Презентация "Business Trips"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Антипова Евгения Юрьевна

Материал предназначен для проведения урока по теме "Деловая поездка".


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Слайд 1


Слайд 2


Слайд 5

Exercise . Fill in the gaps with travel, journey, voyage, trip, tour A _____ is a long trip for pleasure and sightseeing often consisting of visits to different places. In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first ____ across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later. You can _____ by train, by bus, by plane, by ship or in a car, and finally you can go on foot. When you plan a business _____, it's better to travel by air. The children went on a short vacation _____ in July. They set out on a long _____ through India and China. Many times during his long _____ in Eastern Africa Captain Cook faced danger and death. Many musical groups go on ____ of various places during the summer.

Слайд 6

Exercise . Fill in the gaps with travel, journey, voyage, trip, tour A tour is a long trip for pleasure and sightseeing often consisting of visits to different places. In 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg on its first voyage across the Atlantic, and it sank four hours later. You can travel by train, by bus, by plane, by ship or in a car, and finally you can go on foot. When you plan a business trip , it's better to travel by air. The children went on a short vacation trip in July. They set out on a long journey through India and China. Many times during his long journey in Eastern Africa Captain Cook faced danger and death. Many musical groups go on tour of various places during the summer.

Слайд 7

Read and translate the text “Business trip” Being a businessman you have to travel much, to meet many people, to arrange business deals and personal relations. It means you will often arrange business trips. Before you have a business trip you should do the following steps: prepare all business documents necessary for your meeting with a foreign partner. If you visit your business partner for the first time you should take advertising materials representing your firm and its products. Today, many people make their travel arrangements over the phone. They call the travel agent and book their flight, and then give their credit card number to pay for the plane ticket, if you are going to travel by plane. It is the fastest way of traveling and it is helpful if you are short of time, but it is rather expensive. If your destination is not far from your town you can travel by car or by train. It is a slower way of traveling but it is cheaper and quite comfortable. If a visa is necessary, some travel agents take their customers’ passports to the embassy’s visa department. You should also have medical insurance documents with you when you are going to visit your foreign partner. It’s not a good idea to carry lots of cash with you, so traveller’s cheques are a safe way to take money abroad. It’s easy to change them at the bank for foreign currency during your trip. When people travel they almost always stay at hotels or guest-houses, so you should make a hotel reservation in advance by letter, telephone or e-mail. Let the hotel manager know the day and the time of your departure, or you may arrive at the hotel to be told that there are no rooms available. If you travel abroad you must go through the customs inspection. The customs officials check your luggage and ask you to fill in the customs declaration form. Some of your things may be subjected to duty, some of them are duty free. If you have foreign currency you would indicate the sum in your declaration. If you don’t want to use public transport during your business trip you have to agree with accepting side to provide you with a car or you may ask about a good car rental company. In this case don’t forget to take your driving licence – you can’t drive without it! You also have to arrange insurance documents and take them too.

Слайд 8

Exercise. Complete the Word Map using the words in the box. What other words can you add into each category? a) to reserve a room g) business computer(PC) m) swimming pool b) departure lounge h) to confirm a reservation n) translation service c) duty-free shop i) to take off o) electronic safe d) baggage claim j) customs p) s upermarket e) satellite TV k) foreign newspapers q) fitness room f) check-in-desk l) land r) bath Business trip Arranging a trip Airport Hotel Free time

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