Задание 40.2 Анализ диаграммы.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку

Валиева Гульназ Нафисовна

Представлена презентация  и шаблон для  анализа диаграммы. Изменения в ЕГЭ 2022


PDF icon project_diagram_2022.pdf291.43 КБ
Файл project_diagram_2022.pptx128.29 КБ
Файл the_current_project_focuses_on_scheme.docx13.73 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

Project Analyzing diagrams RNE 2022

Слайд 2

Task 41- 14 points Imagine that you are doing a project on what social networks are popular among teenagers You have found some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your opinion on the subject of the project. Write 200–250 words . ( min 180-max 275 )

Слайд 4

Use the following plan: – make an opening statement on the subject of the project; – select and report 2–3 facts; – make 1–2 comparisons where relevant; – state a problem that can arise with using smartphones and suggest a way of solving it ; – conclude

Слайд 5

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project; The current problem focuses on and finds out that … Social networks have become an integral part of our life. People seem to spend more and more time surfing Facebook, Instagram and other social media pages. The current project focuses on various kinds of social networks and finds out that the degree of popularity of each of them

Слайд 6

– select and report 2–3 facts; One of the prominent features of the data provided in the bar chart is that the most frequently visited network is Instagram, which is followed by Facebook. The figures are 25% and 24% respectively. Meanwhile, the least popular choice is Tik Tok which stands at 2%.

Слайд 7

– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant; Apart from that, comparing average in popularity networks we can conclude that Snapchat is more popular than Youtube . The former comprises 22% while the latter makes up only 16%.

Слайд 8

S tate a problem The data given in the bar chart reveal that great numbers of people are engaged in social network activities. O bviously, this might have an adverse impact on their involvement in various kinds of leisure activities, including active recreation.

Слайд 9

S uggest a way of solving it I believe that one of the possible solutions to the issue of the reduction of the amount of time people spend on leisure activities in favour of visiting social networks can be making an informed decision by the person himself to limit he time spent online and take up a new exciting hobby.

Слайд 10

Conclusion Taking everything into consideration , we should balance between online and offline pastimes to stay physically and mentally healthy. 235 words

Предварительный просмотр:

The current project focuses on ___________________________________and finds out that

        To begin with one of the most prominent features of the data provided in the bar chart is that the most ______________________, which is followed by____________________________. The figures are _______________respectively. Meanwhile the least popular choice __________________which stand at ________________

       Apart from that, comparing average______________________we can conclude___________. The former comprises ______________________while the latter makes up__________________.

     The data given in the bar chart reveal___________________. Obviously,________________I believe that one of the possible solutions to the issue ____________________can be_____________________

     Taking everything into consideration, ___________________________________________

   Social networks have become an integral part of our life. People seem to spend more and more time surfing Facebook, Instagram and other social media pages. The current project focuses on various kinds of social networks and finds out that  the degree of popularity of each of them.

    One of the prominent features of the data provided in the bar chart is that the most frequently visited network is Instagram, which is followed by Facebook. The figures are 25% and 24% respectively. Meanwhile, the least popular choice is Tik Tok which stands at 2%.

Apart from that, comparing average in popularity networks we can conclude that Snapchat is more popular than Youtube. The former comprises 22% while the latter makes up only 16%.

     The data given in the bar chart reveal that great numbers of people are engaged in social network activities. Obviously,  this might have an adverse impact on their involvement in various kinds of leisure activities, including active recreation.

I believe that one of the possible solutions to the issue of the reduction of the amount of time people spend on leisure activities in favour of visiting social networks can be making an informed decision by the person himself to limit he time spent online and take up a new exciting hobby.

Taking everything into consideration, we should balance between online and offline pastimes to stay physically and mentally healthy.


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