Типы упражнений
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Мулюкбаева Тамара Михайловна

Типы упражнений


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                                                          Выполнила слушатель курсов

 английского языка 21.11.16-06.12.16

                                                                 Мулюкбаева Тамара Михайловна


г. Симферополь 2016г.

Рецептивные упражнения

     Exercise 1. C:\Users\Дима\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheContent.Word\word-search-sports.jpg

     Exercise 2.         Find the odd word:

         bread  -  juice  -  tea  - milk

         ham  -  milk  -  butter  - cheese

         fish  - sweets  -  chocolate  -  cake

         Sunday  -  Friday -  Tuesday  - Welcome

         February  -  Saturday  -  December - March

         Sunday  - Monday  -  Saturday  -  music

         winter  - come  - spring  - summer -  autumn

         eleven  -  the third  -  the first  - the second  

         lunch  -  clock  - dinner  -  breakfast  

         corn  -   morning  -  home  -  horse  

         thank  -  three  -  think - they

         bread -  read -  breakfast - head

     Exercise 3.  Match the names of the parties and their descriptions.

 a tea party

a gathering at which tea is drunk

a garden party

people enjoy listening to music

a music party

someone is new to your class or town

a birthday party

to show that the day is very important

a welcome party

everyone takes food to a nice place in the country

a going-away party

people come dressed as film or book characters

a holiday party

you go to the Zoo, a museum, a ball game

a barbecue party

everyone does a craft project at the party

a picnic party

everyone is dressed in adult clothes

a fancy dress party

for those who like sport

a going places party

children show their beautiful pajamas

a do-it-yourself party

for people who enjoy flowers / a party outside the house

a when I grow-up party

we get presents

a skating party

we are sorry to say good-bye to somebody

a pyjama party

meat or fish is prepared over an open fire

Репродуктивные упражнения

Exercise 1. Write these words in plural.

  giraffe -

  stick -

  hat -

  goose -

  book -              

  woman -

  boy -

  girl -

Exercise 2. Express the meaning of each phrase in one word.

1.        Full of fear – a_ _ _ _ d

2.        to take the first step – b_ _ _ n

3.        a town where a seat of government is – c_ _ _ _ _ l

4.        the end of life – d_ _ _ h

5.        to come or to go into – e _ _ _ r

6.        very well known – f _ _ _ _ s

7.        to take place – h _ _ _ _ n

8.        to spring over – j _ _  p

9.        the male rule of the country – k _ _ g

10.        a speech to a group of people – l _ _ _ _ _ e

11.        to walk like a soldier – m _ _ _ h

12.        the dark part of each day – n _ _ _ t

13.        not shut – o _ _ n

14.        to put in the ground to grow – p _ _ _ t


  Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct variant of the main verb.

1.        Usually I _________the violin but now I_____ the piano.

A   play, am playing                                        B  am playing, play

2.        He________ in the garden when Tom _________.

A   sat, was coming                                          B  was sitting, came

3.        _________you___________the article yet?

A   Haven’t, read                                              B   Haven’t, been reading

4.        I________ a message from Kelly last Saturday.

A   have got                                                      B  got

5.        The book wasn’t so heavy as he __________.

A    has thought                                                B  had thought

6.        My mother wasn’t at the shop when I________.

A   had come                                                     B  came

7.        Some smiling men_____________ the piano.

A  were playing                                                 B had played

8.        We________ for about an hour when it started to rain.

A  were playing                                                 B had been playing

9.        For long months she_______his secret.

A  had been keeping                                          B had kept

10.        If we________the 10.30 train, we_________too early.

A   catch, will arrive                                         B   will catch, arrive

11.        We______a party.   _____you____________?

A   will have, Are …coming                             B are having, Will…come

12.        Do you know when they ______?

A   would come                                                   B  will come

13.        By the time we come they________.

A   will be going                                                  B  will have gone

14.        They_________for you at 7 p.m. tomorrow.

       A  will have waited                                            B  will be waiting         

       С  will have been waiting

Продуктивные упражнения

Exercise 1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face

communication is better than other types of communication, such as

letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to

support your answer.

      Exercise 2. Выберите одно из средств передвижения, представленных ниже, и разрекламируйте его так, чтобы всем захотелось приобрести такое же. Tell us what is the fastest, the slowest, the most fashionable, etc.


Exercise 3.  

A Story

Here is the beginning of the story. Please, complete the story. Produce your own version. You should write 150 - 200 words.

One night Mrs. Boweles was driving her car from Winchester to Chilcomb with a friend of the family, Mr. Ted Pratt.

Suddenly they saw an orange light in the sky. The car started to shake…

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