Урок-диспут 10 класс
материал по английскому языку (10 класс)

Кузьмина Татьяна Александровна



Файл Урок- диспут "Интернет"35.57 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

s” рабочей программы к

УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой «Английский язык 10 класс». Тема

является логическим продолжением тем, на которых учащиеся осваивали

предметное содержание и универсальные учебные действия  данного раздела.

Тема является в данном разделе промежуточной, служит для освоения нового

материала, его закрепления или применения. 


Цель занятия. 

Дальнейшее развитие навыков аудирования, говорения на заданную тему,

усвоение новой лексики. 



Осознать факт регулярных семантических изменений в языке, освоить новое

употребление слова “facebook” в контексте, расширить лексикон за счет

словосочетаний с лексической единицей “f

ФИО Gusakova Elena Valentinovna

Предмет: English

Тема занятия: The Internet and Social Networking

Определение места и значения темы в системе целого курса по

английскому языку для 10 класса. 

Тема входит в раздел “Man  the Seeker of Happiness” рабочей программы к

УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой «Английский язык 10 класс». Тема

является логическим продолжением тем, на которых учащиеся осваивали

предметное содержание и универсальные учебные действия  данного раздела.

Тема является в данном разделе промежуточной, служит для освоения нового

материала, его закрепления или применения. 


План урока по английскому языку « Интернет»

Учитель: Кузьмина Татьяна Александровна

МОУ –СОШ 16 , Клин  2022





  Ход урока:

1.  проблемная ситуация,  

2.  ее  трансформация  в  учебную  ситуацию  –  через  осознание  ребенком

ограниченности своего знания,  

3.  формулировка  учебной  задачи  –  «Чему  я  должен  научиться,  чтобы

решить проблему?»,

4.  решение учебной задачи;  

5.  оценка  и  рефлексия  результатов  –  предметных,  деятельностных,


 Цель занятия. 

Дальнейшее развитие навыков аудирования, говорения на заданную тему,

усвоение новой лексики. 

 Урок английского языка

Литература для учащихся: раздаточный материал, учебник.  

Литература для учителя: учебник, словарь, материалы BBC “Keep Your

Литература для учащихся: раздаточный материал, учебник.  

Литература для учителя: учебник, словарь, материалы BBC “Keep Your

 «English Up to Date” .


Осознать факт регулярных семантических изменений в языке, освоить новое

употребление слова “facebook” в контексте, расширить лексикон за счет

словосочетаний с лексической единицей “face”.

 Учитель английского языка: Кузьмина Татьяна Александровна 1 категория


Критерии оценивания результатов: 

Учащиеся безошибочно отвечают на все заданные вопросы по

прослушанному тесту (или частично), адекватно используют приобретенную

лексику в диалогах по теме. 

The Lesson Outline

1) As we all know English is constantly changing. Today we are going to listen to a

talk by Gavin Dudeny, an expert on the English language. This particular talk is

about the word ‘Facebook’.

But first we should introduce the problem of using the Internet and social

networking sites nowadays and see how well-informed we are in this field.

Discuss these questions with your partner.

a.   How much time a week do you think you spend on the Internet?

b.   What kind of websites do you use?

News websites    Shopping sites     Information sites

Social networking sites   Email or messenger services   Search engines

Online gaming sites     Chat rooms and other types of forum

c.   In your country, what are the popular social networking sites? These are

sites where people have their own personal home page, and they are connected

directly to friends.

d.  Has there been a recent increase in the use of social networking sites? Do

you use any? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such sites?


2) To increase our knowledge on the subject and enlarge our vocabulary let’s have

a look at Exercise 2, read all the words and expressions and try to guess their




Exercise 2

a. relatives members of your family

b. professionals people who have good jobs requiring good education and extra


c. to upload something to add something to an Internet web page

d. versatile can be used in many different ways

e. to succumb to give in to something; to be defeated by something

f. cavalier without respect for tradition or normal ways of doing things


3) We should learn more about social networking websites and know how to use

the word “facebook” in the new context.


