is the … of Japan? – Tokyo is.

5 The UK … the Atlantic Ocean in the north.

6 Success in … language learning is not connected with a person's natural talent.

7 The … of the Russian Federation is about 112 thousand of people.

8 Australia … a whole continent.

9 The USA are considered to be one of the most … countries in the world.

10. English language … all over the world.

b) Fill in blanks with suitable words.

The United States of America 1)… in the central part of North America. Its western coast 2)… by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast – by the Atlantic Ocean. The total 3) … of the USA is over nine million square kilometers. The 4)… of the USA is about 250 million people; most of them live in towns and cities. The USA is a very large 5)… . The 6)… of the USA is Washington. The largest 7)… of this country are: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and others.

IV. Put in: who or which.

1. She returned me the book … I gave her yesterday.

2. Do you know the student … has won the first prize in the competition?

3. The mother tongue is a language … a child learns naturally, in his/ her family.

4. I knew a lady … played tennis every day.

5. Kate found a bag … she liked.

V. These sentences are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your questions with “How”.

Example: It takes him 20 minutes to get to school. – How long does it take him to get to school?

1. Sir John Bouring could speak 28 languages.

2. The Thames is 334 kilometres long.

3. This nice dress is only 25 dollars.

4. My mother is thirty-five years old.

5. I would like little sugar.

II вариант

I.Do you like to go shopping? Why? (some sentences).

II.Translate the words: peach, plum, fruits, biscuits, fish, cake, to change, sale .

III.a) Put in the sentences the suitable words. Each word or word combination is only used once.

motto; is washed; name; area; population; capital;

was called; is situated; languages; country

Canada is the second largest 1)… in the world. It 2)… in the northern part of the North American continent. Its total 3)… is 9,975,000 square kilometers. Canada 4)… by three oceans – the Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic. Canada's 5)… comes from an Indian word kanata, which means "village". When the area came under the British rule in 1897, the new country 6)… the Dominion of Canada, or simply Canada. This country has a small 7)…, only about 27,300,000 people. There are two official 8)… in the country: English and French. The 9)… of Canada is Ottawa. Canada's 10)… "From Sea to Sea" is appropriate because it's surrounded by three oceans.

b) Fill in blanks with suitable words.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1)… on the British Isles. The British Isles 2)… two islands, Great Britain and Ireland. The western coast of Great Britain 3)… by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Their total 4)… is over 244 000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is one of the world's smaller 5) … . Its 6)… is over 57 million people. London is the 7)… of the United Kingdom.

IV. Put in: who or which.

1. I want to go to the party … will be at our school.

2. Do you know people … can speak more than four languages.

3. The official language is the language … is spoken on radio, TV and by official people.

4. Look at the man … saved my life.

5. There was nothing on the table … the friends sat around.

V. These sentences are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your questions with “How”.

Example: It takes him 20 minutes to get to school. – How long does it take him to get to school?

1. Our scientist M. Lomonosov could speak more than 3 foreign languages.

2. Everest is 8848 metres high. It’s the highest mountain in the world.

3. They have 6 lessons on Monday.

4. My father is forty-four years old.

5. Travelling by boat is safe this time.

Самостоятельная работа № 14 на тему: Чай – самый популярный напиток в


I вариант

I.Do you like to drink tea? Why? (some sentences).

II.Translate the text.

Everyone knows that tea is the popular drink in Britain. It’s even more popular than coffee, which is favoured throughout Europe and America. By 1750 tea had become the principal drink of all the classes in Britain. Later, tea-drinking developed into a fashionable social ritual. Tea parties were popular at home and soon the ritual of “afternoon tea” was firmly established.

III. 1. Отметьте правильный вариант использования видовременной формы. 1. When she returned, the house was empty because everyone ___________. a) left b) had left c) was leaving 2. The house _______ ten years ago. a) was built b) built c) had built 3. They just_______ from a long trip to the United States. a) came b) had come c) have come 4. The child _______ by a dog. a) has bitten b) has been bitten c) bit 5. We hoped the weather _______ fine. a) would be b) will be c) is 6. The newspapers already_______ a) were brought b) have been brought c) are brought 7. If he _______, I’ll write a letter to him. a) doesn’t phone b) won’t phone c) didn’t phone 8. This place _______ by many tourists last year. a) visited b) was visited c) is visited

2. Вставьте подходящее слово из предложенных. 1. I do not like _______ my homework. a) making b) doing с) getting 2. She hasn’t _______ me anything. a) said b) told c) spoke 3. Have I _______ any mistakes in this test? a) done b) taken c) made 4. I think you speak English very _______ this year. a) well b) good c) better 5. Are there _______ mistakes in my test? a) some b) any c) much 6. You have very _______ mistakes in this test. a) few b) a few c) little

3. Вставьте нужный предлог. 1. She never listens ____ classical music. 2. He seldom agrees ____ me. 3. I addressed them ____ English. 4. They complained ____ bad transport. 5. The teacher is not satisfied ____ my answer. 6. He doesn’t live ____ this area.

