Презентация "HALLOWEEN"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Матюхина Наталья Олеговна

Презентация поможет познакомить детей с традициями и обычаями Хеллоуина. Можно использовать для уроков страноведения и в качестве дополнительного материала


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Слайд 1

Halloween Выполнила : учитель английского языка Матюхина Н.О.

Слайд 2

On the 31st of October in the United Kingdom there is a nice holiday for children Halloween .

Слайд 3


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Слайд 5

People put pumpkins on the window-sills. They cut eyes, noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them. So the pumpkin looks like an awful face. It called “ Jack- o’lantern ”

Слайд 6

In the UK the children play a special game at Halloween: “ Trick or Treat ”. They dress up as ghosts, witches, clowns or pirates and visit their neighbours . “Trick or treat!” they cry. special - особый treat - угощение g hosts - привидения n eighbours - соседи

Слайд 8

Treat Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give us something good to eat. Give us candy, give us cake, Give us something sweet to take. Give us cookies, fruit and gum, Hurry up and give us some. You had better do it quick Or we'll surely play a trick. Trick or treat, trick or treat, Give us something good to eat.

Слайд 9

People must give them a treat: some fruit, sweets or chocolate. When there is no treat, the children play a trick on them and run away. Sometimes they come back again , knock at the door and run away.

Слайд 10

It’s all good fun and the evening ends with parties for children and grown-ups.

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Five little pumpkins

Слайд 12

Ghosts, witches, goblins, skeletons, black cats, bats, spiders and jack- o’lantern are the symbols of this holiday.

Слайд 14

Knock Knock , Trick or Treat, Who are you? I'm a ghost I'm a little ghost [x2] Knock Knock , Trick or Treat, Who are you? I'm a cowboy I'm a little cowboy [x2] Knock Knock , Trick or Treat, Who are you? I'm a witch I'm a little witch [x2] Knock Knock , Trick or Treat, Who are you? I'm a monster I'm a little monster [x2] Knock Knock , Trick or Treat, Who are you? I'm a ballerina I'm a little ballerina [x2] 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 [x4] Knock Knock , Trick or Treat, Who are you? I'm a pirate I'm a little pirate [x2] Knock Knock , Trick or Treat, Happy Halloween Happy Halloween [x2]

Слайд 15

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7jzCKJCeEI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4sJbEwb5os&feature=fvst http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U8ZZugvw9o&feature=related http://www.bilingual.ru/goods/songs/songs_5.html