Презентация "Экология"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Нельга Инна Григорьевна

Данная презентация предназначена для уроков по теме "Проблемы экологии" в 7 классе по учебнику " Английский в фокусе"  под редакцией  Ю.А.Ваулиной,Д.Дули,О.Е.Подоляко,В.Эванс.Модуль 8 "Green issues "/


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Слайд 1

Ecology and her problems

Слайд 2

Ecology currently has a great importance in human life. But many people continue to destroy nature, despite her critical state . For a long time it is known what the further people goes to technologies, the more dangerous it affects a surrounding medium. And in age-old times, for example times of Ancient Russia, people exerted the least impact on the nature in view of only began development of technologies.

Слайд 3

Transport problem Transport is an important part of modern life. Transport helps to quickly get to the right place. But machines need a smooth road, that greatly increases the area of used land. Because of traffic, the soil spoiled and becomes infertile, and for her full recovery need a lot of time.

Слайд 4

Also greatly the harmful effect of automobile exhaust gases of car engines. These gases contain toxins that have adverse effects as on humans and on animals.

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For technical purposes transport (primarily road and rail) consumes a lot of fresh water. Water contamination is significantly influenced by marine and river vessels. Oil and oil products — is the most common water pollutants.

Слайд 6

The oil film formed on its surface, reduces the intensity of photosynthesis and the formation of biomass in the ocean, since delays of up to 40% of UV radiation. Calculation shows that 1 t of oil to absorb all of the oxygen dissolved in 400 tons of water. Because of this, mankind now loses from 5 to 20% of seafood (according to different estimates).

Слайд 7

Significant and other: oil film on the surface of the water seriously reduces evaporation, reduces the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. This affects the climate, in particular, may increase the likelihood of drought

Слайд 8

Raw problem over the centuries man has engaged in mining. But today the speed of extraction of these minerals is so great that they may soon not remain at all. The solution to this problem is to make more effective use of these ores, the replacement of other types of materials, more complete processing. In addition, the increasingly widespread new construction materials: alloys, polymeric materials, ceramics.

Слайд 9

Thus, the use of ceramic materials can be widely used in the manufacture of internal combustion engines. Due to the high heat resistance of ceramics, the working temperature can be increased to 1200-1370°C. as a result will be possible to achieve efficiency equal to 45%.

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Important advantages of ceramic engines will be their “omnivorous” in relation to the composition of the fuel, no need for a cooling system, lower inertia and better environmental parameters.

Слайд 11

Energy problem Many global-ecological issues could get a successful resolution, if it were possible to eliminate the main lack of energy.

Слайд 12

Modern nuclear power is based on the splitting of atomic nuclei into two lighter ones with release of energy proportional to the mass loss. The source of energy and the decay products are radioactive elements..

Слайд 13

They are associated with the main environmental problems of nuclear power. The main environmental problems of nuclear energy, until recently was associated with the disposal of spent fuel, and to the removal of the nuclear power plant after the allowable time of operation.

Слайд 14

Result explaining emergence of environmental problems, it is possible to refer to imperfection of technologies, the poor development of economy of those, or other states in which they appear more often, but it is impossible to exclude also the person.

Слайд 15

The thought that the person is a measure of all things, was stated long ago, but today it finds special, ecological sounding. The conversation on ecology can be bound to discussion of a problem of reasonable needs of the person and mankind today.