Контрольная работа 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Калинина Марина Николаевна

Отработка причастия 1 и 2


Файл prichastie_1_i_2.docx14.86 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Have you ever heard of the Loch Ness Monster? Many people believe that there is a huge animal (living/lived) in Loch Ness in Scotland.

The animal is about 50 metres long (including/included ) its tail. Nobody knows anything about its (eating / eaten) habits. There are some photos of the animal (taking/ taken) by different people (visiting/ visited) the lake, but nobody can prove that they are real.

This animal (giving/ given) the nickname Nessie has been one of the greatest tourists attractions to the area for years. Expeditions (sent / sending) to Scotland tried very hard to find and catch Nessie. And so did individuals (looking/ looked) for the animal. But there has been no result yet.

Nessie is still a great mystery. Very few things  (knowing/ known ) about Nessie are: it has a long and thin neck like a giraffe’s, its head is quite small and looks like a horse’s, its colour is dark yellow and its habitat is the deepest and the coldest part of the lake.

Образуйте Participle I или Participle II от глаголов в скобках.

  1. Why have you got that … (worry) expression on your face? Are you in trouble?
  2. The teacher was … (disappoint) with the test results.
  3. Jack’s answer was … (disappoint).
  4. I went to the exhibition of French art last week and I was very much … (impress).
  5. We saw a lot of … (fascinate) paintings.
  6. I was so … (excite) that I couldn’t say a word.
  7. The trip to the mountains was so … (excite) — we enjoyed every minute of it.
  8. I’m … (bore) — I have nothing to do.
  9. The lecture was so … (bore) that a few listeners fell asleep.
  10. We liked the Room of Horrors but some of the tricks were rather … (frighten).
  11. It was raining so heavily that the little puppy got … (frighten) and hid under the bed.
  12. Little John’s questions were … (surprise).
  13. We were … (surprise) at the news.
  14. The boy … (translate) the story is the best pupil in our class.
  15. The girl … (wash) the window is my sister.
  16. … (do) his homework Tom looked through the window several times.
  17. The work … (do) was very interesting.
  18. Everything … (write) on the blackboard is correct.
  19. … (write) the letter Olga thought about her summer holidays.

Translate into English.

  1. Птица, сидящая на дереве, воробей.
  2. На дереве сидит воробей.
  3. Изгородь, разделяющая наши сады, старая.
  4. Ее нужно сломать. (must be)
  5. Спрятанное письмо нашли дети.
  6. Письмо, написанное мной, только что отправлено.
  7. Сломанные игрушки лежат в коробке.
  8. Эти игрушки сломали дети.
  9. Спящую собаку зовут Рекс.

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