Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть для 8 кл (по учебнику Афанасьевой ОВ)
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 четверть для 8 кл (по учебнику Афанасьевой ОВ)


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Контрольная работа за 2 четверть 8 кл.


Вы услышите фрагмент радиопередачи. В заданиях 1-6 выберите один правильный ответ

  1. What does the name of the programme tell about Shakespeare?
  1. Shakespeare wrote about England only
  2. Shakespeare’s plays are not performed in other countries than Great Britain
  3. Shakespeare is famous all over the world
  1. How often did Shakespeare use the word “world” in his writings?
  1. 630 times
  2. 650 times
  3. 750 times
  1. In which play did Shakespeare use the word “world” most often?
  1. Romeo and Juliet
  2. Antony and Cleopatra
  3. As you like it
  1. Where did Shakespeare spend most of his life?
  1. In Milan
  2. In Stradford-upon-Avon
  3. In London
  1. Why do specialists think that Shakespeare wasn’t very good at geography?
  1. Because he thought that Milan was a port
  2. Because he used the word “world” to describe everything
  3. Because he thought that the world was very large
  1. Why, in Andrew’s opinion, is Shakespeare the world’s favourite writer?
  1. Because he understood how large our planet is
  2. Because he wrote his plays in English
  3. Because he wrote about different places


Соотнесите заголовки 1-8 с текстами A-G. Каждый заголовок используйте только 1 раз, один заголовок лишний.

1 Works of the Greatest English Poet and Writer                   5 Career in ballet

2 Way onto the Stage                                                              6 Symbolic name of a building

3 Great Present from a Family for the Nation                        7 Great Exhibition

4 Reborn to give pleasure to music lovers                             8 Place for big events

A Queen Victoria opened The Royal Albert Hall in 1871. She gave the name of her husband to this hall. It holds one of the world’s largest festivals of western classical music. The hall has also seen a number of well known pop artists throughout last decades, including The Beatles, The Rolling stones, Abba. Over the year events such as ice skating, tennis, and even sumo wrestling have taken place in the Hall.

B Anna Pavlova, the great Russian ballerina, was the most famous dancer of her time. She became a prima ballerina in 1906. In 1909, Pavlova joined S. Diaghilev’s Ballet Russe on its historic tour in Paris. During 1910 she danced in the United Kingdom and the United States. In 1911 she  formed her own ballet company. The most popular image of Anna Pavlova is in her most famous solo “the Swan”.

C What makes a great actor? Is it possible to learn how to act? Most famous actors studied a variety of techniques. Some took training programmes and courses, like Hugh Grant who went to Oxford University. Andrey Mironov, the famous Russian actor, learned by watching his parents on stage as he grew up. Brad Pitt has never taken an acting course. Each actor has used every lesson he or she learnt.

D Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays, over 150 short and long poems. Lots of people think they are the finest ever written in English. We can read them in every major living language now, 400 years after the poet’s death. People continue to watch his plays around the world. Among Shakespeare’s plays there are comedies, dramas, tragedies.Experts have counted that Shakespeare’s complete works consist of 884 647 words and 118,406 lines

E One of the most famous opera houses, La Scala, appeared in 1776. The Empress Maria Theresa of Austria helped to found it. They closed house during World War I. The enemy bombed the theatre during World War II. After the war Italians rebuilt and opened it in 1947. Most of Italy’s greatest opera artists and many of the best singers from around the world have appeared at la Scala during the past 200 years.

F The marriage between the two first cousins – young Queen Victoria and clever, handsome German Prince Albert – was based on real love. They had a family of 9 children and lived in close harmony for 21 years until Prince Albert’s death in 1861. Albert and Victoria were interested in arts and science and organized the Great Exhibition of 1851. They built a special hall for it. After Albert’s death Queen Victoria gave the name ”Albert” to the hall they had built.

G The Folger Shakespeare Library is situated on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The Folger opened in 1932, as a gift to the American people from founders Henry and Emily Folger. It is home to the world’s largest Shakespeare collection. It has Shakespeare’s woks in copies from their earliest printings to the most recent editions.


Задание 1

Переведите предложения в косвенную речь. Предложение выписываем полностью.

  1. Ann said:” I have already helped my mum and I am doing my homework now.”
  2. Peter said:” My brother will go abroad with his friends”
  3. My sister said: ”I don’t like apples, I like oranges”

Задание 2

Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Ответ запишите одной буквой

  1. The _____ was made by a famous painter
  1. Scenery                  b scene                 c score
  1. Winning first place was quite a ____
  1. Thrill                       b thrilled             c thrilling
  1. William has no ______ to this people
  1. Connect                    b connector        c connection
  1. I would like to buy tickets ____ this funny comedy
  1. To                             b for                   c on


Письменно ответьте на вопросы

  1. Have you ever gone to a theatre? What did you see?
  2. Do you have a theatre in your town? Is it big?
  3. What is your favourite type of theatre performance (comedy, tragedy)? Why?
  4. Can you explain the difference between a play and an opera?
  5. What are some famous theatres in your country?

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