Политическая система Великобритании 10 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)
Урок разработан для обучающихся 10 класса по теме: "Политическая система Великобритании".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Предмет: английский язык
Класс: 10 класс
УМК: Английский язык, под ред. Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М. и др., 2011
Уровень обучения: базовый
Тема: Политическая система Британии. (1 час)
Место урока: 2 урок в теме
Тип урока получения нового знания: знакомство с новой информацией и первичное закрепление.
Цели урока:
познавательный аспект – знакомство с основами парламентского государства, с конституционной монархией;
развивающий аспект – развитие умения понимать схемы, развитие догадки по аналогии с родным языком и по словообразовательным элементам;
воспитательный аспект – осознание политической системы Великобритании;
учебный аспект - формирование лексических навыков чтения, развитие умения воспринимать на слух информацию в деталях.
Техническое обеспечение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный экран.
Содержание урока:
- Организационный момент
T: Hello, dear friends! How are you?
S: We are fine, thanks. And you?
T: I’m fine too, thanks. Glad to see you. You are very nice today. Smiling! Ok! Sit down, please.
- Фонетическая разминка.
Слайд 1 (чёрный)
T: Look at the board and read this tongue twister. (на доске)
I thought a thought,
But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.
If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought,
I wouldn’t have thought so much.
(Мне пришла в голову мысль, Но мысль, которую я думал, была не той мыслью, которую я думал, я думал. Если бы мысль, которую я думал, я думал, была той мыслью, которую я думал ... , Я бы не стал так много думать.)
T: What do you think about it?
S: It was a secret that I thought.
- Активизация лексических единиц. Проверка домашнего задания.
T: Dear friends, do you like crosswords?
S: Yes, we do.
Слайд 2
T: I have prepared a crossword for you. It will help me to check your hometask. You have 5 minutes to complete it.
1 | p | a | r | l | i | a | m | e | n | t | |||||||||||
2 | g | o | v | e | r | n | m | e | n | t | |||||||||||
3 | l | e | g | i | s | l | a | t | i | v | e | ||||||||||
4 | b | i | l | l | |||||||||||||||||
5 | s | y | s | t | e | m | |||||||||||||||
6 | c | a | b | i | n | e | t | ||||||||||||||
7 | e | x | e | c | u | t | i | v | e | ||||||||||||
8 | r | e | p | r | e | s | e | n | t | a | t | i | v | e | |||||||
9 | r | u | l | e | r | ||||||||||||||||
1. The highest representative and legislative body in States where the separation of powers is established.
2. A synonym of the word “administration”
3. This branch is the supreme authority.
4. To pass a…
5. A synonym of the word “framework”
6. A room of ministers
7. This administrative branch is controlled by Prime Minister.
8. A member of Parliament.
9. It means “leader”.
(задание распечатано для каждого учащегося)
T: Now check your answers (Слайд 2) and give your marks (Слайд3)
5= 8-9 correct answers
4= 6-7 correct answers
3= 5-4 correct answers
2= 3 and less correct answers
T: Who has 5s, 4s, 3s? Others student should work better.
T: Boys and girls, what is the main horizontally word? (Слайд 5)
S: It is “Political”.
T: Yes. And make some word combinations.
S: political government – политическое управление, political representative – политический представитель, political system - политическая система.
- Постановка тема и цели урока
Слайд 6
T: Ok. Look at the picture. What is it?
S: This is the flag of Great Britain.
T: Thank you. And solve the puzzle “ + political system”. (Слайд 7)
T: Students, what is the theme of our lesson?
S: I think it’s “The British Political System”.
T: You are right. What is our aim today?
S: May be, we will read, talk, listen to some information about “The British Political System”.
- Изучение нового материала.
Слайд 8
T: The UK of GB and NI is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy.
T: Open your books on p. 42 and look at the scheme. (схема в учебнике). You will write down some facts in your copy books. What do you know about the structure of the British political system? Who rules the country in fact? The monarch or Parliament?
T: Nadya, you prepared a report of this question, please.
Слайд 9
S: A monarchy is a form of government or state system in which the supreme state power partially or fully belongs to a person - a monarch who holds the position of head of state and bears the corresponding title for life. The Queen of Britain has been led by Queen Elizabeth II. Theoretically, the powers of the monarch are extensive, in practice they are limited.
T: Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state, isn’t she?
S: Yes, she is.
