Исследовательская работа " The role of the abbreviation in modern English"
статья по английскому языку (10 класс)

Шахбанова Мислимат Гаджибековна

Данная исследовательская работа направлена на определение роли аббревиатуры в современном английском языке и частотности использования их в речи.


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Исследовательская работа

«Роль аббревиатуры в современном

английском языке»

Научное направление: английский язык


ученица 11А класса


Шахбанова Мислимат Гаджибековна

учитель английского языка

Topic: " The role of the abbreviation in modern English"



Chapter 1. The abbreviation in the word-formation system of the English language............................................................................................................4

1.1. The history of abbreviations

1.2. The meaning of the word   abbreviation

1.3. Rules for reading abbreviations

1.4. Types of abbreviations

Chapter 2. Abbreviation and its place in the English language system............6

2.1. The concept of abbreviation in modern lexicology

2.2. Classification of English abbreviations and their place in the word-formation system of the English language

Chapter 3. Practical part...................................................................................9

3.1. Questionnaire

3.2. Frequency of use of abbreviations in the newspaper

3.3. Compilation of a dictionary navigator


List of literature...............................................................................................12



Currently, in the language of scientific, technical, financial literature, both British and Russian, there is a significant number of various kinds of abbreviations. The increase in the number of abbreviations used in modern English is quite natural. Most of the new concepts in both Russian and English are expressed using phrases or compound words, since it is these types of terms that make it possible to reflect the necessary and sufficient features of a concept with the greatest completeness and accuracy. But the terms - complex words and phrases - are cumbersome. Therefore, there is a desire to reduce them in one way or another. Abbreviation allows you to give new names and designations a shorter form while fully preserving the meaning of these lexical units, saving time for receiving information to the addressee.

The purpose of the work: to study how widely abbreviations are used in the English language, and to decipher the meaning of abbreviations most commonly used in modern English.


- Study the history of the appearance of abbreviations;

- Define the word abbreviation and consider the varieties of abbreviations;

- Conduct a survey to find out how well others understand the meaning of abbreviations, and where they most often meet them;

- Start compiling a thematic dictionary-navigator;

Subject of research: the role of an abbreviation in human life.

Object of research: abbreviation in English.

The hypothesis is that the abbreviation saves space on the carrier of textual information and allows you to quickly write frequently used words and expressions.

Relevance of the work : the 21st century is the century of information technology . Whoever owns the information owns the world. And in order to navigate the vast sea of information, it is necessary to understand the meaning of words, and understanding the text is often complicated by the excessive use of borrowed words and abbreviations. Our work will help both schoolchildren and even adults to decipher the meaning of the most commonly used compound words.

Research methods: classification method, survey method (questionnaire)

Chapter 1. Abbreviation in the word-formation system of the English language

1.1. The history of the appearance of abbreviations

The history of the origin of abbreviations, or abbreviations, has long been used in writing by all peoples who have a written language. The purpose of the abbreviations was to save space on the carrier of textual information (birch bark, ceramic plates, parchment, etc.) and the speed of writing frequently used words and expressions. Abbreviations were among the first to appear in ancient inscriptions, and later became widespread in manuscripts.

1.2. The meaning of the word - abbreviation

Abbreviation (Italian abbreviatura from Latin. brevis - brief). In ancient manuscripts and books, the abbreviated spelling of a word or group of words. In modern publications, any abbreviated word or phrase.

Abbreviations are divided into compound words and acronyms.

A compound word is a word composed of abbreviated initial elements (morphemes) of a phrase.

Initial types of compound words or acronyms are words formed by adding the initial letters of words or initial sounds, in turn, are divided into alphabetic, sound and letter-sound abbreviations.

1.3. How are abbreviations read in English?

Some abbreviations in English are pronounced separately by letters:

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation– - British Broadcasting Corporation

USA (Unites States of America) – United States of America

UK (United Kingdom) – United Kingdom — United Kingdom

Other abbreviations are read as words and are called acronyms:

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) – The North Atlantic Alliance

In English, there are abbreviations that are used only in writing, but in speech they are pronounced as full-fledged words:

Mr. (Mister) - Mr.

