Презентация "День Победы"(Victory Day)
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (9 класс)

Матершева Елена Вячеславовна

Презентация ко Дню Победы может быть использована на уроках или внеклассной деятельности


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Слайд 1

Автор: Матершева Елена Вячеславовна Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ п. Первомайский Балашовского района Саратовской области Victory Day

Слайд 2

Victory Day is perhaps the most important holiday of the year. One should always remember that without the past there would be no present. We should never forget this page in the history of our country, albeit a terrible and tragic one that claimed thousands of lives. A low bow to our deeds and great-grandfathers for the peaceful sky above! We will always remember them.

Слайд 3

On May 9, Victory Day is celebrated annually in Russia and a number of countries. This is a holiday dedicated to the victory of the Soviet people, the Red Army over Nazi Germany during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. It arose in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 08 , 1945 . It belongs to the number of non-working holidays.

Слайд 4

Victory Day, how far it was from us, It was like a coal melting in an extinct fire. There were miles burned in the dust - we were approaching this day as best we could. Chorus: This Victory Day smelled like Gunpowder. It's a holiday With gray hair on the temples. It's a joy With tears in his eyes. Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day! Days and nights at open-hearth furnaces Our homeland did not close its eyes. We fought a difficult battle for days and nights - we brought this day as close as we could. Chorus: This Victory Day smelled like Gunpowder. It's a holiday With gray hair on the temples. It's a joy With tears in his eyes. Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day! Hello, Mom, we have not all returned… Barefoot would run through the dew! We walked half of Europe, half of the earth - we brought this day as close as we could. Chorus: This Victory Day smelled like Gunpowder. It's a holiday With gray hair on the temples. It's a joy With tears in his eyes. Victory Day! Victory Day! Victory Day! This Victory Day smelled like Gunpowder. It's a holiday With gray hair on the temples. It's a joy With tears in his eyes. Victory Day! Victory Day ! Victory Day! The song "Victory Day"

Слайд 5

What is Victory Day What is Victory Day? This is the morning parade: Tanks and rockets are coming , a line of soldiers is marching. What is Victory Day? This is a festive salute: Fireworks soar into the sky, Crumbling here and there. What is Victory Day? These are songs at the table, These are speeches and conversations, This is Grandpa's album. These are fruits and sweets, These are the smells of spring… What is Victory Day? – This means there is no war.

Слайд 6

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