Урок-повторение "Спотлайт в кратце"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

Антонова Зоя Ивановна

Создание учебника  7 класса "Spotlight in Brief"


Файл otkr_urok_v_syatrakasah.docx18.86 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок-повторение (7 класс)

  1. Организационный момент

- Good morning, dear children. I’m glad to see you. My name is Zoya Ivanovna and I’ll be your English teacher now. At first, I would like to know your names please.

Today I’ve got red and yellow circles. Now I want you to take one circle, red or yellow, and say your names.

T.-What’s your name?

P.-my name is …

T.- How are you?

P.- Fine, thanks

(Ученики берут кружочки и называют свои имена)

- Nice to meet you, dear children.

Look, the colour of your circles is different. Let’s split into two groups.

 (Ребята делятся на две команды)

  1. Введение темы

- Dear boys and girls, now I want you to look at the screen. What can you see there?

(На экране появляется учебник 7 класса)

- Do you know this book?

-Do you like to study English using this book?

- I am sure you are good boys and girls and you  enjoy reading books too.

-Today I would like to create unusual book “Spotlight in Brief” with you . Hope you”ll be very active and will help me to do it with pleasure.

-Now I’m going to teach you how to create our book. Our book has 7 contests. They are:

  • Talking about Lifestyles
  • Asking questions about famous mystery writers and answering them
  • Making up words “Hobbies”
  • Reading and describing famous people
  • Listening to news and saying “True” or “False”
  • Making sentences about prediction
  • Writing letters  
  1. Начало игры

1 задание

 - now, let’s start.

(на экране появляется задание первое)

- Your first task is to chose country or city Lifestyles and describe them using these cards. (учитель даёт карточки, ребята выбирают образ жизни, либо городскую , либо деревенскую, и описывают его)

- Thanks

2 задание

- You next task is  to remember these writers. (На экране появляются фотографии писателей)

I have some questions for you. You’ll ask these questions each group one by one and answer them. You can find the answers in your books. They will help you to find right answers.

(Дети задают друг другу вопросы и отвечают на них)

-Great job, boys and girls


3 задание

  • And, now, children, let’s make up words using these letters. Find hobbies and write them in the circle please. After we’ll check your answers. (Ребята записывают названия увлечений на кружочке, а затем зачитывают свои варианты ответов.)
  • Thanks

4 задание

- Your next task is to read about a famous person and complete the card. Then you’ll read them and we’ll guess who is he or she?

(Ребята читают текст и заполняют карточку. А затем рассказывают о нем или о ней с помощью карточки. А другая команда угадывает кто он или она )

- Great job

5 задание

-Now it’s time to have a rest.

6 задание

  • I like listening to news. Especially when they are interesting. Today I got a video from my pupil Stas. He’s telling something interesting. Your task is to listen to Stas’s story and do the task.

(Учащиеся слушают рассказ ученика и выполняют задание)


7 задание

  • The next task is very easy. Let’s do it.
  • Great

8 задание

  • Imagine, you got a letter from English pen friend. He asks you to write a letter.  Let’s do it. Then we’ll check each other’s letters.

(Каждая команда пишет под диктовку письмо, а затем обмениваются письмом с другой командой и проверяют с помощью образца)

4. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов

- Dear children, hope, you liked our lesson today. Did you like? Thank you for your work. You were very clever, active and attentive. I give you 4/5. Thanks.

- The lesson is over. You are free.