Grammar:Present Simple
тренажёр по английскому языку (5 класс)

Оюн Сабина Вячеславовна

Данный материал необходим для овладения языковыми компетенциями в области грамматики,а именно,как грамотно задать вопрос во временной форме Present Simple.


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Предварительный просмотр:

1.1 Look at this person. What do you think his job is? Read his online blog and check your ideas

I am in IT. I have a job title that everybody wants right now. I have five full-time jobs, four of which are Big 4 companies. If I manage all five jobs for a year, I make around $1.2 million in a year.  

At the start of 2021, I get a new job. It pays about 170k, which is around 70k more than at my previous job. I want to keep both jobs because both are remote because of Covid-19. I play video games from 8 am to 4 pm and sit in online meetings hardly paying attention. 

In April, I open my resume to the world on LinkedIn. By June, I find a job 2 at $82/hour. Wow! Two jobs! I am so happy with the money, terrified of meetings, and horrified if my bosses find out about each other. There are around 4 hours of meetings each day for job 2. I suffer through them, but I agree to a job 3. I have 3 jobs now. 

In October I find 2 more jobs with $4200 and $3500 salaries a month. It's not that much money, but the jobs are not difficult.   



1. How many jobs does John have?
2. Is it difficult for him to work 5 jobs?
3. Do you think you can work 5 jobs? 
4. Do you have work-life balance? 
5. Does your job make you happy?



Possible answers:
1. John has 5 full-time jobs.
2. No, it's not difficult.

1.2 Study the rules and complete the questions 



___ your job make you happy?
Yes, it does.
No, it doesn't.

 ___ you have an unusual job?
Yes, I do.
No, I don't.

1.3 Complete the questions and answers about John 


1. __ John work full-time?
Yes, he 

       John often play video games?
Yes, he 

       he tell his employers about his other jobs?
No, he 

       he make a lot of money?
Yes, he 

       his employers know about each other?
No, they 

       you think John tells the truth? 
Your answer: 

 1.4 Ask questions about John using the phrases 

Tick the phrases when you use them

work online

make a lot of money

play video games

work in IT

like his job

work a lot

 e.g Does he likes his job?

1.5 Ask your teacher 5 questions using the phrases below or your own ideas. What is a good job for your teacher? 


Tick the phrases when you use them

enjoy helping people

wake up early in the morning

like children

like animals

work with computers

want to work from home

like working with people

often feel lazy

Possible questions:
Do you wake up early? 
Do you like to create things? 

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