Spotlight 9 Module 3 Контрольная работа Вариант 1, 2
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Куркина Татьяна Анатольевна

Spotlight 9 Modulle 3 Контрольная работа


Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 9 Module 3

Variant 1

  1. Listen to some people talking on a radio programme about dreams and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).

  1. The speaker is describing a dream that he/she has often.                     Speaker 1 __________
  2. The speaker’s dream came true.                                                           Speaker 2 __________
  3. The speaker’s dream felt very real.                                                      Speaker 3 __________
  4. The speaker believes that dreams have a special meaning.                  Speaker 4 __________
  5. The speaker is describing a nightmare he/she had as a chills.              Speaker 5 __________

  1. Fill in the missing words. There are three words you don’t need to use:

Similar, dull, sighting, staring, giant, sights, glaring, human.

  1. Two fishermen reported __________ of a strange ten-legged creature in the lake yesterday.
  2. Why are you __________ at Max angrily? Has he done something wrong?
  3. These two paintings look so much __________ that you have to look really closely to see the few differences they have.
  4. This couldn’t be a (an) __________ print; it’s far too wide and half a metre long.
  5. I don’t like this painting. I think the __________ brown and grey colours the artist has used give it a sad feeling.

  1. Put the verbs into the right Past Tense.

  1. They left after we ______ (discuss) the program.
  2. My brother ______ (be) very shy in his childhood.
  3. It ______ (rain) all day yesterday.
  4. We ______ (have) great fun at the Halloween party last year.
  5. I thought she was the most intellectual woman I __ ever _____ (meet).
  6. They ______ (drive) all night when finally they saw the lights of a big city.
  7. Ann ______ (drive) along the country road when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.
  8. It was the first time that Mike ______ (ever/see) pictures of Bigfoot.
  9. The research team ______ (find) an unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to examine it.
  10. He ______ (take) a shower when somebody rang up.


  1. Complete the sentences with appropriate preposition: in, down with, across, up with, out, over, from.

  1. If I come __________ an unknown English word, I usually look it up in a dictionary.
  2. How have you come __________ that absurd idea?
  3. When does the new Star Wars’ movie come __________?
  4. You should wear a mask not to come __________ any disease.
  5.  I think it's unlikely that the next version of Windows will come __________ before the end of this month.
  6. Sara came __________ dizzy (головокружение), when she looked downwards.
  7. Every day they go on a journey __________ search of new discoveries.
  8. I hoped maybe that you heard __________ Molly recently.
  9. Well, since everyone has succeeded __________ their tasks, all we have to do is to win the competition.
  10. I do not know what has come __________ her, she was very rude to him today.

Предварительный просмотр:

Spotlight 9 Module 3

Variant 2

  1. Listen to some people talking on a radio programme about dreams and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).

  1. The speaker is describing a dream that he/she has often.                     Speaker 1 __________
  2. The speaker is describing a nightmare he/she had as a chills.              Speaker 2 __________
  3. The speaker believes that dreams have a special meaning.                  Speaker 3 __________
  4. The speaker’s dream felt very real.                                                      Speaker 4 __________
  5. The speaker’s dream came true.                                                           Speaker 5 __________

  1. Fill in the missing words. There are three words you don’t need to use:

Corridor, existed, appears, illusion, fantasy, survived, imagination, alike.

  1. Kate’s vivid __________ is what makes her able to write spine-chilling ghost stories.
  2. Can you imagine what would happen if a dinosaur somehow __________ and was still alive today?
  3. When Dan is stressed out, she always dreams that a snake-headed monster __________ suddenly and starts chasing her.
  4. Bob really lives in a (an) __________ world! He believes that he will be the one he will take pictures of Bigfoot first.
  5. The old castle had a dark, mysterious __________ leading to the dungeons below.

  1. Put the verbs into the right Past Tense.

  1. He ______ (graduate) the University before he moved to Moscow.
  2. When he came home his family ______ (wait for) him.
  3. It ______ (rain) all day yesterday.
  4. The room looked beautiful, as she _______ (change) the furniture and the curtains.
  5. We ______ (have) great fun at the Halloween party last year.
  6. While Nina ______ (read) a book, her brother was listening to music.
  7. Ben ______ (paint) for three years before he sold his first painting.
  8. John didn’t go to the photographic exhibition because he ______ (not/finish) his homework.
  9. What ______ (happen) last Monday?
  10. At last he got the opportunity he _______ (wait) for so long.

  1. Complete the sentences with appropriate preposition: in, over, from, up with, down with, out, across, about.

  1. They came __________ brilliant idea for raising money.
  2. I came __________ an old photo in the back drawer.
  3. And anyone with any information is expected to come__________.
  4. I come __________ him yesterday, but didn’t recognize him.
  5. I came __________ shivery when I had learnt such bad news.
  6. Nick has come __________ a fever. He had been swimming in a cold river for an hour yesterday.
  7.  Jerry Mouse and his friends set off on an adventure __________ search of food.
  8. I do that myself. I know __________ experience what to write.
  9. You shouldn’t be nervous __________ meeting my father tomorrow.
  10. I had to come __________ something that could impress my wife.

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