The mausoleum of Bendebike
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Климкович Наталья Анатольевна

The mausoleum of Bendebike is a historical and architectural monument of 15-16 centuries. 


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Слайд 1

The mausoleum of Bendebike

Слайд 2

The mausoleum of Bendebike is a historical and architectural monument of 15-16 centuries. It is located near the village of Maksyutovo in Kugarchinski district. An archaeological expedition under the leadership of Mazhitov studied the monument in 1966-68 years.

Слайд 3

The foundation of the building formed a rectangle. The thickness of the walls is more than 1 meter. Two colors of the bricks used for its masonry. Fur-tree pattern decorated the walls with red brick s on a fond of grey bricks. The top part and the dome of the monument have fallen, but found details of tromps indicate that the wall passed into the octagon. The dome was probably vaulted. The entrance from the south is a portal. The narrow doorway leads to the burial chamber. It had a vaulted ceiling above the portal. The floor and the entrance of the inner chamber were covered with adobe bricks. The grave was covered with limestone slabs at the height of 40 cm from the floor. It was built brickwork of 10 rows along the walls, appears on the ground surface and smeared with white clay outside. Remains of a woman were found inside a stone bag.

Слайд 4

The mausoleum Bendebike linked Bashkir legend. The legend says that the Bashkirs suffered from internecine wars and mutual attacks Kazakh and Bashkir tribes in ancient times. Bendebike managed to persuade his people to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors. She was highly respected and popular with tribesmen but also the surrounding nations. Bendebike willed: "If I die, you will put me and will bury in my house. Let my house will be my grave." Bashkirs granted her wish. The remains of Bendebike were taken out from the republic during archaeological excavations.