Конспект урока "Pocket money" с использованием ИКТ технологии
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс)

Мылюева Ирина Анатольевна

Тема урока: "Pocket money"

Вид урока: комбинированный

Цели (задачи):


- развитие лексических навыков

- развитие навыка монологической речи по пройденной теме;

 - развитие навыка поискового чтения;


-расширение кругозора учащихся;

-повышение интереса обучающихся к изучению иностранного языка через применение ИКТ.

Фoрмы рaбoты: индивидуaльнaя, фрoнтaльнaя, пaрнaя.

Оснащение урока: классная доска, учебник Forward 7 (авторы: М.В.Вербицкая, Б.Эббс, Э.Уорелл, Э.Уорд), проектор, компьютер.


Файл Конспект33.47 КБ
Файл Презентация423.85 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Pocket money

Тема урока: "Pocket money"

Вид урока: комбинированный

Цели (задачи):


- развитие лексических навыков

- развитие навыка монологической речи по пройденной теме;

 - развитие навыка поискового чтения;


-расширение кругозора учащихся;

-повышение интереса обучающихся к изучению иностранного языка через применение ИКТ.

Фoрмы рaбoты: индивидуaльнaя, фрoнтaльнaя, пaрнaя.

Оснащение урока: классная доска, учебник Forward 7 (авторы: М.В.Вербицкая, Б.Эббс, Э.Уорелл, Э.Уорд), проектор, компьютер.

Этап урока, время

Речевые действия учителя

Речевые действия учащегося

1.Начало урока. Организационный момент (3 мин.)

T: The bell has gone. Stand up, please.

Good morning! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. 


T: There are some pictures on the screen, look at them. Answer my questions, please:

Who do you see on the photos?

How old are they?

Where are they from?

What are they doing?

Do they earn money?

How do they earn money?

Try to guess what we are going to talk about. What is the theme of our lesson?

 (slide 2)

ST: Good morning!

ST: Children, 13-16 (teenagers), England …

ST: Pocket money of British teenagers.

2. Центральная часть урока. Речевая зарядка (4 мин.)

T: You’re right. Today we are going to talk about pocket money of British teenagers.

Do you have enough information about pocket money of  British teenagers? (where they work, how much they earn)

How can you get the information?

Yes, we’ll  read about it, we’ll learn new words on the topic and do exercises.

T: Our task is to learn how to speak about pocket money of British teenagers.

T: What was your home work for today?

1) What do you spend your pocket money on?

2) Do you save it? How much pocket money do you save a week?


ST: No.

ST: We can read about it …

ST: 17 p.68 in щгк SB. Students answer the questions.

Фонетическая зарядка (2 мин.)

T: Фонетическая зарядка (отработка звуков, числительных)

Презентация (слайды 4,5).

T: British children get their pocket money too. They get pounds. Look at the screen. 1 pound is about 77 rubles. Repeat after me, please.

£5.30, £3.50, £8.40, £17.50, £17.37

Now look at the words on the screen. Let`s read them.

ST: repeat after the teacher

Введение ЛЕ

(3 мин.)

T: Find Russian equivalents of the words, please:

a waitress  -

on average 

earn  money 



to reduce


a baby-sitter 

 help with milk rounds

do paper rounds

going out

(Slide 6)

ST: is a woman who serves tables in a restaurant or pub.

being about midway between extremes.

to get money for work that you do.

a quantity of something such as time, money, or a substance. 

money kept in a bank. 

to make smaller in number

act of reducing.

 is a person engaged to care for children when the parents are not home.

help with delivering milk

deliver newspapers around a neighborhood.

to go outside to get something or to do something.

Контроль понимания (2 мин.)

T: Find the words in the table, please.

Translate into English, please: уменьшение, количество, девушка-официант, в среднем, зарабатывать деньги, счёт, сокращать, няня, разносить газеты, получать меньше карманных денег, выход, помогать разносить молоко.

ST: translate from Russian into English

Чтение (8 мин.)

What kind of music is the blues – happy or sad? (slide 1). Listen to the music. Open your SB at p.68 ex.18. What is the text “Pocket money blues” about? Now let`s read it and check wether it is true. What is the text about?

p.68 ex 19

ST: sad

ST: The text is about the reduction in pocket money British children have had recently.

Таблица (8 мин.)

T: Let` complete the table, using the information from the text. First, let`s divide into three groups. Group 1 – find the information about 12-year-olds; group 2 about 14-year-olds; group 3 about 16 year-olds.

Монологическое высказывание 5 мин.

T: Speak about  12-year-olds

Speak about  14-year-olds

Speak about  16-year-olds

ST: speak about pocket money

Заключительная часть урока.

Рефлексия (5 мин.)

T: Look at the screen, choose a smile for your own according to you work at the lesson. Be objective.

5 – I did all my best. Excellent.

4 – I tried as much as I could. Rather good.

3 – I should learn English better. Not very well.

Now please open your diaries. Write down your home task: SB p.69 ex.27 (полностью), solve the puzzle (листочки с заданием).
Thank you for your work.

I wish you be healthy and wealthy.
The lesson is over. Good – bye! 

ST: Good – bye! 






Amount of pocket money now

£ 3.50 a week

£ 17.50 a week


paper rounds

Spend money on



going out


a third of their money






Amount of pocket money now

£ 3.50 a week

£ 8.40

£ 17.50 a week


paper rounds

paper rounds

work in shops, as waitresses or baby-sitters, help with  milk rounds.

Spend money on



going out


half of their money

a third of their money

a third of their money

Задача на дом:           Mike and Jane got £10 each last week.

                                  Sue works in a shop and she earned £9.60 last week.

                                  John helps with milk rounds and got £7.45.

                                  But Mike spent £3.67 on a present for his friend.

                                  Jane and John spent £3.40 on going to the cinema.

Sue spent £1.30 on her favourite magazine and £4.20 on a                                                                 chocolate. Who saved more money?

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

BLUES - Jazz music, as well as couple dance to the rhythm of this music .

Слайд 3

Pocket money of British teenagers

Слайд 4

£5.30 £17.37 £3.50 £17.50 £8.40

Слайд 7

a waitress - a woman who serves tables in a restaurant or pub. On average - being about midway between extremes to earn - to get money for work that you do amount - a quantity of something such as time, money, or account – money kept in a bank to reduce - to make smaller in number reduction(noun) – act of reducing a baby-sitter - a person engaged to care for children when the parents are not home.

Слайд 9

Puzzle Mike and Jane got £ 10 each last week. Sue works in a shop and she earned £ 9.60 last week. John helps with milk rounds and got £ 7.45. But Mike spent £ 3.67 on a present for his friend. Jane and John spent £ 3.40 on going to the cinema. Sue spent £ 1.30 on her favourite magazine and £ 4.20 on a chocolate. Who saved more money?

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