Презентация "Professions"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс)

Канафьева Валерия Игоревна

Презентация к уроку в 5 английского языка по теме "Professions"


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Слайд 1

АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 5 класс Тема урока : « В МИРЕ ПРОФЕССИЙ » 2023 Учитель: Канафьева Валерия Игоревна

Слайд 3

Actor [ æktə ] Актер Farmer [ˈ fɑːmə ] Фермер Architect [ˈ ɑːkɪtekt ] Архитектор Fireman [ faiəmən ] Пожарный Baker [ˈ beɪkə ] Пекарь Hairdresser [ˈ heədresə ] Парикмахер Banker [ˈ beɪkə ] Пекарь Housewife [ hauswaıf ] Домохозяйка Builder [ bıldə ] Строитель Journalist [ ʤə:nəlıst ] Журналист Businessman [ bɪznəsmən ] Бизнесмен Nurse [ nɜːs ] Медсестра Chef [ ʃef ] Шеф - повар Pilot [' pailət ] Летчик Cook [ kʋk ] Повар Policeman [ pə'li:smən ] Полицейский Dancer [ˈ dɑːnsə ] Танцор Postman [ pəustmən ] Почтальон Dentist [ˈ dentɪst ] Стоматолог Shop assistant [ ʃɒp əˈsɪstənt ] Продавец Doctor [ dɔktə ] Врач Singer [ˈ sɪŋə ] Певец Dressmaker ˈ dresmeɪkə ] Портниха Sportsman [ spɔ:tsmən ] Спортсмен Driver [ draıvə ] Водитель Teacher [ ti:ʧə ] Учитель Engineer [ enʤı’nıə ] Инженер Writer [ˈ raɪtə ] Писатель Jobs V ocabulary for Children

Слайд 4

corodt nesur fmerar lipoceman distent riderv doctor nurse farmer policeman dentist driver

Слайд 5

Marco farmer nurse hairdresser architect pilot dancer Pedro dentist chef singer teacher policeman Pepe Danna Joseph Juana George Maria George Sara Luis Anna doctor

Слайд 6

They are farmers. She is a music teacher. He is a cook. She is a dressmaker. He is a shop assistant. He is a pilot. They are writers. She is a singer. They are doctors. He is a banker. Write what their jobs are. 1 . Sue and Bob work on the farm. __________________________ 2 . Mary teachers music at school. __________________________ 6. David flies planes. __________________________ 7. Bess and Kate write books. __________________________ 3 . Denis cooks food. __________________________ 8. Lis sings songs. __________________________ 4 . Margaret makes dressers. __________________________ 9. Tim and Paul work in a hospital. __________________________ 5 . Tom works in a shop. __________________________ 10. Dan works in a bank. __________________________

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

A hairdresser Capable , accurate, Cuts , combs , does hairstyles A hairdresser must be creative Mary is a hairdresser. She is capable and accurate. At her job she cuts, combs and does hairstyles. To be the best hairdresser Mary must be creative. Mary

Слайд 9

A doctor Caring Attentive Examines, Treats, Saves Must help people Tom is a doctor. He is caring and attentive. At his job he examines, treats and saves. Tom helps people. Tom

Слайд 10

CINQUAIN (СИНКВЕЙН) Rule writing cinquain One noun Two adjectives Three verbs. А phrase of four words showing your opinion to the topic. Synonym of the first line which repeats the essence of the theme.

Слайд 11

A doctor Caring, attentive, Saves, examines, treats. Doctors help sick people. Health.