Тест 9 класс, Spotlight (8 модуль)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс)

Старцева Ангелина Николаевна

Тест по модулю 8 УМК Spotlight (представленный в 2-х вариантах)


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Test 8

Variant 1

1. We will … our difficulties and be successful together.

a) complete b) overcome c) cope

2. My driving … is quite good. I had a lot of practice.

a) disability b) ability c) handicap

3. Yesterday I did 40 push-ups and doing 50 push-ups today is really a … for me.

a) pleasure b) challenge c) disaster

4. Now the doctors are saying that the baby may be ….

a) problematic b) defective c) handicapped

5. George had been in a(n) …; he was in a hospital somewhere, ill or dead.

a) accident b) incident c) crash

6. My brother has a slight … about needles.

a) phobia b) fear c) horror

7. He scored a goal in the last second. Isn’t it a …?

a) surprise b) miracle c) shock

8. His picky (придирчивый) boss does not allow him to maintain a … attitude to work.

a) positive b) good c) negative

9. It was a terrifying … and we feel very lucky that we all got back safe.

a) experiment b) experience c) impression

10. Tom badly … his knee, and a day later he saw a huge dark spot on it.

a) damaged b) broke c) bruised

11. She has perfect pitch. I think she will easily … this song competition.

a) win b) lose c) success

12. We went to the hot desert just to do ….

a) mountain biking b) sandboarding c) rock climbing

13. I have a fear of heights, so I will never dare to do ….

a) scuba diving b) trekking c) bungee jumping

14. Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to go to the mountains, so … is great for me.

a) bouldering b) mountaineering c) rock climbing

15. We were … last month, but now the water is too cold.

a) skiing b) rafting c) skydiving

16. Molly said that she… taking music lessons.

a) is b) was b) has

17. Harry said that he couldn’t … a car.

a) driven b) drove c) drive

18. Kelly said that she… found the keys.

a) had b) has c) had been

19. Nick said that he … have many friends.

a) hadn’t b) didn’t c) hasn’t

20. Jane said that she … going to call John.

a) was b) is c) has

21. She asked me where I lived.

a) Она спросила меня, где я живу.
b) Она спросила меня, где я жил.
c) Она спрашивает меня, где я жил.

22. He said that he would write the letter that day.

a) Он сказал, что написал письмо в тот день.
b) Он сказал, что напишет письмо в сегодня.
c) Он сказал, что напишет письмо в тот день.

23. He told me that the lesson had begun.

a) Он сказал мне, что урок начинается.
b) Он сказал мне, что урок начался.
c) Он сказал мне, что урок начнется.

24. Lisa said she hadn’t been at the meeting …

a) yesterday b) the day before c) the next day

25. Mark the sentence with a mistake.

a) Judy said she might be late.
b) Judy said she could be late.
c) Judy said she will be late.

26. She said: "My friend can play the flute."

a) She said that her friend can play the flute.
b) She said that her friend could play the flute.
c) She said that my friend could play flute.

27. He said: "Rock music fills me with energy."

a) He said that rock music filled me with energy.
b) He said that rock music filled him with energy.
c) He said that rock music fill him with energy.

28. She said: "My sister won the song contest 2 years ago."

a) She said that my sister had won the song contest 2 years before.
b) She said that her sister had won the song contest 2 years ago.
c) She said that her sister had won the song contest 2 years before.

29. Sean said: "I will visit Ann the next day. "

a) Sean said that he would visit Ann the next day.
b) Sean said that he would visit Ann the following day.
c) Sean said that I would visit Ann the following day.

30. Tim said: "I didn’t take my mom’s car. "

a) Tim said that he hasn’t took his mom’s car.
b) Tim said that he hadn’t taken my mom’s car.
c) Tim said that he hadn’t taken his mom’s car.

Test 8

Variant 2

1. It was a …, but one she loved.

a) challenge b) challenging work c) challenging job

2. This … claimed (уносить) the lives of hundreds of people.

a) damage b) disaster c) accident

3. They need to get together as a crew and … the problem.

a) overcome b) face c) challenge

4. I think she broke this vase by ….

a) crash b) disaster c) accident

5. I have a job here in the hospital for blind and …children.

a) disability b) handicapped c) ill

6. There was this kid I went to high school with who got … from skateboarding without a helmet.

a) brain damage b) brain harm c) brain ruin

7. They felt … for themselves, sorry that they had never gone to university.

a) bad b) sorry c) sad

8. His brother was injured but … the accident.

a) lived after b) alive c) survived

9. Be careful! You can fall out and bump you ….

a) head b) hair c) eyelash

10. Even after that accident, Alice continues to maintain a positive… to life and has found a new hobby.

a) attitude b) mind c) mood

11. Surfing is a(n) …sport so we teach people a lot about safety in the water.

a) risk b) danger c) extreme

12. When the summer holiday arrives, she goes to Venezuela and she does … nearly every day.

a) kitegliding b) kitesurfing c) kiteskating

13. B.A.S.E.:

a) Base Antenna Span Earth b) Base Attribute Space Earth c) Base Antenna State Earth

14. I hope all your bicycles are fixed, this is really important in ….

a) motocross b) mountain biking c) mountaineering

15. Did you try … yesterday? No, the sea was rough.

a) skydiving b) scuba diving c) paragliding

16. Tom and Jerry said that they … late because of the traffic.

a) have been b) had been c) were

17. Susie said that she … a headache in the morning.

a) had had b) was having c) have had

18.  Jim said that he … a TV at home.

a) didn’t had b) hadn’t c) didn’t have

19. They said that they couldn’t … to Jesse’s party.

a) come b) came c) had come

20. Sam said that he … a new phone.

a) must bought b) had to buy c) had to bought

21. She said that she was driving then.

a) Она сказала, что водила машину.
b) Она сказала, что вела машину тогда.
c) Она сказала, что ведет машину сейчас.

22. He said that he worked there.

a) Он сказал, что работал там.
b) Он сказал, что работает тут.
c) Он говорит, что работает тут.

23. She said that she had had a breakfast.

a) Она сказала, что позавтракала.
b) Она сказала, что завтракает.
c) Она говорит, что завтракает.

24. She said that she had had a cold ….

a) the following week b) a week ago c) a week before

25. Fred said: "I forgot my umbrella."

a) Fred said that I had forgotten my umbrella.
b) Fred said that he had forgotten his umbrella.
c) Fred said that he had forgotten his umbrella.

26. She said: "I have already finished my test."

a) She said that she had already finished her test.
b) She said that she had already finished my test.
c) She said that she has already finished her test.

27. "I can't fix the engine myself," my brother said.

a) My brother said that he couldn't fix the engine myself.
b) My brother said he that couldn't fix the engine himself.
c) My brother said that he can't fix the engine himself.

28. "You should be careful," my friends told me.

a) My friends told me that me should be careful.
b) My friends told me that I should had been careful.
c) My friends told me that I should be careful.

29. "I'll write to you as soon as I arrive, Jane," said Nick.

a) Nick said Jane that he would write to her as soon as he arrives.
b) Nick said Jane that he would write to her as soon as he would arrive.
c) Nick said Jane that he would write to her as soon as he arrived.

30. "We only got tickets yesterday, though we booked the holiday a long time ago," said Mr. Smith.

a) Mr. Smith said that they had got tickets the day before, though they had booked the holiday a long time before.
b) Mr. Smith said that they got tickets the day before, though they had booked the holiday a long time before.
c) Mr. Smith said that they got tickets the day before, though they had booked the holiday a long time ago.

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