презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Дмитрук Лариса Евгеньевна

УМК "English IX" О.В. Афанасьевой

Данная презентация служит наглядным материалом для объяснения грамматического материала "Функциональные слова, обозначающие время" с примерами.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

For VS during 1) For + a noun to say how long smth goes on for a weekend, for 2 hours I haven’t seen her for ages. 2) During + a noun to say about the place where something happens. during the meeting during my summer holidays I will see Helen during the weekend.

Слайд 3

On time VS In time 1) On time means not late - пунктуально, точно. Be on time The bus took off on time. (вовремя, по расписанию) Let’s meet at 6 pm. Be on time! (не опаздывай) 2) In time-not too late for smth, вовремя, чтобы что-то сделать. Come back in time for dinner.

Слайд 4

At the end VS In the end 1) At the end of smth ( a noun) – the time when smth ends At the end of May I will finish school at the end of May. 2) In the end + придаточное предложение (means finally) . In the end he agreed to it. Tom didn’t like our project at first, but in the end he agreed to it.

Слайд 5

In VS On in : in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon. The lessons begins in the morning . on : on Friday, on Monday, on Tuesday I saw you on Friday. on Sunday morning, on a rainy evening We will start our project on Monday evening . this morning, last noon, tomorrow afternoon, yesterday evening no articles :

Слайд 6

After VS Afterwards 1) After + a noun/pronoun After the match I will do it after you. 2) Afterwards + придаточное предложение Afterwards we decided The criminal was caught afterwards . - преступника впоследствии поймали. We had lunch and went for a walk soon afterwards . – Мы пообедали и пошли прогуляться вскоре после этого.

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

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