Christmas in Australia
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

Липова Мария Игоревна

Разработка задания для отработки поискового чтения, 6 класс


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Christmas in Australia

Christmas in Australia happens in the summer. However, in the class-room, children learned songs like Frosty the Snowman and Jingle Bells, and white winter cards was published.  All this was a bit ridiculous in a country where 80 per cent of the land has never witnessed a snowflake, even in winter.

Christmas in Australia is not like anywhere else! Everything is topsy turvy since December is one of the hottest months of the year. But the Australians have a great time anyway. Those who live near the coast go to the beach on Christmas day. One of the most typical Australian Christmas presents is a beach towel (полотенце). Santa Claus arrives at Australian beaches on a surfboard - quite a change from sliding down a chimney! And since the weather is hot he often wears a swimsuit or funny baggy shorts. Christmas is a great time for kids and students – it's the beginning of their summer holidays and this means FUN, SUN and SURF!

As with Christmas anywhere, families have their own traditions. In spite of the heat many Australians still have traditional hot Christmas meal. This usually includes roast turkey and a Christmas pudding. Others prefer a more sensible meal of seafood or cold ham, turkey and salads. Ice cream Christmas pudding (vanilla ice-cream with nuts and fruit) is one way round the traditions and the heat. One unique and excellent Australian dessert is the Pavlova – a light cake made of cream and fruit. (They say it was invented to celebrate Anna Pavlova's visit to Australia.)

Instead of being a serious time where most families are indoors, Australians are usually outdoors in shorts and T-shirts. There are loads of summer festivals with people celebrating Christmas in carnival style.

Answer the questions

  1. What is unusual about Christmas in Australia?
  2. What is the most typical Australian Christmas present?
  3. Can you describe Australian Santa?
  4. Do Australians have any traditional Christmas meal?
  5. Where do they spend Christmas Eve?
  6. Would you like to celebrate Christmas or New Year on the beach?

Match the titles and the paragraphs

  1. Christmas meals.
  2. Postcards and songs.
  3. Christmas outdoors.
  4. Celebration on the beach.

True/ False/ Not Stated

  • Australians doesn’t celebrate Christmas.
  • People in Australia decorate their houses and trees.
  • They usually wear warm sweaters in Christmas.
  • Christmas is a great time for kids and students in Australia.
  • Christmas in Australia happens in the summer.
  • Anna Pavlova made her favorite dessert for Australians and they liked it.
  • December is a winter month in Australia.

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