4. Составьте предложения из слов. 1. blown down / have / many trees / by the wind / been. 2. I / to the party / been / invited / have. 3. before / never / him /1 / have / met. 4. not / he/ satisfied / is / his work / with. 5. eager / are not / we / it / do / to.

5. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово в каждый из пропусков. successful, who, programmer, famous, finished, proud, years, interested, far, such, feel, children Mr and Mrs Patterson are very _______ of their family. daughter is a _______ engineer. She has been an engineer since she _______ college. She is married to Robert _______ is a professions musician. The Pattersons have a son. He is a computer _______. He has been _______ in computers since he was a teenager, His wife Jane is a _______ journalist. But they live _______ away. They moved to Glasgow several_______ago. Mr and Mrs Patterson _______ happy to have _______ wonderful _______.

II вариант

I.Do you like to drink tea? Why? (some sentences).

II.Translate the text.

Nowadays, throughout the homes, tea shops and hotels of Britain, the custom of tea-time continues. Tea in Britain is brewed in a teapot. Then the one spoonful of tea per person and one for the pot is added. Most people in Britain prefer a rich, strong cup of tea with milk, and sugar is sometimes added to taste.

III. 1. Отметьте правильный вариант использования видовременной формы. 1. When she returned, the house was empty because everyone ___________. a) left b) had left c) was leaving 2. The house _______ ten years ago. a) was built b) built c) had built 3. They just_______ from a long trip to the United States. a) came b) had come c) have come 4. The child _______ by a dog. a) has bitten b) has been bitten c) bit 5. We hoped the weather _______ fine. a) would be b) will be c) is 6. The newspapers already_______ a) were brought b) have been brought c) are brought 7. If he _______, I’ll write a letter to him. a) doesn’t phone b) won’t phone c) didn’t phone 8. This place _______ by many tourists last year. a) visited b) was visited c) is visited

2. Вставьте подходящее слово из предложенных. 1. I do not like _______ my homework. a) making b) doing с) getting 2. She hasn’t _______ me anything. a) said b) told c) spoke 3. Have I _______ any mistakes in this test? a) done b) taken c) made 4. I think you speak English very _______ this year. a) well b) good c) better 5. Are there _______ mistakes in my test? a) some b) any c) much 6. You have very _______ mistakes in this test. a) few b) a few c) little

3. Вставьте нужный предлог. 1. She never listens ____ classical music. 2. He seldom agrees ____ me. 3. I addressed them ____ English. 4. They complained ____ bad transport. 5. The teacher is not satisfied ____ my answer. 6. He doesn’t live ____ this area.

4. Составьте предложения из слов. 1. blown down / have / many trees / by the wind / been. 2. I / to the party / been / invited / have. 3. before / never / him /1 / have / met. 4. not / he/ satisfied / is / his work / with. 5. eager / are not / we / it / do / to. Уп

5. Вставьте подходящее по смыслу слово в каждый из пропусков. successful, who, programmer, famous, finished, proud, years, interested, far, such, feel, children Mr and Mrs Patterson are very _______ of their family. daughter is a _______ engineer. She has been an engineer since she _______ college. She is married to Robert _______ is a professions musician. The Pattersons have a son. He is a computer _______. He has been _______ in computers since he was a teenager, His wife Jane is a _______ journalist. But they live _______ away. They moved to Glasgow several_______ago. Mr and Mrs Patterson _______ happy to have _______ wonderful _______.

Самостоятельная работа № 15 на тему: Мои планы на будущее.

I вариант

I. Translate the sentences.

a) Fishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers.

b) But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession.

c) Some pupils follow the advice of their parents.

II. Расположите слова в правильном порядке.

a)I, reading, helps, understand, that, in self-education, people, books.

b)Is, it, that, is, a, very, known, teaching, difficult, job, and, specific.

III. Составьте предложения из слов.

Profession future to exist to make a choice tofollow the advice

II вариант

I. Translate the sentences.

a) I’v read a lot of books by Russian and foreign writers.

b) They develop their pupil’s intellect, form their views and characters.

c) I am sure my dream will come true sooner or later.