Dr —Doctor) - doctor

The following abbreviations in English are used in the organizational structure of the language:

etc. – and so on - (Latin et cetera) - and so on

e.g. – for example - (Latin exempli gratia) - for example

All these abbreviations, except the first one, are spelled out.

Some words are used in abbreviated form if the style of speech is informal:

TV (television) – television

Board —blackboard) - board

When you meet an abbreviation in English, be sure to find out its full version and ask for a translation, because you do not know in advance when you will meet it again! Moreover, knowledge of important abbreviations will increase your level of English proficiency.

1.4. Types of abbreviations

Abbreviation is one of the youngest ways of word formation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the study of this method and bringing it to a common denominator began relatively late.

On a formal basis , abbreviations of words can be divided into 3 types:

1. Apheresis - apheresis, i.e. truncation of the beginning of the word; history - story; telephone - phone; esquire - squire; example -sample; defense - fence; complot - plot.

2. Syncope - syncope, truncation of the middle of the word: madame - ma'am; market - mart; even - e'en [i:n]; ever - e'er; never-ne'er.

3. Apocope - apocope - truncation of the end of the word: editor - ed; advertisement - ad; veteran - vet; vampire - vamp; prefabricated - prefab; permanent - perm; promenade - prom (promenade concert - concerts where only part of the audience is sitting, and others are standing or walking); microphone - mike.

A combination of two types is possible: apheresis and syncopation, syncopation and apocope: influenza - flu; avantguarde - van; refrigerator - frige; perambulator - pram.

Chapter 2. Abbreviation and its place in the English language system

2.1. The concept of abbreviation in modern lexicology

Shortening of words (abbreviation) is a morphological word formation in which some part of the sound composition of the original word is omitted. Despite the fact that this method exists in English relatively recently (approximately since the second half of the 18th century), nowadays it plays the same leading role as word composition or word production.

In the Anglo-American scientific, technical, and economic literature, there are a large number of different kinds of abbreviations, and both individual words and phrases are shortened.

In order to proceed to the consideration of the issue of translating abbreviations from English into Russian, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of their grammatical features. Undoubtedly, the abbreviation is a word. Therefore, it can appear in a sentence in various syntactic functions and be morphologically formed according to all the rules of English grammar (take the plural, be used in the possessive case, have a definition).

According to their use, abbreviations are divided into two broad groups: textual abbreviations and terminological abbreviations.

Text abbreviations are used by one or more authors, and in each individual case (i.e. in each book or article) they are necessarily explained by the authors either in the text or in the notes. Without such an explanation, text abbreviations are usually incomprehensible. In this sense, they are, as it were, "copyrighted" and directly depend on what meaning the author himself puts into them.

Terminological abbreviations are commonly used (sometimes standard) synonymous short versions of standard terms.

Terminological abbreviations are usually understandable to specialists without explanations. As already noted, often text abbreviations, occurring in different authors, become traditional, thus turning into terminological abbreviations. It can be assumed, apparently, that a significant number of currently existing terminological abbreviations originally appeared in the form of textual abbreviations, which then, in the process of use, strengthened in the language, becoming generally accepted. Another source of terminological abbreviations is jargon.

Recently, the trend of forming new words by shortening existing words or phrases has increased significantly. The increase in the number of abbreviations can be explained by the fact that complex words and phrases are usually cumbersome and inconvenient, and, naturally, there is a desire to convey them briefly, for example: laser = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (laser) loran = long-range navigation System of long-range hyperbolic radio navigation (loran) loran = long-range system Accurate radio navigation system (loran)

The abbreviation O.K. or okay, which, according to the most popular version of the origin, with the light hand of one of the American famous politicians has as its source an illiterate interpretation of the expression all correct, i.e. it should have been a.c. (A.C.).

