Контрольная работа по английскому языку "Present Simple"
тренажёр по английскому языку (5 класс)

Доможакова Валентина Викторовна

Контрольная работа по английскому языку "Present Simple"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для 5 класса по теме:

«Present Simple».


учитель английского языка

Доможакова В.В.

МБОУ СОШ 26, г. Абакан



        Контрольная работа состоит  из трёх заданий:

  1. Упражнение на закрепление употребления глаголов to speak, to tell, to say.
  2. Упражнение на отработку отрицательных предложений в Present Simple.
  3. Упражнение на закрепление вопросительной речи в Present Simple.
  4.  Ответы.

  1. Fill in the necessary word: (to speak, to tell, to say)
  1. The doctor ___________ that she is ill.
  2. Nick ____________ him the truth.
  3. Can we ___________ to Kate?
  4. Alex can _________ Italian and French.
  5. My granny often _______________ me fairy tales before night.
  6. ________________ louder, please! I can’t hear you.
  7. Do you ___________ any foreign language?
  8. ____________ him to calm down!

  1. Write the negative sentences:

  1. My Dad is a P.E. teacher. ________________________________________________________________

  1. He usually tells me a scary story. ________________________________________________________________
  2. She can speak two foreign languages. ________________________________________________________________
  3. We play for our football team. ________________________________________________________________
  4. We are students. __________________________________________________
  5. I have got a brother. _______________________________________________
  6. We have 5 lessons today. ________________________________________________________________
  7. My favourite subject is Maths. ________________________________________________________________


  1. Ask questions to the sentences:

  1. Alice is my best friend. ______________________________________________
  2. We usually read magazines in the evening. _________________________________________________________________
  3. He does his homework after school. _________________________________________________________________
  4. The pupils can speak English. _________________________________________________________________
  5. We are a close family. _______________________________________________
  6. This year we have some new subjects. _________________________________________________________________



I.         Fill in the necessary word: (to speak, to tell, to say)

  1. The doctor _says__________ that she is ill.
  2. Nick ___tells_________ him the truth.
  3. Can we ___speak________ to Kate?
  4. Alex can _speak_______ Italian and French.
  5. My granny often __tells_____________ me fairy tales before night.
  6. ___Speak_____________ louder, please! I can’t hear you.
  7. Do you _speak__________ any foreign language?
  8. _Tell___________ him to calm down!

II.     Write the negative sentences:

  1. My Dad is a P.E. teacher.

       My Dad is not a P.E. teacher. 

  1. He usually tells me a scary story.

      He doesn’t tell me a scary story.

  1. She can speak two foreign languages.

      She can’t speak two foreign languages.

4)   We play for our football team.  

       We don’t play for our team. 

5)   We are students. ___We are not students.

6)    I have got a brother.  I haven’t got a brother.

7)    We have 5 lessons today. We don’t have 5 lessons today.

8)    My favourite subject is Maths. My favourite lesson is not Maths. 

III. Ask questions to the sentences:

1)  Alice is my best friend. __Is Alice my best friend?_

2) We usually read magazines in the evening. Do we usually read magazines in the evening?

3) He does his homework after school.

    He does not do his homework after school.


  1. The pupils can speak English. The pupils can’t speak English.
  2. We are a close family. We are not a close family.
  3. This year we have some new subjects.

      This year we don’t have any new subjects.

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