A Video Based Story (A Reindeer Story) - a worksheet
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Кононенко Екатерина Михайловна

Tasks in the worksheet include watching a Youtube video referred to the topic "Animal Rescue cases", writing gap-filling exercises, and creating a short paragraph describing an animal incident. 

The worksheet can be used as a warmer, as well.

It contains script and link to the video.


Файл "A Reindeer Story" worksheet to a Video Based Lesson 97.91 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

A Video Based Story

Can you guess the meaning of these words?

snow mobilers / reindeer / digging / a shovel / reunite / antlers / sticky swamp /

wobbling / run free side by side / kind-hearted


Think of a story, based on these words.

Share your story with your class.

Watch the video.

Answer the questions:

What did snow mobilers spot? ________________________________________________________________________

Was it easy for them to spot a reindeer in the snow? Why?  


What had happened to the reindeer? ________________________________________________________________________

Why was it a hard work for the people to pull the reindeer up?


Complete the sentences 1-8 with the word naming a doer/doers.

  1. ___________________ spotted a head sticking out of the snow.
  2. ___________________ had fallen into a hole and stuck.
  3. ___________________ started digging around him with a shovel.
  4. ___________________ was patiently waiting.
  5. ___________________ grabbed his antlers and made an attempt to drag him up.
  6. ___________________ used his strength to free the poor thing from the sticky swamp.
  7. With slightly wobbling legs __________________ went looking for his friend.
  8. ___________________ were happily reunited and could run free side by side again.

Write a paragraph in which you describe an incident from your life, about helping an animal.


Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQF96KGV6Qo


These snow mobilers spotted a head sticking out of the snow belonging to a beautiful reindeer, that had fallen into a hole and was completely stuck.

They started digging around him with a shovel, and did everything to make him reunite with his deer friend that was patiently waiting.

Once the hole was wider, it was time to grab his antlers, and make an attempt to drag him up.

He (one of the men) used his strength to free the poor thing from the sticky swamp. But he was way heavier than expected… so both of them grabbed an antler each, working together to give the reindeer freedom again.

At last their amazing effort paid off.

With slightly wobbling legs he went looking for his friend who refused to leave him behind.

They were happily reunited, and could run free side by side again.

Thanks to these kind-hearted men for not giving up on this beautiful soul.


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