Упражнения на тренировку времени Present Simple (Октябрь 2021)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку

Мы продолжае изучать и закреплять в упражнениях очень значимую тему в английском язык Present Simple


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Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Республики Мордовия

«Рузаевский техникум железнодорожного и городского транспорта

 им. А.П.Байкузова»


на заседании цикловой комиссии №3

общеобразовательных дисциплин        

Председатель  цикловой комиссии

С.С.Качкалова ________________


Заместитель директора по УР


Упражнения на использование Present Simple

Профессия (коды) 23.02.01 Организация перевозок и управление на транспорте

23.02.06 Техническая эксплуатация подвижного состава железных дорог

1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form. — Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в правильную форму:

  1. I ________ (to like) apples.
  2. Ann ________ (to play) computer games every weekend.
  3. We ________ (to go) to work by train.
  4. You ________  (not to work) very hard.
  5. My friend and I ________ (to spend) time together in the evenings.
  6. They ________ (to visit) their relatives once a week.
  7. I ________ (not to swim) in the see on summer.
  8. Food ________ (to become) cold in the fridge.
  9. My cat ________ (not to enjoy) fish.
  10. Her parents ________ (not to take) her to school every day.
  11. We ________ (not to invite) our friends at the weekend.
  12. You ________ (to know) Math.
  13. Sarah and Andrew ________ (not to go) to dancing classes on Sundays.
  14. We ________ (to have) our English lessons twice a week.
  15. He________ (not to have) blue eyes.
  16. I ________ (to have) dark hair.

2. Complete the sentences with DO or DOES. – Заполните предложения do или does:

  1. What colour ________ you like?
  2. Where ________ she work?
  3. Where ________ your parents live?
  4. What kind of films ________ you prefer?
  5. ________ he play football at the weekends?
  6. How ________ your friends spend their free time?
  7. ________ Allan have green eyes?
  8. What time ________ she get from work?
  9. What school ________ you study at?
  10. ________ you have breakfast in the morning?
  11. Where ________ they put their key?
  12. ________ your son go to the school in the city?
  13. ________ this cat and that dog get on well?
  14. ________ your friend know any celebrities?
  15. What subject ________ you study at the university?

3. Make up the affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences using the prompts. — Составьте утвердитльные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения используя слова:

  1. I/to play/computer games/every day
  2. My friend / to swim / in the pool / every Saturday
  3. Water / to boil / at 100 C
  4. Men / to like / cars
  5. That woman / to look / sad
  6. I / to like / vegetables
  7. We / to eat / junk food
  8. My parents / to visit / me / twice a year
  9. You / to cook / in the kitchen
  10. She / to work / every day
  11. You / to enjoy / reading

4. Make up the opposite sentences. — Составить противоположные предложения:

  1. The rivers freeze in winter.
  2. I like pizza.
  3. She doesn’t work on Sundays.
  4. My friends don’t visit me.
  5. You have long hair.
  6. My boss works overtime.
  7. We don’t travel very often.
  8. He sometimes eats sushi.        
  9. Our colleagues like our new office.
  10. I go to the theatre very often.
  11. My neighbor listens to the music late at night.
  12. She doesn’t like modern art.
  13. They prefer seafood.
  14. My cat sleeps all day long.
  15. She doesn’t spend much time in the shops.

5. Give short Yes/No answers for the questions:

  1. Do they use air conditioning? —
  2. Does the water boil at 100 C? +
  3. Does the sea freeze in winter? +
  4. Do animals speak? –
  5. Do they communicate? +
  6. Does his sister go to school? +
  7. Do they prefer working from home? —

6. Make up the questions to the answers. — Составьте вопросы к ответам:

  1. I live in Canada.
  2. I have omelette for breakfast.
  3. He starts his working day at 9.00 a.m.
  4. My son wakes up at 7.30 a.m.
  5. No, I don’t smoke.
  6. We get to work by car.
  7. She doesn’t eat meat because she is vegetarian.

Преподаватель: ___________________________/Качкалова С.С./

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