II. Расположите слова в правильном порядке.

a)It, taken, shouldn’t be, easily.

b)At, the, would be, I’ll, University, enough, get, to succeed, quite, work, my, in.

III. Составьте предложения из слов.

to do school leaver would like to teach To make a choice

Самостоятельная работа № 16 на тему: Настоящее совершенное и прошедшее неопределенное время .

I вариант

I.Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единственно правильный.

1.I … to the cinema for ages.

a) wasn’t

b) hadn’t

c) won’t be

d) haven’t been

2. Who is looking … the children this afternoon?

a) for

b) at

c) after

d) on

3. The film wasn’t worth … .

a) seeing

b) see

c) saw

d) be seen

4. Unemployment among young people … constantly.

a) has increased

b) had increased

c) is increasing

d) increased

5. The bill isn’t … as I thought I would be.

a) such expensive

b) expensive

c) more expensive

d) so expensive

6. I met Tom … I was waiting for the bus.

a) while

b) during

c) then

d) for

7. She … to have had a difficult childhood.

a) is said

b) said

c) says

d) has said

8. Mother didn’t let the child … TV.

a) to watch

b) watching

c) watched

d) watch

9. I am right, … I?

a) am not

b) don’t

c) aren’t

d) am

10. The palace … to public in 1990.

a) has been opened

b) is opened

c) was opened

d) opened

11. Please, remember, you … to be in before 11 p.m.

a) must

b) have

c) have had

d) had had

12. Nobody … Mike to get a bad mark at the examination.

a) expected

b) waited for

c) looked forward

d) looked for

13. I can’t buy this watch, … too expensive.

a) they are

b) them are

c) these are

d) it is

II вариант

I.Из четырех предложенных вариантов выберите единственно правильный.

1.I’d prefer us … to the cinema.

a) go

b) went

c) to go

d) going

2. The bus is coming … two hours, let’s have lunch before it comes.

a) after

b) in

c) for

d) at

3. I didn’t know the answer because I … the book.

a) wouldn’t read

b) don’t read

c) didn’t read

d) hadn’t read

4. We … in Paris for the next two months.

a) will be working

b) were working

c) had been working

d) have been working

5. It was … than I thought, not yet four.

a) early

b) earlier

c) earliest

d) most early

6. We were watching TV … we heard loud barking coming from the yard.

a) during

b) since

c) when

d) that

7. It … to be Leonardo’s masterpiece.

a) believes

b) is believed

c) believed

d) has believed

8. It … for two years.

a) hasn’t rained

b) is raining

c) rained

d) rains

9. He hasn’t arrived yet, … he?

a) hasn’t

b) doesn’t

c) isn’t

d) has

10. My shirt … in Thailand.

a) was made

b) are made

c) had been made

d) made

11. You … pay a fine if you return books late.

a) have

b) have to

c) have had to

d) had to

12. My sister is short-sighted and she can’t … a person a few meters away.

a) learn

b) find out

c) recognize

d) get to know

13. … any furniture in the room?

a) Are there

b) There is

c) Is there

d) There are

Самостоятельная работа № 17 на тему: Традиционная американская еда.

I вариант

I. Translate the text.

Americans eat a lot. They have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Most of Americans don’t eat home but prefer to go to restaurants. There is a great number of ethnic restaurants in the United States. Italian, Chinese and Mexican food is very popular. An American institution is the fast food restaurant, which is very convenient but not very healthy.

II. Составьте предложения из слов.

Healthy; food; restaurants; to prefer; very popular; dinner.

III. . Расположите слова в правильном порядке.

a)Lot, Americans, a, eat.

b)Dinner, the, most, probably, meal, important, is, day, of, the.

c)Drink, a lot, Americans, juice, of.

II вариант

I. Translate the text.

However there are some principles of American cuisine. Americans drink a lot of juices and soda, eat a lot of meat, fruits and vegetables, not much bread. In the morning Americans have cereal or scrambled eggs, milk or orange juice. Turkey, ham and apple pie are traditional for Christmas and Thanksgiving Day dinner.

II. Составьте предложения из слов.

Cereal; family; traditional; dinner; meat; to eat.

III. Расположите слова в правильном порядке.

a)So, and, cheaper, was, faster, it.

b)Usually, meat, for, Americans, dinner, have.

c)Probably, dinner, is, meal, important, the most, day, the, of.

Самостоятельная работа № 18 на тему: Английская кухня .

I вариант

I.Переведите текст.

