Разработка сценария выступления на районном празднике английского языка "Рассказ о стране (Марокко)"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

Шматко Олеся Николаевна

Сценарий выступления 


Предварительный просмотр:

Morocco in 6 Words


The Berbers have lived in North Africa for thousands of years,


 a traditional Berber robe with long sleeves & a pointy hood 


A medina is generally a distinct city section, most often found in North African towns. The medina typically has a wall and a labyrinth of narrow streets.


a stewlike dish whose name comes from the type of pot in which it is cooked. 


Soup! When you get tired of couscous and tagine, which you definitely will, check out harira, a very mild soup with a combination of flour, tomatoes,  onions, rice, beaten eggs, herbs, spices and usually some sort of meat stock.


Kasbahs are small castles of Morocco, often built high up on hills as fortresses by wealthy families

Привет! Мархаба!
Как дела? Киф аль-халь?

Меня зовут... Ана исми ..

Hi! How do you do?


Where are you from?

We are from Morocco.

Wow! How interesting!I have always dreamed to visit Morocco.

We can tell you about our country.

That will be great. May I ask you questions?

Of course.

Where is Morocco?
Northern Africa, across the Gibraltar Strait from Spain

What is the full name of Morocco?
Kingdom of Morocco

What countries border Morocco?
Algeria, Mauritania, Spain (across the Gibraltar Strait), and Western Sahara

How big is Morocco?
446,550 square kilometers

What is the population of Morocco?

Around 30 million

What is the flag of Marocco?

The flag of Morocco is a deep red with a green five-pointed star, or pentagram, at its center. 

 Red has many important meanings for Morocco, reflecting the nation's history. The red symbolizes bravery and strength. 

The pentagram is a five-pointed star. This style of star has long been used as a symbol of religions as the star of Solomon, and the green is also often associated with Islamic religion. 

What language is spoken in Morocco?
Arabic is the official language . French is used for business and is official second language of Morocco, Berber dialects, Spanish and English are becoming more common.

Who is the King of Morocco?
King Mohammed VI

What is the capital of Morocco?

What are the largest cities in Morocco?

  1. Casablanca
  2. Fes
  3. Marrakech

What currency is used in Morocco?
Moroccan dirham (MAD)

What are the physical features of Morocco?
Although Morocco is often thought of as desert, much of the country is covered by the Atlas Mountains and the Rif Mountains, though the Sahara desert does make up a portion of the country.

What is the major religion in Morocco?
Islam is the majority religion. Judaism was historically a major religion in Morocco, but most Jews emigrated elsewhere in the 1950s.

Located in the north-west corner of Africa Morocco is a beautiful country.

A country with majestic mountains crowned with eternal snow.

A country that lies between the ocean and the dunes of the Sahara.

A country of sands of desert where the caravans make formal link between the past and the present.

Morocco is a place which transports every visitor into the world of mystery and enchantments.

A country of sunshine and friendliness.

A country which has resolutely set its eyes to the future where modernity carries with it a lovely touch of the exotic.

At just a few hours from the main European cities, Morocco has everything to overwhelm you with the amazing colors, smells and sounds of Islamic Africa.

 Imagine  spice markets,  white-washed sea side towns and medieval city centres.

With panoramic views varying from snow-covered peaks in the High Atlas to the endless sand dunes of the Sahara, no-one ever has to be bored in this beautiful country.How interesting! Wonderful! I’d like to visit this country!Welcome to Morocco!

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