Слайд 10
T: Well, now you will work in pairs. You read the text and fill the gaps. Then you will say the main idea of this text. You have 4 minutes. (учащиеся в парах обсуждают слова и записывают ответы)
It is anti-democratic – and brings Britain back. People don’t __________ between the words ‘monarchy’ and ‘royal family’. | differ |
Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy and __________ monarch as not perfect – but the best that the man had yet created. | constitution |
The Queen has powers that can surprise many. She can choose a Prime Minister, dissolve Parliament and declare war like an absolute monarch. But in reality, she does not have these powers and acts under the ________ on the advice of Parliament. | trade |
The British monarch has served both the Empire and the Commonwealth. Queen Elizabeth is the head of state not only of one small island nation, but also of the 53 nations of the Commonwealth, with the _________ of the 1.5 billion. In short, she is the head of state to more than one quarter of the earth’s inhabitants. It evokes a sense of unity between nations. | popular |
T: Are you ready? Exchange your copy books, correct your answers (Слайд 11) and give your marks. (Слайд 12)
5= 4 correct answers
4= 3 correct answers
3= 2 correct answers
2= 1 and less correct answers
T: Hands up who gives marks “5”, “4”, “3”? I think you should work better.
T: So, what is the main idea of the text?
S: The Queen has no real power. She officially appoints the Prime Minister.
T: Who is the real Prime Minister nowadays?
T: Ann, did you prepared a short report?
S: The Prime Minister is Boris Johnson. (Слайд 14) He was the favourite to become the next Conservative leader and the new prime minister from the moment Theresa May announced she was stepping down. He was the Mayor of London for eight years from 2008 until 2016. He was also foreign secretary between 2016 and 2018. (Один учащийся зачитывает текст)
T: Is the Prime Minister the head of government or the Parliament?
S: The Prime Minister is the head of government.
T: What else does the Government consist of?
S: The Cabinet and Non-Cabinet Ministers. (Слайд 15)
T: Who chooses them?
S: The Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet and Non-Cabinet Ministers.
- Динамическая пауза
T: I think to have a rest. What is favourite Queen’s color? (It is blue.) She has many blue suits (Слайд 17) and hats (Слайд 18). If she wanted she would paint our world (Слайд 19). (включить видео)
T: But it is not real. We continue our work.
- Изучение нового материала (продолжение)
T: What does the British Parliament consist of?
S: There are the House of Commons and the House of Lords. (Слайд 20)
T: Now you are working in groups.
The first group should speak about The House of Commons. (4-5 sentences)
The second group should speak about The Official Opposition.
The third group should speak about The House of Lords.
You may use your books on p. 42, 341 and 294. It will be very good if everybody will speak. You have 4 minutes. (учащиеся работают в группах, используя учебник и схему.)
Слайд 21
T: And what the people do?
S: They elect the members of the House of Commons. All men and women over 18 can take part in voting.
- Первичное закрепление материала
Слайд 22
T: Work in pairs. So, what functions do the representatives of power perform? Use the scheme to find the correct statement. One student will ask the questions, the other one will answer them using ex.3, p. 43.
T: Now check your answers (Слайд 23)
KEY: 1B, 2A, 3B, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A
Т: and give your marks. (Слайд 24)
5= 8 correct answers
4= 6-7 correct answers
3= 5-4 correct answers
2= 3 and less correct answers
T: Who has 5s, 4s, 3s? Others student should work better.
Слайд 25
T: Now you are ready to speak about the “The British Political System”.
T: Who wants to speak?
S: A monarchy is a form of government and Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state. The Queen has no real power. She can choose a Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is the head of government. The Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet and Non-Cabinet Ministers. The House of Lords has title for life and they can revise and even delay bills. The House of Commons discuss most important political problems. People elect the members of the House of Commons. All men and women over 18 can take part in voting.
T: Check your answers to watch the video about “The British political system.” (учащиеся просматривают ролик об устройстве политической системы Британии)
T” Are you right? Thank you.
- Домашнее задание
Слайд 26
T: Now you know the structure of the British political system. Because your hometask will do the monologue about our theme: mark 5 = 12-15 sentences, mark 4 = 9-11 sentences, mark 3= 7-8 sentences.
- Итоги урока
Слайд 27
T: Students, today we have told about the British political system. I think it is difficult theme. But you are clever. Let’s make a conclusion with “cinquain”.
1. One noun 2. Two adjectives 3. Three verbs 4. A short main sentence 5. A synonym of the 1st point | 1. The Monarch 2. official, ceremonial 3. appoints, 4. She doesn’t have powers. 5. The Head of State |
1. The Government 2. political, executive 3. choose, coordinate, determines 4. People don’t choose the Prime Minister. 5. administration | |
1. The Parliament 2. legislative, political 3. elect, discuss, consist of 4. It has the power/ It makes laws. 5. congress |
Слайд 28
T: You are right. You worked well. Your marks 5, 4, 3.
T: The lesson is over. Bye!
Если вдруг останется время!
You have a letter from your pen friend. Correct the mistakes.
Moscow, Russia 05.05. 2018
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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