Spotlight 5 module 5 test
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Лилит Андраниковна Ордян

Итоговый тест на проверку знаний по 5 модулю для пятиклассников по учебнику Спотлайт 5


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test 5 (Spotlight – 5)

Variant 1

A. Fill in the correct word.

Giraffe, cat, monkey, cow, zebra, elephant

  1. This animal is big, it has got a long tail, eats grass and it gives us milk ____________________
  2. This animal has got a long neck, long and thin legs, and a small head._________________
  3. This animal is very big. It has got big ears, a long trunk and it is grey. ________________
  4. This animal is very funny. You can meet it in the Zoo. Its favourite food is a banana.._________________
  5. This animal lives in Africa. It has black and white stripes on its body._________________
  6. This animal is a pet. It can eat mice.._________________

 B  Write the correct form

  1. I dance- she…..
  2. I push- he…..
  3. I go- she…..
  4. I sing – they…..
  5. I press- he…

C Fill in Do/Does and answer the questions.

       1) ……….. cows like to eat grass? Yes, ………..

       2) ……….. elephants  live in forests? No,    …….

       3) ………… the rhino like to sit in mud? Yes, ………..

       4) …………the koala drink water? No, ………… .

       5) ………… dolphins live in water? Yes, ……….. .

D. Make the sentences negative.

1) Kate ………. (not/like) going to the Zoo. 2) Kangaroos ……… (not/live) in Africa.3) He ……. (not/like) lions. 4) Penguins ……….. (not/sleep) during the day. 5) My parents ………. (not/like) dogs.

E. Match

1) What colour are the zebras? A. Tricky

2) Do you like dogs?                 B. Bananas

3) What’s your cat’s name?      C White and black

4) What do monkeys eat?         D in water

5)Where do dolphins live?       E Yes, I do

 F. Translate

  1. Коалы не пьют воду
  2. У слонов длинный хобот и большие уши
  3. Медведи шумные, но милые животный
  4. Пчелы дают нам мед
  5. У него болит зуб


Test 5 (Spotlight – 5)

Variant 2

  1. Fill in the correct word

Dolphin, koala, budgie hen tortoise dogs

  1. This is a farm animal. It usually gives people eggs.
  2. This animal is very beautiful and big. It lives in water but it is not a fish. It is very friendly and sometimes can save people’s lives._________________
  3. This animal is a pet. People usually keep it in the cage at. It is nice and has got beautiful and  coloured feathers._________________
  4. These animals are our friends. They are pets. They are kind, friendly and help people
  5. These animals are very slow. They have got short legs, a small  and  a short tail.
  6. This animal lives in Australia and is a very nice animal. It is not very big. It likes eucalyptus leaves. 

B Write the correct form

  1. I like- he …..
  2. I wash –she…..
  3. I play- they…..
  4. I carry- he….
  5. I touch – she

C Fill in Do/Does and answer the questions

        1) ……….. monkeys like to eat bananas ? Yes, ………..

        2) ………..  penguins  live in forests? No,    ……

        3) ………… monkeys like to swing? Yes, ……….

        4) ………… giraffes live in water? No, …………

        5) ………… whales live in water? Yes, ………..

D. Make the sentences negative

 1) Jane (not/like) beetles. 2)Tigers ( not/live) live in Brazil 3) Elephants ( not/ eat) meat. 4) They (not/like) cats. 5) She (not/go) to school

E. Match

1) What is your pet’s name  A No, I don’t

2) Do you like parrots          B Yes, they do

3) What colour are the lions C Orange

4) Do birds eat insects?        D in the water

5) Where do fish live            E Jacksy

F. Translate

 1) У львов большая и красивая грива

 2) У жирафа длинная шея и худые ноги

 3) Он любит божьих коровок

 4) Она не любит морских свинок

 5) У нее болит ухо

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