Презентация к уроку английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Транспорт"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Презентация содержит основной материал по теме "Транспорт"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

By the end of the lesson you`ll be able to speak about different means of transport. During our lesson we’ll: learn new words, master our lexical skills; read the texts and get some information on the topic; discuss advantages and disadvantages of different means of transport.

Слайд 3

Read the poem Take a bus or take a train, Take a boat or take a plane, Take a taxi, take a car, Maybe near or maybe far, Take a rocket to the moon, But be sure to come back soon.

Слайд 4

Means of transport

Слайд 5

How can we travel?

Слайд 6

By plane 1) Air travel is quicker than other means of transport. 2) The trip to the airport took almost as long as the flight. 3) People enjoy travelling by air because of the meal and the entertainment on board. 4) There are usually long queues at the check-in. 5) The time goes by more quickly when travelling by plane. 6) Flying often involves delays and cancellation. 7) Turbulence can also spoil the flight. 8) There are occasionally terrorist threats which would spoil any journey. 9) You luggage can be lost. 10) It is the most expensive way of travelling.

Слайд 7

By train 1) The seats were made into beds on night journeys. 2) Your fellow -passengers can be annoying. 3) Railway stations are usually in the centre of the city. (It is closer to your home than the airport). 4) Sometimes it is stuffy in the compartment. 5) The tickets are less expensive. 6) It isn’t convenient to have meals on the upper berth. 7) There is a buffet car selling drinks and snacks. 8) Toilets are usually dirty. 9) You can look out of the window and enjoy picturesque landscapes around you. 10) The porter can help you with the luggage.

Слайд 8

By car 1) You can stop wherever you want. 2) Petrol is very expensive. 3) You don’t have to buy any tickets. 4) Sometimes it is difficult to find a service (or a filling) station in an unknown place. 5) Your shouldn’t follow any timetable (you don’t depend on any schedule) 6) Roads (highways) are not in good condition.

Слайд 9

By ship 1) There is a lot of entertainment on board a large cruise liner. 2) You are afraid of tossing. 3) The ship stops in different ports and you can go on the shore for excursions. 4) You can suffer from seasickness. 5) Your voyage depends on the weather.

Слайд 10

В rief conclusion What have we done today? What new information have you learned at the lesson? What did you like the most? What difficulties did you have? Did you like the lesson?

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