Презентация к уроку "Английский язык в современном мире"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)

Кобешева Татьяна Валентиновна

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Слайд 1

Listen and repeat the names of COUNTRIES: China – Ireland – England – Scotland – Germany – Australia – Russia – Italy – France – The USA – NATIONALITIES: the Chinese the Irish the English the Scottish the Germans the Australians the Russians the Italians the French the Americans

Слайд 3

The Aims of the Lesson are: 1. practice our reading, listening, conversational skills 2. revise the material we have learnt 3. practice speaking about learning English The Topic of the Lesson is:

Слайд 4

“ He who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own ” ( Тот, кто не знает иностранный язык, тот не знает своего собственного) J . W Goethe .

Слайд 5

Half a century ago English was just one of the international languages, accepted in the world. As the time passed, the role of English in the society has increased. Nearly every adult in the world dreams to learn the basics of spoken, written English and wants their children to know conversational English well. There are many reasons for that. First of all, wherever we travel people know this language. Whether it’s a European country or Asian and African, everywhere people will understand you if you explain what you are looking for in English. Secondly, nearly all businesses in the world are done in English today.

Слайд 6

Basically every field requires the knowledge of this language. The students know that English plays a great role in education and their future career. The professionals know that if they learn English at least to intermediate level, they can get a significant pay raise and rapid career development. Thirdly, a lot of books and periodicals are written in English. Most Internet sites and pages are composed in English.

Слайд 7

And, it goes without saying that all computer programs and applications use the English language. From the very start of computers’ introduction in the society English was used as the basic language. Many famous films and songs are also in English. This list can continue endlessly, but the most important thing is that everyone in modern society understands how important English is today.

Слайд 8

Make up short dialogues using the question “ Why do y ou l earn English ?” and the word combinations

Слайд 9

1 Работал активно 1 2 3 4 5 2 Проверял свою работу 1 2 3 4 5 3 Работал внимательно 1 2 3 4 5 4 Выучил новые слова 1 2 3 4 5 5 Соблюдал чистоту и порядок в тетради 1 2 3 4 5 6 Говорил на английском языке 1 2 3 4 5 7 Помогал однокласснику 1 2 3 4 5 Таблица самооценки

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