Викторина по страноведению
тест по английскому языку (5, 6, 7 класс)

Сергеева Юлия Николаевна

Вопросы викторины по страноведению. Для 5-7 классов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. The United Kingdom consists of … countries

A - 3

B - 4

С - 5

2. The fort of Londinium  was founded by the …

A - William the Conqueror

B - ancient Greeks

С - ancient Romans

3. In … William the Conqueror and his people went to England from Normandy in France.

A - 1066

B - 1165

С - 1266

4. Tower of London is a museum now. The visitors want to see Tower ravens. … big dark black ravens live there.

A - Seven

B - Eight

С - Nine

5. What color rings don't mark the legs of Tower ravens?

A - yellow

B - purple

С - white

6. Bloomsbury Square is one of the oldest in London. It’s more than …  years old.

A - 300

B - 400

С - 500

7. The national flag of England is a …

A - red cross on blue background

B - red cross on white background

С - red dragon on a white and green background.

8. The national flag of Scotland is a …

A - white cross on blue background

B - red cross on blue background

С - blue cross on white background

9. The flag of Wales is an image of a …

A - red dragon on a white and green background.

B - red cross on white background

С - blue cross on white background

10. Princes Street in Edinburgh is connected with the name of the famous writer …

A - Sir Conan Doyle

B - William Shakespeare

С - Sir Walter Scott

11. England is bordered by Wales to the …

A - west

B - north

С - east

12. There is only a … gap between England and France and the countries are connected by the Channel Tunnel.

A - 40 km

B - 34 km

С - 25 km

13. The longest river in the UK is the river

A - Thames

B - Severn

С - Trent

14. The largest lake in England is …

A - Rutland Water

B - Kielder Water

С - Windermere

15. The highest mountain in England is … which stands at around 978 m (3,209 ft) in height.

A - Scafell Pike

B - Ben Nevis

С - Pennine Mountains

16. The University of Oxford is in …

A - The Southwest of England

B - East Anglia

С - The Southeast of England

17. The Union Jack is the flag...

A - of the UK

B - of Scotland

С – Northen Ireland

18. The head of State in Britain is ...

A - the Prime Minister

B - the Queen

С - the Speaker

19. Westminster is the ... centre of London.

A - cultural

B - political

С - industrial

20. The British Prime Minister lives at ...

A - 12 Whitehall

B - 15 Oxford Street

С - 10 Downing Street

21. Whitehall is ...

A - a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament

B - a big hall in the centre of London

С - the palace where the Queen lives in summer

22. The Great Fire of London broke out in ...

A - 1066

B - 1766

С - 1666

23. Sir Christopher Wren built ...

A - Buckingham Palace

B - St. Paul’s Cathedral

С - the Tower of London

24. The National Gallery is in ...

A - Piccadilly Circus

B - Parliament Square

С - Trafalgar Square

25. There is much farmland in Britain, especially in the ... of the country.

A - north

B - south

С - west

26. 650 Members of the House of Commons are elected every ... years.

 A - 5

B - 4

С - 3





















































1. The United Kingdom consists of … countries

A - 3

B - 4

С - 5

2. The fort of Londinium  was founded by the …

A - William the Conqueror

B - ancient Greeks

С - ancient Romans

3. In … William the Conqueror and his people went to England from Normandy in France.

A - 1066

B - 1165

С - 1266

4. Tower of London is a museum now. The visitors want to see Tower ravens. … big dark black ravens live there.

A - Seven

B - Eight

С - Nine

5. What color rings don't mark the legs of Tower ravens?

A - yellow

B - purple

С - white

6. Bloomsbury Square is one of the oldest in London. It’s more than …  years old.

A - 300

B - 400

С - 500

7. The national flag of England is a …

A - red cross on blue background

B - red cross on white background

С - red dragon on a white and green background.

8. The national flag of Scotland is a …

A - white cross on blue background

B - red cross on blue background

С - blue cross on white background

9. The flag of Wales is an image of a …

A - red dragon on a white and green background.

B - red cross on white background

С - blue cross on white background

10. Princes Street in Edinburgh is connected with the name of the famous writer …

A - Sir Conan Doyle

B - William Shakespeare

С - Sir Walter Scott

11. England is bordered by Wales to the …

A - west

B - north

С - east

12. There is only a … gap between England and France and the countries are connected by the Channel Tunnel.

A - 40 km

B - 34 km

С - 25 km

13. The longest river in the UK is the river

A - Thames

B - Severn

С - Trent

14. The largest lake in England is …

A - Rutland Water

B - Kielder Water

С - Windermere

15. The highest mountain in England is … which stands at around 978 m (3,209 ft) in height.

A - Scafell Pike

B - Ben Nevis

С - Pennine Mountains

16. The University of Oxford is in …

A - The Southwest of England

B - East Anglia

С - The Southeast of England

17. The Union Jack is the flag...

A - of the UK

B - of Scotland

С – Northen Ireland

18. The head of State in Britain is ...

A - the Prime Minister

B - the Queen

С - the Speaker

19. Westminster is the ... centre of London.

A - cultural

B - political

С - industrial

20. The British Prime Minister lives at ...

A - 12 Whitehall

B - 15 Oxford Street

С - 10 Downing Street

21. Whitehall is ...

A - a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament

B - a big hall in the centre of London

С - the palace where the Queen lives in summer

22. The Great Fire of London broke out in ...

A - 1066

B - 1766

С - 1666

23. Sir Christopher Wren built ...

A - Buckingham Palace

B - St. Paul’s Cathedral

С - the Tower of London

24. The National Gallery is in ...

A - Piccadilly Circus

B - Parliament Square

С - Trafalgar Square

25. There is much farmland in Britain, especially in the ... of the country.

A - north

B - south

С - west

26. 650 Members of the House of Commons are elected every ... years.

 A - 5

B - 4

С - 3

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