Past Simple or Past Continuous
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Test Past Simple or Past Continuous


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Предварительный просмотр:

Past Simple or Past Continuous.

  1. Complete the sentences with Past Simple or Past Continuous.
  1. It ________ (rain) hard when I left the office.
  2. ____you________ (go) to the camp last year?
  3. She ________ (wash) the dishes when he rang.
  4. They ________ (read) yesterday at 5 o’clock.
  5. She________ (return) home very late yesterday.

  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. We were sitting/ sat in the garden when the rain began.
  2. They was running/were running very fast and didn’t hear us.
  3. She went/was going to the party last night.
  4. He learned/was learning a poem last year.
  5. Was he finish/Did he finish his work yesterday?

  1. Write the tense (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
  1. They were having dinner when I arrived home. - __________________
  2. I didn’t know what to do.- ____________________________________
  3. I opened the window when it was hot. - __________________________
  4. What were you doing at 6 pm yesterday? - _______________________
  5. The competition was taking place in Portugal during last weekend. - ___________
  6. In the past people were surfing the Net less than now. - _____________

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