Некоторые критикуют английскую еду. Они говорят, что она невозможна, безвкусна, что это – чипсы ко всем блюдам и ужасно переваренные овощи. Основные ингредиенты, если они свежие, так вкусны, что англичанам не нужно было изобретать соусов, чтобы испортить их натуральный вкус.

II.Ответьте на вопросы.

a)Do you like the British Cuisine?

b)What do you like the most? Why?

III. Составьте предложения из слов.

Tasteless to invent sauces delicious cuisine

IV. Составьте предложения с вопросительными словами.

What? Where? When? How?

II вариант

I.Переведите текст.

В Англии не принято есть в ресторанах, так как сами блюда не подходят для такого приготовления. Английская кухня основана дома. Поэтому трудно найти хороший английский ресторан с разумными ценами. В большинстве английских городов вы найдете индийские, китайские, французские и итальянские рестораны.

II.Ответьте на вопросы.

a)Do you like the British Cuisine?

b)What do you like the most? Why?

III. Составьте предложения из слов.

British Cuisine ingredient food to cook

IV. Составьте предложения с вопросительными словами.

What? When? Why? Who?

Самостоятельная работа № 19 на тему: Степени сравнения прилагательных .

I вариант

I.Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.

Длинный, медленный, слабый, низкий, чистый, новый.

II.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Boring, cold, bright, talented, lazy, little.

III. Вставьте вместо точек прилагательные в нужной форме.

a)My old house is large, but my new house is……

b)Linda’s car was fast, but her new car is…….

c)Mrs Black’s hat is fancy, but her new hat is….

d)My uncle is energetic, but my cousin is……

e)Henry is thin, but his friend is…..in the group.

IV.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1.This street is more narrow than that one.

2.Two heads are gooder than one.

3.An orange is tastyer than a lemon.

4.Can you come more early next time?

5.Your work is best!

II вариант

I.Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.

Маленький, занятой, сухой, плохой, холодный, шикарный.

II.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Difficult, strong, bad, wet, dirty, generous.

III. Вставьте вместо точек прилагательные в нужной форме.

a)Mrs Wilson is very intelligent. She is …..person I know.

b)Steve is polite, he is….boy I know.

c)Rita’s cat was hungry, but now it is……..

d) Tom’s dictation was good. But mine was…..in the class.

e)My suitcase is heavy, but my brother’s suitcase is……

IV.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1.I’m more clever than my brother.

2.New York is moderner than London.

3.They are busyer than we are.

4.He gets stupidier every day.

5.I was the most surprised than he was.

Самостоятельная работа № 20 на тему: Итоговый контроль.

I вариант

I. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме.

1.There ( to be ) money in my pocket.

2.I know my hair ( to be ) beautiful.

3. These white sheep ( do/ does ) not live on the farm.

4. No news ( to be ) good news.

5. These trousers ( to be ) too big for me.

II. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Сэм любит рисовать.

2.Вы опаздываете на поезд?

3.Где Китти? Она на улице.

4.Прошлым летом он часто играл в футбол с друзьями.

5.Я обычно пью чай в 4 часа.

6.Кто разговаривает?

III. Составьте по три вопроса к каждому предложению.

a) She has got a wonderful child.

b)He is waiting for us downstairs.

c)Mary sent a letter to her niece last Monday.

IV.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Pretty, bad, happy, sad, clever, dangerous, serious, fine, old.

V. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Beautiful, we, sailing, boat, on, a, are.

2. Cinema, you go, to, will, the, when?

3. Many, in, I, my, library, have, books.

VI.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1.Donald is the happyest boy in our school.

2.My friends is coming to us on Sunday.

3.I like playing in volleyball.

II вариант

I. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме.

I. Today ( to be ) my day off.

2.There ( to be ) newspapers on the table.

3. Three white sheep ( to be ) in the field.

4. She ( to have ) no brothers.

5. Johnny ( do/ does ) not like washing up.

II. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Мы любим ходить в горы.

2.Ты знаешь испанский язык?

3.Мистер Сноу сейчас в кабинете, он читает газету.

4.Мы прочитали много книг.

5.Я люблю чай с лимоном.

6.Вчера Питер взял книгу в библиотеке.

III. Составьте по три вопроса к каждому предложению.

a)James has two jobs.

b)Mr. Green is sitting by a big tree.

c)Miss Daisy bought a new car last month.

IV.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Young, dirty, big, large, little, good, comfortable, wet, interesting.

V. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1.He, at, 7 o’clock, always, gets up.

2.She, to work, by, goes, bus.

3.Married, sister, is, your?

VI.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1.London is a city very big.

2.My father watches TV now.

3.In Sundays go to the restaurant.

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