Презентация к УМК Spotlight
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)

Ольга Владимировна Гусева

Module 3 d 


Файл module_3d_a_typical_english_house.pptx1.2 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Explain the proverb: « My home is my castle »

Слайд 2

A detached house [ dɪˈtætʃt ] - особняк, обособленно стоящий дом

Слайд 3

A semi - detached house [ ‘ semidɪˈtætʃt ] - дом, имеющий общую стену с соседним домом

Слайд 4

. A terraced house [' tersait ]- дом ленточной застройки, стоящий в ряду одинаковых домов с общими стенами

Слайд 5

Block of flats - многоквартирный дом

Слайд 6

There are two floors in a typical English house. Ground floor First floor

Слайд 8

What furniture is there in the living room ? armchair coffee table bath paintings sofa wardrobe desk

Слайд 9

carpet bed fridge lamp wardrobe sink sofa What furniture is there in the bedroom ?

Слайд 10

What furniture is there in the kitchen? chair sink cooker mirror bed fridge bath

Слайд 11

Fill in: is, are . There a coffee table in the living room. There paintings on the wall. There books in the bookcase. There fridge in the kitchen. There chairs in the kitchen. There a computer in the bedroom.

Слайд 12

Check the answers There is a coffee table in the living room. There are paintings on the wall. There are books in the bookcase. There is a fridge in the kitchen. There are chairs in the kitchen. There is a computer in the bedroom.

Слайд 13

behind In front of under next to in Prepositions of place on

Слайд 14

Answer the questions: Where do the English live? They live in … a house a block of flats How many floors has a typical English house? Typical English house has … two floors three floors four floors

Слайд 15

What rooms are there on the ground floor? On the ground floor there is a … living room kitchen bedroom What rooms are there on the first floor? On the first floor there is a … bathroom bedroom kitchen

Слайд 16

Your home task is ex . 5, p. 51

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