Spotlight 7 module 5 test
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Лилит Андраниковна Ордян

Здесь можно найти итоговый тест к 5 модулю из Спотлайта для 7  класса. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 7. Test 5. I variant

I. Fill in with the following words:  pocket money, online, send, text messages, electronic books.

  1. Many people believe that in future there will be only ….schools
  2. My sister prefers reading ….. .
  3. Some children spend their money, others save their ….. to buy presents for their parents.
  4. My brother works as a manager in a big company so he gets a lot of….. every day.
  5. My son is too little to  ….. messages.

II . Choose the correct preposition: after, for, up, forward.

1) My grandparents always look …………….……. to their grandchildren

2)  When my mummy gets ill my daddy looks …………… He is very caring.

3)  Kate is looking ….his keys everywhere.

4)  I recommend my pupils to look …. the new words in the dictionary

III. Fill in the gaps with correct future forms of the verbs.

  1. The train (leave) at 8.30 every morning.
  2. I think Ann (look) after her ill granny tomorrow.
  3.  I’ ve got my salary so I (buy) a new jacket.
  4. Your room is a mess! I (help) you tidy it up.
  5. He (fly) to London next summer. He has already bought flight tickets.

IV. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

  1. We (go) to the cinema when you do your homework.
  2. If Kate (not/study), he will fail his exams.
  3. We won’t go to the park if it (be) rainy next Sunday.
  4. If you heat water at 100 degrees, it (boil).

V. Match the words and translate them.

  1. surf
  2. traffic
  3. listen
  4. role
  5. press

a) to music

b) the button

c) the Net

d) jam

e) model

VI. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Она приготовит обед, если не будет уставшей
  2. Если смешать белый и черный, то мы получим серый.
  3. Они идут в кино сегодня вечером.
  4. У него есть деньги, следовательно, он их потратит.

Spotlight 7. Test 5. II variant

I. Fill in with the following words: assignments, laptop, flying cars, turn , headphones.

  1. Most of teenagers use  ……. to listen to music.
  2. Can you ……  on the radio, please?
  3. In future people will travel in …….. .
  4. My dad has a lot of work to do. He takes his…..everywhere.
  5. Mike usually does all his…… on the computer.

II. Choose the correct preposition: after, for, up, forward.

1) I was looking…. for my headphones all day yesterday.

2) Who usually looks….  your baby when you are at work?

3) Kate doesn’t like looking …. new English words in her dictionary.

4) All the children look ……. to the New Year presents.

III. Fill in the gaps with correct future forms of the verbs

  1. I promise, I (pass) my homework.
  2. My brother doesn’t think, Barcelona (win) the match.
  3. The lessons at our school (start) at 8.20 every morning.
  4. I bought tickets to the theatre, we (see) a new play next week.
  5. I (meet) my classmates this evening

IV. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 If my parents go to the concert, I (stay) at home to look after my sister.

2) If I (hear) from him, I will let you know.

3) If Bill rings me up, I (tell) you.

5) If you mix read and white paints you (get) pink.

V. Match  the words and translate them.

  1. DVD
  2. robot
  3. sport
  4. digital
  5. mobile

  1. camera
  2. phone
  3. equipment
  4. pet
  5. player

VII. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Я всегда с нетерпением жду летних каникул
  2. Если мой парень купит билеты в театр, мы пойдем в театр
  3. В будущем я планирую работать дома и выполнять всю работу на компьютере
  4. Если мои родители пойдут вечером в кино, то я буду присматривать за братом.

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