The Old Witch
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6, 7 класс)

Мухина Екатерина Николаевна

Адаптированный для 5-7 классов текст сказки The Old Witch с заданиями.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Old Witch

Once upon a time there was a girl who went to seek her fortune. One day she came to a house near the forest. In the house there was an oven where the bread was baking. And the bread said, "Little girl, little girl, take us out, take us out. We have been baking seven years, and no one has come to take us out." So the girl took out the bread, and went on her way.

Then she met a cow, and the cow said, "Little girl, little girl, milk me, milk me! Seven years I have been waiting, and no one has come to milk me."

Then she went on a little bit farther, and came to an apple tree with a lot of fruit, and the tree said, "Little girl, little girl, help me shake my fruit. It is so heavy." And the girl said, "Of course I will, you poor tree." So she shook the fruit all off”.

Then the girl came back to the house where she met a witch. The witch took the girl into her house as a servant and told her, "You must keep the house clean and tidy; but there is one thing you must never do. You must never look up the chimney.”

So the girl promised to do as she was told, but one morning as she was cleaning, and the witch was out, she forgot what the witch said, and looked up the chimney. When she did this a big bag of money fell down. The girl took the money and ran away back home.

When she was on her way she heard the witch coming after her. So she ran to the apple tree and cried:

"Apple-tree, apple-tree hide me,

So the old witch can't find me”

So the apple-tree hid her. When the witch came up she said:

"Tree of mine, tree of mine,

Have you seen a girl

Carrying a big old bag,

With all the money that I had?"

And the apple-tree said, "No, mother; not for seven years."

When the witch had gone down another way, the girl went on again, and just as she got to the cow heard the witch coming after her again, so she ran to the cow and cried:

"Cow, cow, hide me,

So the old witch can't find me.”

So the cow hid her. When the old witch came up, she looked about and said to the cow:

"Cow of mine, cow of mine,

Have you seen a girl

Carrying a big old bag,

With all the money that I had?"

And the cow said, "No, mother, not for seven years."

When the witch had gone off another way, the little girl went on again, and when she was near the oven she heard the witch coming after her again, so she ran to the oven and cried:

"Oven, oven, hide me,

So the old witch can't find me.”

And the oven said, "I've no room, ask the baker," and the baker hid her behind the oven. When the witch came up she looked here and there and everywhere, and then said to the baker:

"Man of mine, man of mine,

Have you seen a girl

Carrying a big old bag,

With all the money that I had?"

So the baker said, "Look in the oven." The old witch had a look, and the oven said, "Get in and look in the furthest corner." The witch did so, and when she was inside the oven shut her door.

Then the girl reached her home, married a rich man, and lived happily ever after.



Near - рядом

Forest – лес

Oven – плита, печь

Way – пусть

Milk – молоко, доить

Shake – трясти

Heavy – тяжелый

Servant – служанка

Clean – чистый

Tidy – аккуратный

Chimney – дымоход

Cry – плакать, кричать

Hide – прятать

Carry – нести

Room – комната, место

Everywhere –везде

Corner – угол

Shut – закрыть

Inside – внутри

Reach – достичь

Marry – вступить в брак

  1. Write down 5 rules that you must or mustn’t follow at school. Use the prompts.






  1. Find the Past Simple form of the verbs in the text.





















  1. A) Describe the girl and the witch with three adjectives (прилагательные).

The girl: __________________________________________________________________________

The witch: _________________________________________________________________________

B) Which character do you like the most?

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