4) Let’s listen to the following extract and answer the given questions to check

your understanding.


Listening Section 1

Do you use any of the social networking websites which are so popular these days?

Do you know the places where you can connect up with friends and relatives and

meet people who share the same interests as you?

If you’re younger you may use MySpace, young adults are more likely to be found

on Facebook and busy professionals may prefer something like LinkedIn. But at

least two of these sites have one thing in common: apart from being social spaces

where you can meet and chat to people, share photos and other things, they’ve all

added new verbs and nouns to the language in the past couple of years.


Exercise 3

a. social networking sites

b. 3 – Myspace, Facebook and LinkedIn

We are listening again now and trying to decide if the statements are true or false

according to Gavin Dudeny.


Exercise 4

a. True – ‘If you’re younger you may use MySpace, young adults are more likely

to be

found on Facebook’

b. True – ‘busy professionals may prefer something like LinkedIn’

c. False – ‘they’ve all added new verbs and nouns to the language in the past

couple of



4) Listening Section 2

Let’s take a look at some examples.

a) I’ve just facebooked the photos from my summer holiday [uploaded them to my

Facebook page].

b) I facebooked that guy John and it turns out he’s an architect [looked him up in


c) Did you facebook Susan about the party? [contact Susan through her Facebook


d) Anyway, nice to meet you. Do you mind if I facebook you? [add you as a

Facebook friend].

As you can see, ‘facebook’ is a pretty versatile word, and you could say the same

about ‘myspace’, which you will find being used in much the same way all over the


LinkedIn (being a more adult, professional community) is yet to succumb to such

cavalier twisting of the English language!

And while you’re ‘facebooking’ or ‘myspacing’ you may also find yourself

‘commenting’ (writing a comment on someone’s Facebook or MySpace page), as

in this example:  

‘I commented Dawn that she should come to the pub on Saturday and she

commented me that she couldn’t because she was going away for the weekend’.

Anyway, I must get on. I haven’t facebooked yet today and there’s sure to be a lot

to catch up on!


Exercise 5

a. 4

b. - add something to your website: ‘uploaded them to my Facebook page’

- find out information about someone on a website: ‘looked him up in Facebook’

- get in contact through a website: ‘contact Susan through her Facebook page’

- make a link with someone through your website: ‘add you as a Facebook friend’

To enlarge your vocabulary I’d like to offer you a few handy expressions with the

word “face”:

a. To keep a straight face – удержаться от улыбки

b. Face to face – лицом к лицу

c. To accept something at face value – принять что-то за чистую монету

d. A face pack – косметическая маска на лице

e. On the face of the earth – на всей земле

f. In the face of something – несмотря на

g. To face the music – во всем честно признаться, несмотря на последствия



5) The following exercise will show how well you have mastered the new lexicon:

a. In the face of strong public opposition, the government still decided to go to


b. In his time, David Beckham was the best football player on the face of the Earth.

c. I still haven’t told Dad that I have crashed his car. I guess I’d better go home and

face the music.

d. I got a real shock when she opened the door and she was wearing a face pack.

She had forgotten that we had a date that night!

e. I would never accept what governments say at face value; they always have

hidden reasons for their policies and actions.

f. It was so funny when we put salt in the teacher’s cup of tea. It was hard to keep a

straight face as he drank it.

g. I try to do as much business as possible over the phone as I get nervous when I

meet people face to face.


6) Now join in the final discussion using some of the language from the lesson.

Answer my questions, please, as fully as possible:

a. Do you prefer to chat with people over the telephone, online or to meet them

face to face?

b. Is there anything you can’t face doing over the next few weeks?

c. Have you ever worn a face pack? Did it work?

d. Have you ever done anything in the face of strong opposition from your parents?

e. Have you ever done something wrong and then faced the music? What did you

do and what were the consequences?

f. Do you know anyone who is particularly good at keeping a straight face? What

about you, are you good at telling little lies, or can people always tell when you are


g. Who do you think is the best football player / singer / film star on the face of the


h. Do you generally accept your government’s word at face value? Good-bye!