Spotlight 4 revision tasks
тест по английскому языку

Казорина Ольга Анатольевна

Дополнительные упражнения по английскому языку Spotlight 4 на повторение в конце учебного года грамматического материала.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Task 1. Write three forms of comparison.

  1. small
  2. funny
  3. big
  4. nice
  5. happy
  6. good
  7. fat
  8. tall

Task 2. Choose the right verb.

  1. Last Sunday I _________ to the park.

A go             B went            C will go

  1. My sister _________ to the music last night.

A dance       B will dance      C danced

  1. My father and I __________ to Moscow next week.

      A go            B went               C will go

  1. I ______ books every day.

A read         B will read          C reads

  1. I _________ to my grandmother next month.

A write        B wrote              C will write

Task 3. Make questions to the words in bold.

  1. They made a cake yesterday.
  2. He’ll go to the park tomorrow.
  3. My sister and I play tennis on Sundays.
  4. They are at school now.
  5. He drank some coffee yesterday.

Task 4. Read and choose.

1. …. listen to music yesterday?

A did you              B you did

  1. 2. You ….eat at the lesson.

A mustn’t              B must

  1. 3. We went there …. month.
  1. A last                     B ago
  1. 4. Mary is going to … Spain this winter.

A visit                   B visiting

  1. 5. She ….to school every day.

A go                      B goes

  1. 6. …I come in?

A may                   B must

  1. 7. How …milk do you need?

A many                 B much

  1. 8. She … do homework after school.

A have to              B has to

  1. 9. Kate … 5 and she was very happy.

A get                    B got

  1. 10. Mike is …. than Nick.

A taller                B tallest


Task 5.  Read and choose.

1. Where is Mark going?

A He is my friend.               B To the shop.

  1. 2. How do you get to school?

A By bus.                             B Every day.

  1. 3. When did you read this book?

A When I was 6.                  B Tomorrow.

  1. 4. Can I have a glass of milk?

A That’s OK.                       B Here you are.

  1. 5. Where does he work?

A He is a teacher.                B At school.


Task 6. Mike and his Dad are on holiday in Italy! Read and write YES or NO.

Dear Ann,

My Dad and I are having a great time here in Italy. The weather is cold and rainy.

Yesterday we went to the park. Then we ate lunch in a restaurant next to the park. I love Italian food! In the afternoon we went for a walk, in the evening we went shopping and I bought a beautiful shirt.

Tomorrow we’re going to visit the museum. My Dad is going to take some photos of me. I can’t wait.

Anyway, bye for now.

Lots of love,


  1. Mike and his Dad are in France.                        _____
  2. It’s sunny in Italy.                                                _____
  3. They went to the museum yesterday.                          _____
  4. Mike bought a T-shirt.                                        _____
  5. They are going to go to the park.                        _____

Task 7.Imagine you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend and tell him all about it.

Dear …….,

My Mum and I are  having………………………...........



Lots of love,


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