They are not found in Russian, but have become quite widespread in English, especially in newspaper and military vocabulary, compound words in which the first element is reduced to one letter, for example: A-bomb - atomic bomb, H-bomb - hydrogen bomb, H-bag - handbag, X-card - greeting card, V-day - victory day, E-program(exchange program) - exchange program(cultural, student, scientific), e-mail - e-mail.

Titles and names are often used in newspaper and informational materials in an abbreviated form. Often these abbreviations may be unknown to the general reader and their meaning is immediately deciphered in the note or message itself. But there are many such abbreviated names to which the readers of the newspaper have long been accustomed and which therefore do not need clarification. The abundance of abbreviations is a characteristic feature of the newspaper and information style of the modern English language.

We can say that today English is the language of business, international law, politics, computers, science and the most modern technologies. Hence, it is easy to predict the inevitability that many modern English abbreviations will become international and will become widespread in 20-30 years. However, their transition from the language of special literature to the spoken language will occur solely due to the newspaper, colloquial, informal style, as a result of which this type of lexical units will receive an incomparable distribution with today.

2.2. Classification of English abbreviations and their place in the word-formation system of the English language.

In the lexicology of modern English, there are several points of view on the structural classification of English abbreviations and their place in the word-formation system of the language.

 There are the following structural types of abbreviations:

a) letter abbreviations;

b) syllabic abbreviations;

c) partial abbreviations consisting of a letter or syllable and a full word;

d) mixed abbreviations consisting of letters and syllables;

e) digital abbreviations consisting of letters or syllables and numbers;

When translating abbreviations, it should be borne in mind that in Russian scientific, technical and newspaper styles, abbreviated words are used much less often and therefore many English abbreviations need to be expanded into full-letter words.

As for translation activities, the greatest difficulties are the abbreviations that stand in the way from textual to terminological. Such abbreviations, known only to a very limited circle of specialists, are often given without any explanation.

The list of abbreviations in alphabetical order is usually given at the end of any dictionary in a special section and it should be borne in mind that due to the widespread use of abbreviations in English, there are many homonymic abbreviations, which requires the translator to carefully select the desired Meaning, for example:

EP = electric primer electric fuse

EP = equipment part technical property warehouse

EP = extreme pressure limit pressure

EP = earth plate grounding plate

Currently, there is an increase in terminological abbreviations - this is explained by the desire to briefly convey the concept in the language. In some cases, this leads to the use of short versions of the term in the form of only one main component, in others - to the use of various kinds of abbreviations, most often alphabetic.

Chapter 3. The practical part.

3.1. Survey.

 In the course of our work, we had questions: "Do children and adults know how some commonly used words-abbreviations are deciphered?"

We conducted a small study, a survey of 9th-11th grade students. The students answered the question "What do these abbreviations mean in Russian?"

As a result of our research, we have obtained the following results:

60 people were interviewed

  • CD – 60 people (100%)
  • BBC – 45 people (74%)
  • USA – 54 people (90%)
  • SMS – 60 people (100%)
  • SOS – 59 people (98%)
  • TV– 60 people (100%)
  • VIP -25 people (25%)
  • HDTV – 48 people (80%)
  • DJ – 58 people (97%)
  • DVD - 55 people (92%)
  • UNESCO - 30 people (50%)
  • UK - 60 people (100%)
  • WC - 30 people (50%)
  • WWF - 30 people (50%)
  • a.c.-0 people (0%)

For the survey, fairly common abbreviations were selected that students could meet in English lessons or in everyday life, however, no student knows one of the proposed abbreviations.

2)We also conducted a survey showing in which places students most often encounter abbreviations. (see appendix) We got the following results:

- textbook 100%

- news 45%

-  books 30%

-  magazines 20%

- internet 80%

3) The next question was- how often do you use abbreviations?

- often 47%

- sometimes 31%

- rarely 22%

4) Where do you use abbreviations?

