How to create printed newspaper
проект по английскому языку (6, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс)

Мастер-класс в форме презентации "Как создать печатную газету" на английском языке подробно объясняет создание печатной газеты; развивая творческие способности учащихся, комуникативные навыки, самообразование, развивает способности, описывающие различные явления жизни и создает атмосферу интиллектуального развития личности при помощи английского языка. 


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Слайд 1

How to create printed newspaper

Слайд 2

Vocabulary and definition: Newspaper - publication that includes current news News - current stories and information reported in the newspaper Community - the area that includes your city or town Report - tell Information - things you want to know Daily - newspaper that comes out once a day Weekly - newspaper that comes out once a week Sections - parts of the newspaper Scan - read to find the information you want Current news - something that has just happened

Слайд 3

Vocabulary and definition: World or International news – news from other countries National news – type of news from around the country State news - news from your state Local news - news from your community Headlines - dark print titles for news stones Datelines - name of place where news stories Area- - place Events - things that happen or take place Metro Area - the area around a large city Index - list of what is inside the newspaper

Слайд 4

Try this Read the headlines below. Look for words that tell you if the news reported is international , national ,or state news. Draw a line from the heading to the kind of news it is. State Schools close International News Canadian Dollar Drops China Meets with Japan National News State Water Plan OK’d National Holiday Monday State News President Visits National Park

Слайд 5

Who, What, When, and Where? Who the story is about What happened When the story happened Where the story happened The person who writes the news story always tells these things. .Then the story makes sense .

Слайд 6

Daily and Weekly? Daily paper - come out every day. Weekly paper - come out once a week. Sections are parts of the newspaper. The first section - front page or front section Other sections - different names: food, sports and etc…

Слайд 7

How much do you know about your newspaper? What is the name of your newspaper ? Is it a daily? Does the paper come out in the morning or evening ? How much is the paper cost each day? What is the date of the paper you are reading? How many sections are in your paper? How many pages are in your paper?

Слайд 8

A quick check Newspapers that come out every day are called_________ newspaper. Newspapers that come out once a week are called_________newspaper. Newspapers are made up of_____________________________________. Newspapers report____________about what has just happend.

Слайд 9

Your community newspaper . Look the name of your newspaper. Do you see a date and the price ? Is there any other information listed at the top of the page? Look at the pictures and stones on the front page. The stories are about things that have just happened .

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