Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
занимательные факты по английскому языку (8 класс)

Образование и развитие современного человека невозможно ограничить рамками школьной программы. Расширяя границы, вспоминая Льюиса Кэрролла, мы попали в мир его литературы и логики и открыли для себя возможность применения математического силлогизма английского писателя и математика к решению актуальных логических задач.


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Слайд 1

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (January 27, 1832 – January 14, 1898.) The legacy of Lewis Carroll, English linguist and mathematician .

Слайд 2

The education and development of the modern person is impossible to be limited by the scope of the school curriculum. Expanding the limits and boundaries, remembering Lewis Carroll, we have come to a world of his literature and logic, and have opened for ourselves the possibility of application of a mathematical syllogism of the English writer and mathematician to the solution of the current logical problems.

Слайд 3

DOUBLETS The object of couplets is, by changing one letter at a time, to transform a word into another one. Example:

Слайд 4

Sorites Englishmen are courageous people. The courageous people are free. The free people are happy. Therefore Englishmen are happy.

Слайд 5

Sorites None of the lizards has hair. Those who is bald do not use hairbrush. Logical close:…

Слайд 6

Sorites John is diligent. All diligent people are happy. Logical close:…

Слайд 7

Simpler puzzle. All babies are illogical. Nobody is despised who can manage a crocodile. Illogical persons are despised. B: it is a baby ( ~B: it’s not a baby) M: it can manage a crocodile (~M: it can’t manage a crocodile) L: it is logical (~L: it’s not logical) D: it is despised (~D: it’s not despised) B ~L: If it is a baby then it is not logical. M ~D: If it can manage a crocodile then it is not despised. ~L D: If it is not logical then it is despised. B to ~L, ~L to D, M to ~ D D to ~ M. B ~L D ~M

Слайд 8

Logical problem Den, Paul, and Charlie had dug out an ancient vessel. Every student came out with two assumptions about its origin. Each of them was right but just in one of two assumptions. (G): “This vessel is a Greek one and (5) it was made in the V th century.” (P): “This vessel is a Phoenician one and (3) it was made in the III rd century.” (G): “This vessel isn’t a Greek one and (4) it was made in the IV th century.” The system of equations: G5 + G5 = 1 F3 + F3 = 1 G5FG4=1 G4 + G4 = 1

Слайд 9

2) Sorites Englishmen are courageous people. The courageous people are free. The free people are happy. Therefore Englishmen are happy. B: it is a baby ( ~B: it’s not a baby) M: it can manage a crocodile (~M: it can’t manage a crocodile) L: it is logical (~L: it’s not logical) D: it is despised (~D: it’s not despised) B ~L: If it is a baby then it is not logical. M ~D: If it can manage a crocodile then it is not despised. ~L D: If it is not logical then it is despised. B to ~L, ~L to D, D to ~ M. B ~L D ~M (G): “This vessel is a Greek one and (5) it was made in the V th century.” (P): “This vessel is a Phoenician one and (3) it was made in the III rd century.” (G): “This vessel isn’t a Greek one and (4) it was made in the IV th century.” The system of equations: G5 + G5 = 1 F3 + F3 = 1 G5FG4=1 G4 + G4 = 1 3) 4) 1)Duplets

Слайд 10

“ These Methods allow you to find a lucidity of mind, ability to solve difficult problems and find out logic errors of those who didn’t try to seize attractive art of logic. Try, it’s all I ask you.”

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