TEST 8 class. Module 4.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Тест по английскому языку для 8 класса по УМК Spotlight 8, module 4.


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Предварительный просмотр:

TEST 8 class. Module 4.

Task 1. Write the opposites.

  1. She has got straight hair.  F _ _ _ _ _
  2. He has got big ears. S _ _ _ _
  3. She is slim. O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  4. He has got a straight nose. C _ _ _ _ _ _
  5. She has got thin eyebrows. B _ _ _ _

Task 2. Fill in: by or with.

  1. The film was directed _______ Steven Spielberg.
  2. The box was opened ______ knife.
  3. The tree was cut ______ an axe ______ a woodcutter.
  4. The book was translated ______ a famous author.
  5. The letter was written _______my friend.
  6. The cake was designed _______ nice flowers.

Task 3. Choose the correct preposition.

  1. Please put me  through/with  Mr.Davidson.
  2. It took the firefighters 2 hours to put  off/out  the fire.
  3. The fashion show has been put  off/out  until next Friday.
  4. I can’t put up  with/out  that kind of behavior any longer.
  5. Please put  away/on  your clothes. They are all over the room.
  6. It’s cold. Put  on/through  your jacket.

Task 4. Circle the odd word out.

1) trendy / fashionable / modern / linen

2) plain / baggy / striped / floral

3) stockings / basket / cloak / trousers

4) velvet / silk / wool / casual

5) slim / overweight / straight / thin

6) scruffy / sporty / checked / elegant

Task 5. Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Some fashion designers believe that all clothes ...................... (make) with organic fabrics in the future.
  2. Do you think that people ..................... (affect) by all these adverts they see on TV?
  3. Can you wait a few minutes? Your dress ................. (shorten) right now.
  4. The theme of next month’s fashion show .......................... (not/decide) yet.
  5. John ......................... (ask) to star in a Broadway show last year.

Task 6. Write two passive sentences for each of the sentences below, as in the example.

e.g. Leslie gave John a ticket to a Broadway performance.

a. A ticket to a Broadway performance was given to John.

b. John was given a ticket to a Broadway performance.

1) Anna offered Natalie some good advice.

a. _______________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________

2) They are sending you the email.

a. _______________________________________________________

b. _______________________________________________________

Task 7. Listen to the conversation between Jane and her brother, Jake, and mark the statements (1 to 5) as A (True), B (False) or C (Not stated).

  1. Mark wants to buy his mother something really expensive for her birthday.

A True     B False     C Not stated

2) Jane and Mark’s mother doesn’t like carrying handkerchiefs.

A True     B False     C Not stated

3) Jane and Mark’s mother has too many skirts.

A True     B False     C Not stated

4) Jane thinks that their father should pay for their mother’s present.

A True     B False     C Not stated

5) Mark and Jane know what type of bag their mother would like.

A True     B False     C Not stated

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