What makes money valuable Верещагина VIII
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)

Яна Александровна Рагузова

What makes money valuable Верещагина VIII


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Слайд 1

What makes money valuable?

Слайд 2

We use money every day to pay for things we buy. We pay with either coins or paper money. This sort of money is known as cash. There is also another kind of money. It includes cheeks, credit cards, and electronic (online) wallets. Cash is coins and paper money. 1) True 2) False Наличные деньги – ?

Слайд 3

The idea of having such a thing as money is one of the most fascinating ever developed by man. But many people don't know where this idea came from, or why money is valuable. Thousands of years ago, money was not used. Instead, man had the "barter" system. This meant that if a man wanted something he didn't have, he had to find someone who had it. Then he had to offer him something in exchange. And if that man didn't like what he was offered in exchange, the first man couldn't get what he needed. The barter system means exchanging one thing for another. 1) True 2) False Ценный– ?

Слайд 4

In time, certain things came to be used as money because practically everyone would take these things in exchange. In the past, people used shells, beads, cocoa beans, salt, grain, tobacco, skins, and even cattle. But coins are much easier to use than, say, cattle. They are e asy to store and to carry about. Coins are very handy and easier to use than tobacco, skins or cattle. 1) True 2) False Зерно – ? Скот - ? Хранить, копить - ?

Слайд 5

Coins were first used in China. They were also used by ancient Greeks as early as 600 BC. They were first made of either gold or silver. They were stamped with the mark of the government or the ruler of the country for which they were made. The stamp also showed how much each coin was worth. Coins were first used by ancient Greeks. 1) True 2) False The Greek coins were stamped with a special mark that said how much they were worth. 1) True 2) False проштампованный – ? Сколько стоила каждая монета - ?

Слайд 6

Later, people began to use coins made of cheaper metals. The metal itself had no value, but the coins were still worth the amount stamped on them. People also started to use paper money. It no longer mattered on them. People also started to real value. It was backed by the government and banks. This is the kind of money we use today. Today, of course, we have bills and coins issued by the government, and everybody uses this money. Paper money itself has no real value. 1) True 2) False Nowadays bills and coins are issued and backed by the government. 1) True 2) False Деньги обеспечивались правительством – ? Выпущенные в обращение правительством- ?

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