Finding your mission
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Данная разработка применяется на уроках английского языка на старшем этапе обучения. Она помогает учащимся понять свою роль и место в жизни, осознать цели и задачи для развития личности. Также помогает в написании стихов, характеризующие себя как личность. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                       Theme:  Find your mission.

The lesson is aimed at discussing your life mission and designed for high school


1.Warm –up:

Switch on classical music and make the room quiet.

2.The main part of the lesson:

Read students a quote:

«Everyone has inside him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish and what your potential is!”-   Anne  Frank .

Ask students to brainstorm themselves as much as possible and write on a sheet

of paper their thoughts on what their life mission is and what they think their purpose in life is.

Have the students make a haiku poem about themselves and their life mission or just a free poem answering these questions:

“Your name or the name you associate yourself with (one noun)

“Characterize yourself ”  (two adjectives)

“Your life mission”  ( three verbs )

“Synonym of the first line or your emotional feeling for the whole poem.”

For example:

1. Alla                                                                              1. Alla is my name

2.Active, loving, caring                                                2.It means beautiful

3.Teaching, learning, growing                                    3.To bring happiness and love  

                                                                                            Is my mission

4.English Teacher                                                            4.I teach and learn myself  


Ask students to remember their childhood and the most important people

who have influenced them. Tell them to write a haiku poem about them.

For example:                             My mother

                                             Strong, hard working

                                           Caring ,sharing, teaching

                                              The dearest  person

Ask your students to think of something they did that hurt their dearest

person and how sorry they are. Or something they wanted to do, but didn’t.

Ask them to take a sheet of paper and write commitments to improve the situation.

For example:

                                 I am buying flowers for my mom

                                 I am calling my mom tonight and

                                 Telling her that I miss her very much

Or write a thank- you card or apologies:

                                       Dear Mum,

                                       Thank you so much for all your love to me.

                                        I want to tell you how much I love.

                                        You are the greatest Mum in the world .


                                                   Your devoted daughter.

3. Conclusion:

 The teacher says to her students that:

“Life is so short but still it is long enough to find  time  for people in your community and care for them. You should also find time for the dearest people around  you  and show them that you really love them and care for them. Do it today otherwise it can be too late tomorrow.   And do not forget about your life mission. Always remember it and follow it. Time has come. Do not miss your chance!”

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