- on-line communication 39%

- oral speech (off-line communication) 17%

- emails 33%

- your own version 11%

3.2The frequency of use of abbreviations in the press.

We were curious to try to find abbreviations in the press ourselves. On the Internet we found several articles from English newspapers: "Morning Star", "The Times" and "Financial Times". After studying several articles, we learned that in the articles of the newspaper "Morning Star" the abbreviation is used 5 times, in the articles of the newspaper "The Times" the abbreviation is used 7 times, and in the articles of the newspaper "Financial Times" the abbreviation is used 10 times.

3.3. Compilation of a dictionary navigator

Abbreviations help to minimize speech efforts, language resources and time, while remaining clear and understandable. Abbreviations are also needed in order to facilitate longish names in official business speech.

Therefore, we offer you a number of abbreviations found in the spoken and written modern British language.

Abbreviations used in dictionaries and textbooks:

n. (noun) - noun

adj. (adjective) - adjective

p. (page) - page

etc (from lat. etcetera) – and so on

Abbreviations and abbreviations found in announcements, news and other messages:

arr. (arrival) — arrival

sec. (second) - second

p.m. (from lat. post meridiem) - afternoon, afternoon

Ed. (editor) - editor; (edition) - edition

quot. (quotation) - quote

Descriptions of people that you can see on social networks and dating sites, as well as everyday words:

f'ship (friendship) — friendship

W.W.photo (write with photo) - I will answer with a photo corresp

. (correspondent) - leading the correspondence

Pref. (preface) - preface

Some grammatical abbreviations:

aren't = are not

hasn’t = has not

she’ll = she will

you’re = you are

A great number of abbreviations is also used in social networks, especially in teens communication. Such language is called Weblish. Sometimes, whole sentences become an abbreviation! Example: MYOB = mind your own business. Other examples of it are represented in Application 2.


One of the most popular and productive ways of word formation today is an abbreviation, which is used not only in Russian or English, but also in all European languages.

The history of abbreviation from the moment of its origin to the present day has more than a dozen years, however, foreign language learners often do not pay due attention to this method of word formation. Meanwhile, the study of abbreviation is becoming an obvious necessity today, without which it is impossible to imagine the overall picture of word formation...

The abbreviation serves almost all spheres of human activity, but it is most widespread in the political, economic, military spheres, as well as in the field of computer technology and periodicals.

The role of abbreviation in modern lexicology cannot be overestimated. Abbreviations help to minimize speech efforts, language resources and time, while remaining understandable and intelligible. Abbreviations are also necessary in order to simplify long names in official business speech. Words with a complex internal structure have a compressed external form, which allows them to be used both in spoken live speech and in scientific works. Abbreviations, receiving mass distribution in special areas, are included in the national speech with equal words. Abbreviation has recently become one of the most productive ways to replenish the vocabulary of many languages. The number of abbreviated lexical units in developed languages is tens of thousands.

List of literature

Gorshunov Yu.V. Pragmatics of the abbreviation - Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Moscow Pedagogical State University -T. - : Prometheus, 1999

Dyuzhikova E. A. Abbreviation in comparison with word composition: structure and semantics (based on the material of the modern English language). - M., 1997

Ionina A.A., A.S. Sahakyan - English grammar of the XXI century. Universal effective course– - EKSMO, 2012

Koptyug N. M. Business communication in English for beginners: telephone conversations, business correspondence, reception of visitors [Text] / N. M. Koptyug. - Novosibirsk: Sib. univ. publishing house, 2009.

Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Yu. "Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" - M.: "Azbukovnik", 1997.

Podgornaya E. A. The influence of Internet communications on the formation of images of linguistic consciousness of adolescents. Autoref. diss. K.philol.N. - Kemerevo, 2010.

Slepovich V. S. Business English. Business communication: Textbook/V. S. Slepovich. - Ed. 3rd, stereotype. - Mn.: "Tetrasystems", 2003.



Application 1


Application 2
