Мариус Петипа
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Презентация на английском языке о Мариусе Петипе - французском и русском солисте балета, театральном деятеле и педагоге.


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Marius Petipa

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Marius Petipa, 1818-1910 Dancer and choreographer who worked for nearly 60 years at the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg and had a profound influence on modern classical Russian ballet. He directed many of the greatest artists in Russian ballet and developed ballets that retain an important position in Russian dance repertoire.

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Childhood and youth Marius Petipa was born in Marseille, France, on March 11, 1818. His mother was a tragic actress and drama teacher, and his father, Jean-Antoine Petipa, was one of the most famous ballet masters and teachers in Europe. Mother, dramatic actress Victorina Morel-Grasso with children Marius, Lucien (standing) and Amata- Victorina

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The first role Marius Petipa spent his early childhood traveling around Europe with his family, as his parents ' professional pursuits took them from city to city. By the time Marius was six years old, his family had settled in Brussels, the Netherlands, where his father was appointed master of ballet and Prime Minister of Dance. In Brussels, the young Marius received a general education, studied music and learned to play the violin. As with his other children, Jean Petipa began giving the young Marius ballet lessons at the age of seven. At first, the boy resisted, caring little about dancing. However, he soon fell in love with this art form and quickly succeeded. At the age of nine, Marius performed for the first time in his father's ballet production of « Dansemania » . His small role was to come out of the magic lantern in a savoyard costume with a monkey in his hands.

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At the age of 16, the young man received a place as a soloist at the theater of Nantes, France Since then, Marius has performed throughout Europe with great success. Once, after going on tour in the United States with performances, he and his father returned penniless. The Americans did not understand the art of ballet and the public did not accept them.

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Work in Russia In 1847, Petipa came to St. Petersburg at the invitation of the Russian authorities. His debut took place on the stage of the St. Petersburg Bolshoi (Stone) Theater, and was a great success with the public. Soon he became a soloist of the ballet, and then the chief choreographer of the theater. During his time at the Bolshoi Theater in St. Petersburg, Marius Petipa created more than 50 ballets that have become world masterpieces of ballet art. He not only made his name famous, but also created the Russian ballet school, brought Russia to the first place in the ballet art.

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Petipa's first major work as an independent choreographer was the ballet " Doch ' Faraona ". The plot was Gauthier's " Roman o mumii ". The ballet was staged in a record six weeks. " Shchelkunchik ", " Konek-Gorbunok ", " Zolushka ", " Zhizel '", " Sinyaya boroda " , "Don Kikhot ", " Korsar " and many other ballet productions became famous all over the world. " Doch ' Faraona "

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The ballet " Bayaderka"became a true masterpiece of the choreographer. This work is a kind of bridge between the two epochs of the ballet art of romanticism and classicism. The maestro introduced national Indian dances into the production, recreating the colorful oriental atmosphere in the performance. Bayaderka

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Marius Petipa created his best works at a very old age. At the age of 72, he took up the production of " Spyashchaya krasavitsa " to the music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky. The performance was an incredible success, the whole troupe was on the stage, winning with amazing dances, and in the final with a grand ball, where the characters of Charles Perrault's fairy tales appeared. During Petipa's lifetime, the ballet was played more than two hundred times. At the age of 77, he took up the production of " Lebedinoye ozero ". Petipa's latest masterpiece is the ballet "Raymond " to the music of Glazunov, the choreographer staged it in the year of his 80th birthday. Lebedinoye ozero

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Lebedinoye ozero

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Later years Russia was considered a second homeland by Petipa , and in 1894 he received Russian citizenship, he had the patronymic Ivanovich , but he never mastered the Russian language. Fortunately, everyone understood him, because the terms in the ballet are all French. And Petipa's entourage spoke excellent French, and there were no barriers to communication Petipa remained in St. Petersburg until 1907. Marius Ivanovich suffered from the skin disease pemphigus and on the advice of doctors moved to the resort of Gurzuf in the Crimea, where the choreographer spent the remaining years of his life. He was married twice and had 10 children. All of his children later connected their lives with ballet and theater.

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Death Petipa died on July 14, 1910, at the age of 92, and was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg. A memorial plaque in memory of the outstanding choreographer is installed on the building of one of the world's oldest ballet schools. The Mariinsky Theatre is still called the "house of Petipa ". In 2018, not only in Russia, but also around the world celebrated the anniversary date: the 200th anniversary of the birth of Marius Petipa . In honor of this event, the Bank of Russia issued a silver coin with a nominal value of 2 rubles.