Game-competition "The Virtual Trip To London"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Методическая разаработка игры-соревнования для 5 класса "Виртуальное поездка в Лондон"


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Game Competition

“The Virtual Trip To London”

Ход игры:

I Вступление:

Well,friends,attention,please!I hope you are fine today, aren’t you?We’ve gathered together today to travel about London and remember everything you know about it.I do hope you’ve learned a lot of interesting facts in your English lessons about beautiful churches, museums,squares and streets, palaces and monuments.

II Песня “ Yellow Submarine” The Beatles

Imagine that you are in the yellow submarine. Do you remember this famous song ? Let’s sing it.(Поют песню)

III Quotations (учитель читает, ученики переводят)

“When a man is tired of London-he is tired of life.”

“The world is a book, those who don’t travel, read only a page.”

Ведущий: Is it good to travel? Why? (Yes. It’s interesting. We can know more,learn more.)

IV Let’s travel to London

1 First of all I’ll give you a word ‘LONDON’. Name as many words connected with it as you can.(ученики называют слова, каждое слово-балл  команде).Then our submarine can move on.

 2 Choose the colour: yellow, green,red (каждая команда выбирает цвет, ещë не зная задания)

Ведущий сообщает:

Red-you’ve got only two tasks. You can do zero mistakes.

Yellow-you’ve got three tasks. You can do only 1 mistake.

Green-you’ve got four tasks. You can do 2 mistakes.



1.Name 8places of interest in London

2.Open the brackets, use Past Indefinite or Present Perfect

  • I already (do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk.
  • I (do) my homework yesterday.
  • He just (come) home.
  • Ben (play) football yesterday.
  • I (read) the book this year.


1.Name 10 words on the topic ‘London’

2.Recite a poem

3.Make up sentences with the words : CAPITAL,TOWER,TALL,MONUMENT,BELL.


1.Answer the questions:

  • What was the Tower of London?(a fortress, a palace,a prison,the King’s zoo)
  • What are the greatest London churches?(St.Paul’s Cathedral,Wesminster Abbey)
  • What is one of the famous London cinemas?(the Odeon)

2.Make up sentences:

  • London’s,centre, is, main, shopping, Oxford Street.
  • Hyde Park, in, the, London, largest, is, park.

3.Choose the verb and use it the correct form:

He has … Covent Garden.(finish, visit, clean ,lock,wash)

4.True or False

1) The heart of London is the City.

2)London is the capital of Scotland.

3)The National Gallery of London is well-known all over the world.

4)Many people live in the City.

3 QUIZ ‘London’s Places of Interest’

(каждая команда выполняет это задание; оценивается скорость и правильность по пятибалльной шкале)

Ведущий: Let’s check your knowledge of London.

1 )The Tower of London is …

a)a museum

b)a circus

c)a port

2) Big Ben is a name of …

a) the watch

b) the clock

c) the monument

3) London is the capital of …

a) America

b) Great Britain

c) Scotland

4) There are … beautiful fountains in  Trafalgar Square.


b) 8

c) 2

5) St.Paul’s Cathedral is  one of the greatest English …

a) parks

b) churches

c) monuments

6) There are …towers in the Palace of Westminster.


b) 6

c) 8

7) There are always  black …. In  the Tower of London.

a) dogs

b) ducks

c) ravens

8) The Queen of England lives in … .


b)St.Paul’s Cathedral

c)Buckingham Palace

4 QUIZ  Guess the Place of Interest

Ведущий: Guess the place of interest and read about it

(показ слайдов без названий+ даëтся раздаточный материал с названиями и текстом ,ученики угадывают и читают; за правильный ответ-балл команде )

  • St.Paul’s Cathedral
  • Trafalgar Square
  • The Tower of London
  • The National Gallery
  • Hyde Park
  • Oxford Street
  • Big Ben

5 Describe the place of interest

(показ слайдов с названиями+описание  одной достопримечательности;оценивается качество описания по пятибалльной шкале)


6 Песня о Лондоне Paul McCartney and Blur

Ведущий:What a pity! It’s time to leave London. We can’t forget it and we shall come back. Saying ‘Goodbye’ we sing a song.(поют песню)

7 Подведение итогов игры-соревнования.

(жюри считает баллы, подводит итоги)


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Virtual trip to London

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Game-competition "The Virtual Trip To London"

Методическая разаработка игры-соревнования для 5 класса "Виртуальное поездка в Лондон"...