Mid-term test 5 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Полугодовой тест по английскому языку, включающий проверку пяти аспектов языка


Предварительный просмотр:


Class 5


Listen to a teacher gives students information about a new course to practise and choose the best answer.

  1. What is the teacher's name?
  1. Lindsay Black
  2. Lindsey Black
  3. Linsey Black

  1. How long is the class?
  1. One hour
  2. One hour and a half
  3. Two and a half hours

  1. What room is the class in?
  1. Room 13
  2. Room 30
  3. Room 33

5.When is the teacher's office hour?

  1. On Monday and Wednesday
  2. Room 7B
  3. Friday at 18.00

  1. What days is the class?
  1. Monday and Tuesday
  2. Monday and Wednesday
  3. Monday and Thursday

6.What date does the course begin?

  1. Monday 13 March
  2. Monday 30 March
  3. Monday 13 May

Max. – 6

Use of English

Complete the questions and negative sentences with  Is there?/ Are there?/ There isn’t / There aren’t.

  1. ____________________any shops?
  2. ____________________a church?
  3. ____________________a beach.
  4. ____________________any houses?
  5. ____________________a swimming pool.

Max. – 5

Complete the sentences with a, an, some or any.

  1. Zola has got__________chocolate bar.
  2. Have you got__________tissues?
  3. She’s got_____________hairbrush.
  4. Marco hasn’t got_________orange.
  5. We haven’t got___________fruit.

Max. - 5

Put the words in order.

  1. am   always   time    on   I
  2. usually    wake     seven    up     I    at     o’clock
  3. cycle      school       to    I     never
  4. sometimes      cereal      I      breakfast    for   have
  5. to    students    new   am   I    friendly    always

Max. - 5

Choose the correct words.

  1. Daniela is playing/plays  tennis now.
  2. Polly is eating/eats some chocolate now.
  3. Rita and Karl sometimes have/are having pizza for lunch.
  4. Tony and Pat are doing/do their homework now.
  5. Adam usually is watching/watches TV in the evening

Max. - 5


Read the interview with Peter. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

What is your school called?

My school is called St Margaret’s Primary School.

Where is your school?

It’s in Exeter in the west of England.

What year are you in?

I’m in year 5.

How many students are there in your class?

There are twenty-seven.

How many boys are there and how many girls?

There are twelve boys and fifteen girls.

Who are your best friends in your class?

My best friends are Dave and Liam.

How many school subjects have you got?

We’ve got twelve school subjects.

What are your favourite school subjects?

My favourite school subjects are PE, History and Maths.

What are your favourite things in your classroom?

My favourite things are my desk and the clock.

How many lessons have you got on Monday?

We’ve got six lessons: English, Science, Music, Maths, IT and Art.

1)        Peter’s school is in England.  T/F

2)        He is in year 4.  T/F

3)        There are twenty-seven children in his class.  T/F

4)        He’s got 13 school subjects.  T/F

5)        His favourite subjects are PE, Music and Maths. T/F

                                                                                                                       Max. - 5


Answer the same questions about your school.


Max. – 10


You are going to give a talk about your school day (7-10 sentences). 

Remember to say:  

- what your school is

- what you like most about your school

- what your school day is.                                                                              

Max. - 10

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