Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Праздник осени" (Autumn party)
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс)
Данная разработка может быть полезной учителям английского языка при проведении предметной недели в школе, а также при организации внеклассных мероприятий по английскому языку.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие.
Праздник осени.
5 класс.
Цель: способствовать развитию устной речи учащихся.
Время: 20-30 минут.
Оборудование: магнитофон, проектор.
Ход мероприятия:
Класс украшен осенними листьями, в вазе букет цветов.
Используется музыка П.И.Чайковского» Времена года».
Teacher: Autumn comes .It brings different colour : yellow, red, green,
Dark green.
A pupil 1: Summer is over
Autumn comes
In the fields and the forest.
Everything is dull
Birds flew away
The days are shorter
The sun shines rare
Dark, dark nights.
But autumn is time for harvest!
All pupils: Welcome, welcome
Golden Autumn!
Autumn: Hello, my friends!
Glad to see you here!
Do you like my dress?
Do you like my parks and gardens?
Teacher: Hello, Autumn Fairy! It is very good that you are here!
Probably you brought a presents for pupils?
Autumn: Yes! Look, my apples like honey!
Everybody makes some jam.
I brought you flour
You will make a pie!
You can see my honey
And my autumn weather!
Do you like my rain?
All pupils: No, no!
Teacher: Autumn is the time for harvest
How rich it is today!
Выходят дети в шапочках на которых изображены овощи:морковь,горошек,
Autumn: Our harvest is very fine! Look! You see a carrot, a potato, a white cabbage, a red tomato, a green cucumber!
Here you are, my dear pea!
The Pea: I am so pretty,
You know me.
I am green sweet fellow
And can treat you!
The Autumn: And what about you any Beet?
The Beet: Can I say a word?
You may use me for
Soup and for salad
Nobody is so tasty like me!
The cabbage: People use me for the soup
And for tasty cabbage pies!
And especially the hares
Young and old like my leaves.
The Cucumber: If you eat a cucumber,
So green and sweet
You will be very pleased .
The Carrot: If you want to be so strong and clever
Eat my carrot vitamins!
Drink my juice!
The Tomato: Don’t you know that my juice
Is the most pleasant and tasty.
The Autumn: What vegetable we need for every dish?
All pupils: Onion, of course!
The Onion: You are right!
I am very useful for people!
The Potato: I am Potato, so modest!
Nothing can anybody say,
That all of you need
The potato me!
Autumn: Everybody is right!
But, do you hear? Somebody is knocking!
Oh, this is a doctor!
Hello! Glad to see you!
The Doctor: Hello! Glad to see you!
What are you talking about?
The Vegetables: Who is the most important for children?
Who is the tastiest?
And in all diseases
Will be the most useful!
The Doctor( важно расхаживая) :
If you want to be strong and healthy
You should love all the vegetables!
And I can’t decide who is the most useful and tastiest!
All of you are very important!
Autumn: Thank you, my dear doctor!
Children! Do you know my sons?
What are their names?
All pupils: September, October, November!
Autumn: You are right! What can you say about them?
A pupil 2 : When I see the yellow, red leaves,
I know: it is September!
When I see the flying away birds,
I know: it is September!
When I go to school again:
It is September!
A pupil 3 : When I see the falling leaves,
I know: it is October!
When there are no vegetables on the fields,
I know: it is October!
And when they say- the bear fell asleep,
I know: it is October!
A pupil 4 : It becomes colder,
It often rains
Everything is dull,
I know: it is November!
Autumn: Oh, I see that you know all autumn month! But do you know, how to guess my riddles?
Without paints, without brushes
She coloured all the leaves (autumn)
When it is sitting, it is green
When it is falling, it is yellow
When it is lying, it is black (a leaf)
Who flies away in autumn
And retutn in spring(birds)
What is without hands and without feet
Without head or body,
But can open a door(wind)
What is it that can catch me in the garden
and make me wet (rain)
What goes up,
When the rain comes down (umbrella)
Autumn: Do you know any poems about autumn?
A pupil: Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it’s cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they all are falling down.
Winter, spring, summer, fall
I like autumn best of all.
Autumn: Thank you. I understand that you like this season with its red and yellow leaves, with its tasty harvest and with its rains. Good bye!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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