Итоговая контрольная работа 9 класс - английкий язык
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса ( на основе УМК Spotlight)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Exit test 9 class

  1. Listening.Exit test 9.mp3

Listen to some people talking about music on a radio programme and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).

A The speaker enjoys going to concerts.

B The speaker is not sure he/she is talented enough.

C The speaker only likes listening to a particular type of music.

D The speaker’s family inspired him/her to become a professional musician.

E The speaker feels nervous about performing in public.

  1.  Speaker 1 .......
  2.  Speaker 2 .......
  3.  Speaker 3 .......
  4.  Speaker 4 .......
  5.  Speaker 5 .......

10 points

  1. Grammar

1. Jane (to love) cakes and (to hate) broccoli. - Джейн любит торты и ненавидит брокколи.

2. I (to listen) to the lecturer carefully but (to understand) nothing. - Я внимательно слушал лектора, но ничего не понял.

3. Oh, I'm glad to see you! I (to wait) for you all day! - О, я рад тебя видеть! Я ждал тебя весь день.

4. When the rescue team found the lost tourists, they (to live) with no food for two days. - Когда спасатели нашли пропавших туристов, те уже два дня жили без еды.

5. I (to warn) you many times but you didn't listen. - Я предупреждал тебя много раз, но ты не слушал.

6. By the end of the next year, we (to produce) two million tons of soap. - К концу следующего года мы произведем два миллиона тонн мыла.

7. I (to see) a lot in my life but this... this is unbelievable. - Я повидал многое в жизни, но это... это невероятно.

8. No, tomorrow morning I (to be) busy. I (to play) football with my kids. - Нет, завтра утром я буду занят. Я буду играть в футбол с детьми.

9. John is by far the ..................... (talented) pupil in the art class.

10. The ..................... (much) Anne practiced, the ..................... (easy) it became for her to paint portraits.

11. We left in the middle of the film because it was extremely/completely slow-paced.

12. The theatre was totally/fairly empty, as they had cancelled Monday night’s performance.

13. We would prefer/would rather go to a classical music concert than go to a rock concert.

14. It was absolutely/rather late, so Annabel put her paintbrushes away and decided to stop painting for the day.

15. Olga prefers/would rather going to the cinema on a weekday, when it’s not so crowded.

                                                                                                15 points

  1. Reading


 Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

  1. The Class

The Class is about a young teacher who works at a school in a poor area of Paris and his difficult students. The story was originally a book written by François Bégaudeau. The film tells the sad story of how a teacher tries to teach his class of teenage students but fails, because the students don’t respect education or teachers, and because they have no desire to learn. Everyone who stars in the film (including Bégaudeau, who plays himself) is a non-professional. People expect The Class to be boring because the teacher-student theme has appeared in films many times before, but it isn’t. It is an absolutely brilliant film and no one should miss it.

  1. Slumdog Millionaire

Director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal, a poor boy in India, who goes on the TV show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’. The story was originally a prize-winning novel by Indian author Vikas Swarup. Jamal wins the TV show. But before he does, they take him to a police station because the police think that he is cheating. While the police ask Jamal questions, we see events from Jamal’s life which explain why he knows the answers. At one point, the creators of Slumdog Millionaire had decided not to show it in film theatres, and just make it into a DVD. Luckily, they changed their minds, because this film is now an international hit!

C .American Teen

American Teen is a documentary film by director Nanette Burstein. Burnstein filmed the lives of five teenagers, who go to a school in Indiana, USA. She followed the students filming their everyday lives for a year, because she wanted to show what it is like to be a teenager in America today. American Teen is an enjoyable documentary, but sometimes it doesn’t feel true to life. In fact, some film critics think that Burstein gave the teens lines to learn. But in interviews, the teenagers have always said that the film is 100% real-life and no one is acting. Whether real-life or not, American Teen is an entertaining look at young people today.

Which film (A, B, or C) ...

  1. is extremely popular all over the world? ..........
  2.  is about someone trying but not succeeding? ..........
  3.  does not seem realistic to some people? ..........
  4. was first a very successful book? ..........
  5.  is about daily life experiences? ..........
  6. is interesting even though the plot is not original? ..........
  7.  was not going to play in cinemas at first? ………

7 points

3  Speaking. You are going to give a talk about theatre and cinema. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences). Remember to say:

— what kind of entertainment( cinema/theatre) is more popular now;

— what famous Russian theatre you know;

— why people like going to the cinema;

— what your favourite theatre /cinema is. Why?

You have to talk continuously.

— what kind of books modern teenagers enjoy reading;

— whether libraries are necessary nowadays or not, and why;

— What book you have read recently, and what it was about;

— what your attitude to reading is.

                                                                                        7 points

4 Reading

You need to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

Most tourists who come to London want to see the Globe Theatre. It is one of the main landmarks in the British capital. The theatre has always been linked with William Shakespeare. His plays have been staged there for several centuries.Historians say that the theatre was built in 1599. It was a large, round, open air theatre. In those days special coloured flags were used to advertise the type of play to be performed. A red flag was put up for a history play, a white flag for a comedy, and a black flag for a tragedy.

The theatre worked for 14 years before it was destroyed by fire. Then it was rebuilt, destroyed, and reconstructed again. The theatre has changed several names and now it is called Shakespeare’s Globe.

Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales. It is located in a national park. It stands at 1085 metres above sea level, and it is often described as the busiest mountain in Great Britain. Snowdon is very popular with tourists. If you are strong and brave enough to get to the top, you can enjoy wonderful views from there. On a clear day, you can see as far as Ireland! During the summer months there is a café at the top. There, tourists can get a welcome cup of tea, or soup if the weather is cold. If you feel too tired to walk back, you can always take the train down the mountain. The mountain railway was built in 1896. It is safe, and there have never been any accidents on this route.

The rainforest can be described as a thick and very tall jungle. The term rain comes from the great quantity of water that these forests get throughout the year. The rainforests are the world's greatest natural resources. They are called the lungs of our planet. Half of all the kinds of plants and animals that exist on the planet live in the rainforests. Unfortunately, the area with rainforests is being reduced due to global warming. 100 years ago, the rainforests covered 14 per cent of the earth’s surface. Now, it is only 6 per cent. Scientists say that if the process continues at this rate, the rainforests will have disappeared in 40 years.

If you look at the night sky, you will see an endless number of stars. When there are no clouds, you can also see a band of light that goes across the sky. It is called the Milky Way. In 1610, after the invention of the telescope, scientists found out that the Milky Way consists of individual stars. Our Solar System is a tiny part of the Milky Way and it is located close to its centre. The Milky Way contains over 200 billion stars and enough dust and gas to make billions more. More than half of the stars are older than our Sun. Until the last century, scientists believed that all the stars of the Universe were inside the Milky Way. Now, it is well-known that there are a lot of other galaxies like ours.


  1. Listening

1 – D

2 – E

3 – A

4 – C

5 - B

  1. Grammar

Loves, hates

Was listening, understood

Have been waiting

Had been living

Had warned

Will have produced

Have seen

Will be busy, will be playing

The most talented

More, easier



Would rather



  1. Reading

1 – B

2 – A

3 – C

4 – B

5 - C

6 – A

7 - B

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