Christmas and New Year in Russia and England. Interesting facts
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс)

Волкова Ольга Дмитриевна

Christmas and New Year in Russia and England. Interesting facts.

Презентация создана для уроков английского языка в 6 классах и рассказывает на английском языке об особенностях празднования Рождества и Нового Года  в России и Англии. Дети узнают, почему мы отмечаем Рождество в разные дни, какой праздник важнее для Англичан, как украшают дома к зимним праздникам в России и Англии, совпадают ли каникулы у детей в России и Европе. Презентация полностью готова к использованию на уроке и содержит полноценный текст для каждого кадра.



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Слайд 1

Christmas and New Year in Russia and England. Interesting facts For 6 th grade pupils by English teacher School 464, Pavlovsk, Saint Petersburg Olga Volkova

Слайд 2

Before 1700 people in Russia celebrate New Year in September. Peter I changed it and people started celebrating New Year in winter as in Europe. Peter I loved European traditions.

Слайд 3

In Europe people celebrate Christmas before New Year on the 25 th of December. In Russia New Year comes first. It’s because of changing of calendars.

Слайд 4

There are two calendars, Gregorian and Julian. People in Russia had count years basing on Julian calendar till 1918 when Soviet government decided to change it into Gregorian.

Слайд 5

People went to bed on the 31 st of December and woke up on the 14 th of February. As in Europe.

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The church denied it. So we celebrate Christmas after New Year and also have Old New Year.

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We took Christmas tree tradition from Europe, too. People used to decorate it with candles, nuts, apples and toys.

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In England people still decorate their houses with candles. They hang wreath made of holly on the door and hang mistletoe in a doorway.

Слайд 9

In Russia we wait for midnight a t the New Year’s n ight to listen to President. In England people watch the Queen’s speech on the Christmas Day at 3 p.m.

Слайд 10

Both in Russia and England these are family holydays. Relatives get together, cook, eat, have fun and give presents to each other.

Слайд 11

People sing songs on Christmas. In England they are called carols. We also have tradition to go from house to house and sing kolyadki

Слайд 12

As we celebrate Christmas on different days even months, in Russia, we have days off from December 31 till January 9 , but in England children start holidays on December 20 and go to school on the January 2 .

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