Сценарий интеллектуальной игры "I like English"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)

игра на обощение для 5-6 классов


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Интеллектуальная игра для учащихся 5-6 классов “I like English!”

Тип занятия: обобщение знаний

Время: 45 мин

Цель: способствовать повышению интереса учащихся к изучаемому предмету посредством игры, обобщить лексические и грамматические знания учащихся, развивать мышление, память, воображение учащихся, воспитывать умение работать в команде, дисциплинированность.

(За каждый правильный ответ в игре команды получают жетоны (см. приложение)


Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, I am happy to meet you. Today we have a competition. The topic of our competition is: “I like English”.

Before we’ll start I want you to answer the question: Why do we learn English?  

(Ответы детей)


Ok! Now I see that you really like English, and we are going to check your knowledge during our competition.

Now, let`s meet 2 teams. Come to the blackboard.

You need to meet us with your team. Think about it.

Участники выходят к доске и отвечают по форме:

  • Who is the Capitan of your team? - I am. My name is ….
  • Now, _________,introduce your team.
  • Our team is_____________________________
  • Our motto is____________________________

Well done!

Oh, it’s time to start our great competition! I promise the tasks will be very interesting and exiting!

Task 1 . What country is it?


Each team will get text and pictures. You need to understand what country it is and then read your text aloud.

Учитель выдает картинки и тексты с пропусками командам (картинки в приложении).

Текст для команды 1:

_______________ is a country known for its infectious culture and its amazing landscape. It is the largest country in South America and by far it has the large fastest growing economy in the region. ______________ is the fifth largest country in the world. It’s slightly larger than Australia and slightly smaller than the USA. _____________ is a country of football, samba and amazing nature.

Текст для команды 2:

______________ is located in North America. Its population is about 130 million. The national language is Spanish.
______________ is a multinational country. Its culture combines the traditions of Europeans and local peoples.
There are pyramids and ruins of ancient cities on the territory of ____________. One of such places is the city of Chichen Itza. It has become a tourist attraction.

Task 2. Countries and nationalities.


You will get a table with countries and their nationalities. You need to match them.

1) the UK

2) Spain

3) Canada

4) Australia

5) France

6) China

7) Italy

8) Poland

9) England

10) Turkey

11) Germany

12) Brazil

13) Finland

14) Japan

15) Russia

16) the USA

a) Italian

b) Russian

c) Brazilian

d) English

e) Polish

f) Finnish

g) Australian

h) British

i) Japanese

j) Spanish

k) Chinese

l) Turkish

m) French

n) American

o) Canadien

p) German

Task 3. Countries, nationalities and languages.


I see that you know the countries and nationalities. Now I want to check how you know in which country what language is spoken. You need to fill in the gaps in the table/





















Task 3. Grammar Practice


Look at the blackboard. I have prepared questions for you. You should answer correctly. Each team responds in turn.

1. How many lessons did you have yesterday?

2. Do you read books in your free time?

3. Do you like surf the net in your free time?

4. What are you doing now?

5. What day of the week was yesterday?

6. What day is it today?

Task 4. Magic square.


There are 6 cards with numbers in front of you. Your team needs to choose one number and complete my task.

1. Name 5 colours;

2. Name 5 countries;

3. Name 5subjects;

4. Name 5 members of family;

5. Name 5 activities;

6. Name 5 languages.

Task 5. Task for сapitans.


Captains, come to the blackboard. You need to cross out the extra word in each line.

We can eat: banana, fish, ice-cream, car, orange, soup.

We can play: football, volleyball, tennis, hockey, swimming, basketball.

We can read: a newspaper, a word, a letter, a computer, a book, a telegram.

We can celebrate: Christmas, birthday, New Year, St. Valentine’s day, Halloween, Monday.


The competition is coming to an end. I should say, all the competitors were great and each team will get an excellent mark for today and in addition a little tasty present. And the winners will get two excellent marks!

So the winner is the team ______________________ (награждение победителей)

Thank you for your attention. Hope to see you next time!

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