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методическая разработка по английскому языку

Орещенко Елена Александровна

Задача учащихся 4-5 классов - найти 5 ошибок в каждом английском тексте.


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This are flowers. They are reds. The flowers is on the table. These flower are for my mum. She like flowers.

2 T likes playing football. T usually playing football with my friends. My friend are good players. Our often play football in the park Those park is near my house.


There is two frogs on the 109. It are green. One frogs is bigger than the other one. The frogs singing. Her song is about spring.


These are a cats. This cats like drinking milk. They isn't drinking milk now- They are drink water. They thirsty.


        FIND 5        5

My a little sister is sad. His Tshirt is dirty. My sister don't like when her T-shirts are dirty. She crying. She want to put on another T-shirt.

        FIND 5        6

Lions lives in Africa. They doesn't eat grass. Lions is eat meat. Look at that lions! He are eating a zebra!


Sharks big and grey. They lives in the ocean. Tt are fast. Sharks is very dangerous. They can eats you!

Bella like ice cream. Most of all T likes chocolate ice cream. Sometimes she eat strawberry ice cream. But today Bella can't to eat ice cream. Its throat hurts.

T am drive my little red car everywhere. Tt can goes fast . Tt take me to many amazing places. T going to the mountains next week. The mountains are greating!

Ann is got a pet pig. Ann's pig are called Pip. Pip pink and fat. Pip like sitting in the mud Ann loves his pet.

        FIND 5        35

There is many kangaroos in

Australia. She live in a group. Kangaroos tall. They has 90t long strong tails. They eating grass. But they doesn't eat meat.

Today our class are going to the zoo.

There are a great zoo in our city. We're 90 there by bus. Our teachers knows a lot about wild animals- We wish to see the tiger, these polar bear and monkeys.

My dad 45. He's a handsome and very smart. He's doctor. She always takes care of sick people. T loves my dad!


Jack don't want to 90 to school. He's sadding- He doesn't wants to leave his mum and dad. When Jack sees the yellow school bus, his feels better. He loves those bus.


There is five people in my family. They are my parent, my grandparents and T. T haven't got much brothers or sisters. But T has got a pet cat.



My family live in house. Our house is very nicer. It's 90t two bedroom. We are cook and eat in the kitchen. T likeing reading books in my bedroom.

Those is Haley. Usually she gets up in 7 0'clock. She 90 to school by bus. Haley coming home at 2 o'clock. She changes his clothes and has lunch.

40 T has some very good friends. Their live on my street-Her names are Brian and Tony. After schools we eat lunch together. We often plays on the playground.

Oranges grower on trees. The orange tree is a fruiting tree. Oranges is very healthy. T often drink orange juice on the morning. My dad isn't like orange juice.


Tt am Sunday today. Shelley's is going to the beach She looking for shells in the sand. He wants to make a toy ship. Shelly will give it to his grandpa.


It raining now- But Lucy don't mind She knows that this rains in April will help the flowers grow in May. Her is laughing. She likes jump in puddles.

        FIND 5        ZIZI

Today is a very cold. It's too cold to goes outside, Tim are sitting on his favourite sofa with a blanket. He's drinking cocoas. He's reading a book about a magical dragons.


        FIND 5        [-15

Nino wants to grows a tomato plant-First, she is digs a hole in the dirt. Next, he puts some seeds into the hole. Then she covering the seeds with the dirt. Nina hopes that those tomato plant will grow soon!


My a little cat is on the mat. My cat like playing with my hat. My like to pat my little cat. Now we is sitting on the sofa. We so happy together.


Nancy have to help with chores. She have to do three chores every day. First, she has to feeding her dog. Then her has to pick up her toys. Last,

Nancy is sets the table for dinner.

There are a storm outside and the power is gone. Jeff have to use his torch. He's sitting in the floor. His is reading a book These story is about pirates.


Mike is got a kite. Mike like fly his kite. The kite flyes high in the sky. Tt getting dark now. So Mike is pull down his kite.


Holly like going fishing. She likes

fishing with his dad. Holly dad   teaches her how to catch fish.

        She's fish now. These is amazing!        

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